"I Don't Want to Hide Behind an Avatar": Self-Representation in Social VR Among Women in Midlife

Margaret E. Morris, Daniela K. Rosner, Paula S. Nurius, Hadar M. Dolev. "I Don't Want to Hide Behind an Avatar": Self-Representation in Social VR Among Women in Midlife. In Daragh Byrne, Nikolas Martelaro, Andy Boucher 0002, David J. Chatting, Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Sarah E. Fox, Iohanna Nicenboim, Cayley MacArthur, editors, Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, DIS 2023, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, July 10-14, 2023. pages 537-546, ACM, 2023. [doi]


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