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- Legal Standards for Data Mining
- Sharing Intelligence Using Information Supply ChainsShuang Sun, Xiaocong Fan, John Yen.
- Designing Technical Systems to Support Policy: Enterprise Architecture, Policy Appliances, and Civil LibertiesKim A. Taipale.
- Agent-Based Simulations for Disaster Rescue Using the DEFACTO Coordination SystemJanusz Marecki, Nathan Schurr, Milind Tambe.
- Behavioral Network Analysis for Terrorist DetectionSeth Greenblatt, Thayne Coffman, Sherry Marcus.
- Facilitating Information Sharing Across Intelligence Community Boundaries Using Knowledge Management and Semantic Web TechnologiesBrian P. Kettler, Gary Edwards, Mark Hoffman.
- Anonymized Semantic Directories and a Privacy-Enhancing Architecture for Enterprise DiscoveryJeff Jonas, John Karat.
- Analysis of Heterogeneous Data in Ultrahigh DimensionsReda A. Ammar, Steven A. Demurjian, Ian R. Greenshields, Krishna R. Pattipati, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran.
- Schemer: Consensus-Based Knowledge Validation and Collaboration Services for Virtual Teams of Intelligence ExpertsClifford Behrens, Hyong Sop Shim, Devasis Bassu.
- Applying Semantic Web Reasoning to Counter-TerrorismPaul A. Kogut, Yui Leung, Kathleen Ryan, Linda Gohari, Mieczyslaw M. Kokar, Jerzy Letkowski.
- Social Network Analysis Via Matrix DecompositionsDavid B. Skillicorn.
- Supporting Knowledge Management In Emergency Crisis Management Domains: Envisioned Designs for Collaborative WorkMichael D. McNeese, Isaac Brewer, Rashaad E. T. Jones, Erik S. Connors.
- Semantic Web Technologies for Terrorist Network AnalysisJennifer Golbeck, Aaron Mannes, James A. Hendler.
- Anticipatory Models for Counter-TerrorismMark Lazaroff, David Snowden.
- Transcending the Tower of Babel: Supporting Access to Multilingual Information with Cross-Language Information RetrievalDouglas W. Oard.
- Detecting Terrorist Activities in the Twenty-First Century: A Theory of Detection for Transactional NetworksTom Mifflin, Chris Boner, Greg Godfrey, Michael Greenblatt.
- Journey from Analysis to Inquiry: Technology and Transformation of Counter-Terrorism AnalysisAaron B. Frank, Desmond Saunders-Newton.
- Hidden Markov Models and Bayesian Networks for Counter-TerrorismKrishna R. Pattipati, Peter Willett, Jefferey Allanach, Haiying Tu, Satnam Singh.
- Utilizing Information and Social Science Technology to Understand and Counter the Twenty-First Century Strategic Threat 1Robert L. Popp, David Allen, Claudio Cioffi-Revilla.
- Improving National and Homeland Security Through Context Knowledge Representation and Reasoning TechnologiesNazli Choucri, Stuart E. Madnick, Michael D. Siegel.
- Privacy and Consequences: Legal and Policy Structures for Implementing New Counter-Terrorism Technologies and Protecting Civil LibertyPaul Rosenzweig.
- Information Processing at Very High Speed Data Ingestion RatesJ. Brian Sharkey, Doyle Weishar, John W. Lockwood, Ron Loui, Richard Rohwer, John Byrnes, Krishna R. Pattipati, Stephen G. Eick, David Cousins, Michael Nicoletti.