FUNNEL and 2OBJ: Towards an Integrated Hardware Design Environment

Victoria Stavridou, Joseph A. Goguen, A. Stevens, S. M. Eker, S. N. Aloneftis, K. M. Hobley. FUNNEL and 2OBJ: Towards an Integrated Hardware Design Environment. In Victoria Stavridou, Thomas F. Melham, Raymond T. Boute, editors, Theorem Provers in Circuit Design, Proceedings of the IFIP TC10/WG 10.2 International Conference on Theorem Provers in Circuit Design: Theory, Practice and Experience, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 22-24 June 1992, Proceedings. Volume A-10 of IFIP Transactions, pages 197-223, North-Holland, 1992.


Abstract is missing.