SGNNMD: signed graph neural network for predicting deregulation types of miRNA-disease associations

Guangzhan Zhang, Menglu Li, Huan Deng, Xinran Xu, Xuan Liu, Wen Zhang 0008. SGNNMD: signed graph neural network for predicting deregulation types of miRNA-disease associations. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(1), 2022. [doi]


Guangzhan Zhang

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Menglu Li

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Menglu Li' in Google

Huan Deng

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Huan Deng' in Google

Xinran Xu

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Xinran Xu' in Google

Xuan Liu

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Xuan Liu' in Google

Wen Zhang 0008

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Wen Zhang 0008' in Google