Abstract is missing.
- On Computing Minimal ModelsRachel Ben-Eliyahu, Rina Dechter. 2-8
- On the Adequateness of the Connection MethodAntje Beringer, Steffen Hölldobler. 9-14
- Rough Resolution: A Refinement of Resolution to Remove Large LiteralsHeng Chu, David A. Plaisted. 15-20
- Experimental Results on the Crossover Point in Satisfiability ProblemsJames M. Crawford, Larry D. Auton. 21-27
- Towards an Understanding of Hill-Climbing Procedures for SATIan P. Gent, Toby Walsh. 28-33
- Reasoning With Characteristic ModelsHenry A. Kautz, Michael J. Kearns, Bart Selman. 34-39
- The Breakout Method for Escaping from Local MinimaPaul Morris. 40-45
- An Empirical Study of Greedy Local Search for Satisfiability TestingBart Selman, Henry A. Kautz. 46-51
- Projective Visualization: Acting from ExperienceMarc Goodman. 54-59
- Representing and Using Procedural Knowledge to Build Geometry ProofsThomas F. McDougal, Kristian J. Hammond. 60-65
- Case-Based Diagnostic Analysis in a Blackboard ArchitectureEdwina L. Rissland, Jody J. Daniels, Zachary B. Rubinstein, David B. Skalak. 66-72
- A FrameWork and an Analysis of Current Proposals for the Case-Based Organization and Representation of Procedural KnowledgeRoland Zito-Wolf, Richard Alterman. 73-78
- Cryptographic Limitations on Learning One-Clause Logic ProgramsWilliam W. Cohen. 80-85
- Pac-Learning a Restricted Class of Recursive Logic ProgramsWilliam W. Cohen. 86-92
- Learnability in Inductive Logic Programrning: Some Basic Results and TechniquesMichael Frazier, C. David Page Jr.. 93-98
- Complexity Analysis of Real-Time Reinforcement LearningSven Koenig, Reid G. Simmons. 99-107
- Arc-Consistency and Arc-Consistency AgainChristian Bessière, Marie-Odile Cordier. 108-113
- Integrating Heuristics for Constraint Satisfaction Problems: A Case StudySteven Minton. 120-126
- Coping With Disjunctions in Temporal Constraint Satisfaction ProblemsEddie Schwalb, Rina Dechter. 127-132
- Nondeterministic Lisp as a Substrate for Constraint Logic ProgrammingJeffrey Mark Siskind, David A. McAllester. 133-138
- Slack-Based Heuristics for Constraint Satisfaction SchedulingStephen F. Smith, Cheng-Chung Cheng. 139-144
- Extending Deep StructureColin P. Williams, Tad Hogg. 152-157
- Multiple Dimensions of Generalization In Model-Based TroubleshootingRandall Davis, Paul Resnick. 160-167
- Hybrid Case-Based Reasoning for the Diagnosis of Complex DevicesMichel P. Féret, Janice I. Glasgow. 168-175
- An Epistemology for Clinically Significant TrendsIra J. Haimowitz, Isaac S. Kohane. 176-181
- A Framework for Model-Based RepairYing Sun, Daniel S. Weld. 182-187
- A Method for Development of Dialogue Managers for Natural Language InterfacesArne Jönsson. 190-195
- Mutual Beliefs of Multiple Conversants: A Computational Model of Collaboration in Air Traffic ControlDavid G. Novick, Karen Ward. 196-201
- An Optimizing Method for Structuring Inferentially Linked DiscourseIngrid Zukerman, Richard McConachy. 202-207
- A One-shot Dynamic Coordination Algorithm for Distributed Sensor NetworksKeith Decker, Victor R. Lesser. 210-216
- Quantitative Modeling of Complex Computational Task EnvironmentsKeith Decker, Victor R. Lesser. 217-224
- Overeager Reciprocal Rationality and Mixed Strategy EquilibriaEdmund H. Durfee, Jaeho Lee, Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz. 225-230
- Solving the Really Hard Problems with Cooperative SearchTad Hogg, Colin P. Williams. 231-236
- A Fast First-Cut Protocol for Agent CoordinationAndrew P. Kosoresow. 237-242
- Agents Contracting Tasks in Non-Collaborative EnvironmentsSarit Kraus. 243-248
- IPUS: An Architecture for Integrated Signal Processing and Signal Interpretation in Complex EnvironmentsVictor R. Lesser, Izaskun Gallastegi, Hamid Nawab, Frank Klassner. 249-255
