Daniel A. Sadilek, Guido Wachsmuth. Using Grammarware Languages to Define Operational Semantics of Modelled Languages. In Manuel Oriol, Bertrand Meyer, editors, Objects, Components, Models and Patterns, 47th International Conference, TOOLS EUROPE 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, June 29-July 3, 2009. Proceedings. Volume 33 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer, 2009. [doi]
Abstract State Machines, Prolog, and Scheme are well-established for language engineering in the technological space of grammarware. In this paper, we show how they can be integrated into the technological space of modelware to describe operational semantics of modelled languages. Integration is based on three bridges: a physical, a logical, and a pragmatical bridge between grammarware language and modelling framework. We applied our approach to integrate Abstract State Machines, Prolog, and Scheme as description languages in EProvide 2.0, an extensible, unified framework for prototyping operational semantics of modelled languages. In this paper, we discuss in detail the bridging of Abstract State Machines as well as an industrial case study based on this.