Learning Island: The Development of a Virtual Reality System for the Experiential Training of Stress Management

Giuseppe Riva, Cinzia Vigna, Alessandra Grassi, Simona Raspelli, Pietro Cipresso, Federica Pallavicini, Silvia Serino, Andrea Gaggioli. Learning Island: The Development of a Virtual Reality System for the Experiential Training of Stress Management. In James D. Westwood, Susan W. Westwood, Li Felländer-Tsai, Randy S. Haluck, Richard A. Robb, Steven Senger, Kirby G. Vosburgh, editors, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 19 - NextMed, MMVR 2012, Newport Beach, California, USA, February 9-11, 2012. Volume 173 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, pages 369-371, IOS Press, 2012. [doi]


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