Maximal Influence Spread for Social Network Based on MapReduce

Qiqi Shi, Hongzhi Wang, Dong Li, Xinfei Shi, Chen Ye, Hong Gao. Maximal Influence Spread for Social Network Based on MapReduce. In Hongzhi Wang, Haoliang Qi, Wanxiang Che, Zhaowen Qiu, Leilei Kong, Zhongyuan Han, Junyu Lin, Zeguang Lu, editors, Intelligent Computation in Big Data Era - International Conference of Young Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators, ICYCSEE 2015, Harbin, China, January 10-12, 2015. Proceedings. Volume 503 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 128-136, Springer, 2015. [doi]


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