Andreas Tolk, Fernando J. Barros, Andrea D'Ambrogio, Akshay Rajhans, Pieter J. Mosterman, Sachin S. Shetty, Mamadou K. Traoré, Hans Vangheluwe, Levent Yilmaz. Hybrid simulation for cyber physical systems: a panel on where are we going regarding complexity, intelligence, and adaptability of CPS using simulation. In Saurabh Mittal, José Luis Risco-Martín, Marco Lützenberger, editors, Proceedings of the Symposium on Modeling and Simulation of Complexity in Intelligent, Adaptive and Autonomous Systems, SpringSim (MSCIAAS) 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA, April 15-18, 2018. ACM, 2018. [doi]
Abstract is missing.