Benjamin J. Lafreniere, Tovi Grossman, Fraser Anderson, Justin Matejka, Heather Kerrick, Danil Nagy, Lauren Vasey, Evan Atherton, Nicholas Beirne, Marcelo H. Coelho, Nicholas Cote, Steven Li, Andy Nogueira, Long Nguyen, Tobias Schwinn, James Stoddart, David Thomasson, Ray Wang, Thomas White, David Benjamin, Maurice Conti, Achim Menges, George W. Fitzmaurice. Crowdsourced Fabrication. In Jun Rekimoto, Takeo Igarashi, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Daniel Avrahami, editors, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST 2016, Tokyo, Japan, October 16-19, 2016. pages 15-28, ACM, 2016. [doi]
Abstract is missing.