Stefan Klink, Patrick Reuther, Alexander Weber, Bernd Walter, Michael Ley. Analysing Social Networks Within Bibliographical Data. In Stéphane Bressan, Josef Küng, Roland Wagner, editors, Database and Expert Systems Applications, 17th International Conference, DEXA 2006, Kraków, Poland, September 4-8, 2006, Proceedings. Volume 4080 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 234-243, Springer, 2006. [doi]
Finding relationships between authors and thematic similar publications is getting harder and harder due to the mass of information and the rapid growth of the number of scientific workers. The portal and the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography including more than 2,000,000 and 750,000 publications, respectively, from more than 450,000 authors are major services used by thousands of computer scientists which provides fundamental support for scientists searching for publications or other scientists in similar communities. In this paper, we describe a user–friendly interface which plays the central role in searching authors and publications and analysing social networks on the basis of bibliographical data. After introducing the concept of multi-mode social networks, the DBL–Browser itself and various methods for multi-layered browsing through social networks are described.