Analyzing and predicting NCAA volleyball match outcome using machine learning techniques

Dhvanil Sanghvi, Priya Deshpande, Suhas Shanbhogue, Vishwa Shah. Analyzing and predicting NCAA volleyball match outcome using machine learning techniques. In Hector Florez, Ixent Galpin, Christian Grévisse, editors, Joint Proceedings of the ICAI 2021 Workshops WAAI 2021, AIESD 2021, WDEA 2021, WKMIT 2021, WSSC 2021 co-located with the Fourth International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI 2021), Online / Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 28-30, 2021. Volume 2992 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 99-116,, 2021. [doi]


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