Challenges of Scaling Participatory Design: A Systematic Literature Review

Øivind Klungseth Zahlsen, Elena Parmiggiani, Yngve Dahl. Challenges of Scaling Participatory Design: A Systematic Literature Review. In Penny Sweetser, Jennyfer Lawrence Taylor, Charles Martin 0001, Dana McMay, Melissa J. Rogerson, Bronwyn J. Cumbo, Greg Wadley, Luke Hespanhol, Jess Tsimeris, Mingze XI, Jane Turner, SooJeong Yoo, Ned Cooper, Jessica S. Rahman, Josh Andres, Ajit G. Pillai, Cat Kutay, editors, Proceedings of the 34th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, OzCHI 2022, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 29 November 2022 - 2 December 2022. pages 143-159, ACM, 2022. [doi]
