Georgi I. Nalbantov, Andre Dekker, Dirk De Ruysscher, Philippe Lambin, Evgueni N. Smirnov. The Combination of Clinical, Dose-Related and Imaging Features Helps Predict Radiation-Induced Normal-Tissue Toxicity in Lung-cancer Patients - An in-silico Trial Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Xue-wen Chen, Tharam S. Dillon, Hisao Ishbuchi, Jian Pei, Haixun Wang, M. Arif Wani, editors, 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications and Workshops, ICMLA 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 18-21, 2011. Volume 2: Special Sessions and Workshop. pages 220-224, IEEE Computer Society, 2011. [doi]
Abstract is missing.