R. Straessle, S. Gerke, T. Brunschwiler, Yuksel Temiz, J. Weiss, Arvind Sridhar, Stephan Paredes, E. Loertscher, N. Ebejer, Bruno Michel, H. M. Lee, C. Alvarado, I. Faro, T. van Kessel, M. Meghelli, M. A. Taubenblatt, S. Zafar, F. Libsch, K. Matsumoto. Internet of the Body and Cognitive Hypervisor. In Paolo Bonato, Honggang Wang, editors, Proceedings of the Second IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies, CHASE 2017, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 17-19, 2017. pages 296-297, IEEE Computer Society / ACM, 2017. [doi]
Abstract is missing.