Christos Nikas, Pavlos Fafalios, Yannis Tzitzikas. Two-stage Semantic Answer Type Prediction for Question Answering using BERT and Class-Specificity Rewarding. In Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Mohnish Dubey, Alfio Gliozzo, Jens Lehmann 0001, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Ricardo Usbeck, editors, Proceedings of the SeMantic AnsweR Type prediction task (SMART) at ISWC 2020 Semantic Web Challenge co-located with the 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2020), Virtual Conference, November 5th, 2020. Volume 2774 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 19-28,, 2020. [doi]
Abstract is missing.