Analyses of the Impact of Soil Conditions and Soil Degradation on Vegetation Vitality and Crop Productivity Based on Airborne Hyperspectral VNIR-SWIR-TIR Data in a Semi-Arid Rainfed Agricultural Area (Camarena, Central Spain)

Robert Milewski, Thomas Schmid 0001, Sabine Chabrillat, Marcos Jiménez, Paula Escribano, Marta Pelayo, Eyal Ben-Dor. Analyses of the Impact of Soil Conditions and Soil Degradation on Vegetation Vitality and Crop Productivity Based on Airborne Hyperspectral VNIR-SWIR-TIR Data in a Semi-Arid Rainfed Agricultural Area (Camarena, Central Spain). Remote Sensing, 14(20):5131, 2022. [doi]


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