Reducing the Abstraction and Optimality Gaps in the Allocation and Scheduling for Variable Voltage/Frequency MPSoC Platforms

Martino Ruggiero, Davide Bertozzi, Luca Benini, Michela Milano, A. Andrei. Reducing the Abstraction and Optimality Gaps in the Allocation and Scheduling for Variable Voltage/Frequency MPSoC Platforms. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 28(3):378-391, 2009. [doi]


Martino Ruggiero

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Davide Bertozzi

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Luca Benini

This author has not been identified. It may be one of the following persons: Look up 'Luca Benini' in Google

Michela Milano

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Michela Milano' in Google

A. Andrei

This author has not been identified. Look up 'A. Andrei' in Google