Artificial Neural Networks Approach for the Prediction of Thermal Balance of SI Engine Using Ethanol-Gasoline Blends

Mostafa Kiani Deh Kiani, Barat Ghobadian, Fathollah Ommi, Gholamhassan Najafi, Talal Yusaf. Artificial Neural Networks Approach for the Prediction of Thermal Balance of SI Engine Using Ethanol-Gasoline Blends. In Gerald Quirchmayr, Josef Basl, Ilsun You, Lida Xu, Edgar Weippl, editors, Multidisciplinary Research and Practice for Information Systems - IFIP WG 8.4, 8.9/TC 5 International Cross-Domain Conference and Workshop on Availability, Reliability, and Security, CD-ARES 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, August 20-24, 2012. Proceedings. Volume 7465 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 31-43, Springer, 2012. [doi]


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