- An Implementation of the Contract Net Protocol Based on Marginal Cost CalculationsTuomas Sandholm. 256-262
- Generating Explanations of Device Behavior Using Compositional Modeling and Causal OrderingPatrice O. Gautier, Thomas R. Gruber. 264-270
- Generating Natural Language Descriptions with Examples: Differences between Introductory and Advanced TextsVibhu O. Mittal, Cécile Paris. 271-276
- Building Models to Support Synthesis in Early Stage Product DesignR. Bharat Rao, Stephen C. Y. Lu. 277-282
- A Conversational Model of Multimodal Interaction in Information SystemsAdelheit Stein, Ulrich Thiel. 283-288
- Matching 100, 000 Learned RulesRobert B. Doorenbos. 290-296
- Massively Parallel Support for Computationally Effective Recognition QueriesMatthew P. Evett, James A. Hendler, William A. Andersen. 297-302
- Case-Method: A Methodology for Building Large-Scale Case-Based SystemsHiroaki Kitano, Hideo Shimazu, Akihiro Shibata. 303-308
- Automated Index Generation for Constructing Large-Scale Conversational Hypermedia SystemsRichard Osgood, Ray Bareiss. 309-314
- Probabilistic Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure Using Causal Networks (Extended Abstract)Arthur L. Delcher, Simon Kasif, Harry R. Goldberg, William H. Hsu. 316-321
- OC1: A Randomized Induction of Oblique Decision TreesSreerama K. Murthy, Simon Kasif, Steven Salzberg, Richard Beigel. 322-327
- Finding Accurate Frontiers: A Knowledge-Intensive Approach to Relational LearningMichael J. Pazzani, Clifford Brunk. 328-334
- Bidirectional Chart Generation of Natural Language TextsMasahiko Haruno, Yasuharu Den, Yuji Matsumoto, Makoto Nagao. 350-356
- Communicative Acts for Generating Natural Language ArgumentsMark T. Maybury. 357-364
- Corpus Analysis for Revision-Based Generation of Complex SentencesJacques Robin, Kathleen McKeown. 365-372
- Machine Translation of Spatial Expressions: Defining the Relation between an Interlingua and a Knowledge Representation SystemBonnie J. Dorr, Clare R. Voss. 374-379
- Having Your Cake and Eating It Too: Autonomy and Interaction in a Model of Sentence ProcessingKurt P. Eiselt, Kavi Mahesh, Jennifer K. Holbrook. 380-385
- Efficient Heuristic Natural Language ParsingChristian R. Huyck, Steven L. Lytinen. 386-391
- Towards a Reading Coach that Listens: Automated Detection of Oral Reading ErrorsJack Mostow, Alexander G. Hauptmann, Lin Lawrence Chase, Steven F. Roth. 392-397
- Minimal Belief and Negation as Failure: A Feasible ApproachAntje Beringer, Torsten Schaub. 400-405
- A Context-Based Framework for Default LogicsPhilippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub. 406-411
- Propositional Logic of ContextSasa Buvac, Ian A. Mason. 412-419
- Generating Explicit Orderings for Non-monotonic LogicsJames Cussens, Anthony Hunter, Ashwin Srinivasan. 420-425
- Reasoning Precisely with Vague ConceptsNita Goyal, Yoav Shoham. 426-431
- Subnormal Modal Logics for Knowledge RepresentationGrigori Schwarz, Miroslaw Truszczynski. 438-443
- Algebraic Sematics for Cumulative Inference OperationsZbigniew Stachniak. 444-449
- Question-based Acquisition of Conceptual Indices for Multimedia Design DocumentationCatherine Baudin, Smadar Kedar, Jody Gevins Underwood, Vinod Baya. 452-458
- Learning Interface AgentsPattie Maes, Robyn Kozierok. 459-465
- Learning from an Approximate Theory and Noisy ExamplesSomkiat Tangkitvanich, Masamichi Shimura. 466-471
- Scientific Model-Building as Search in Matrix SpacesRaúl E. Valdés-Pérez, Jan M. Zytkow, Herbert A. Simon. 472-478
- Granularity in Multi-Method PlanningSoowon Lee, Paul S. Rosenbloom. 486-491
- Threat-Removal Strategies for Partial-Order PlanningMark A. Peot, David E. Smith. 492-499
- Postponing Threats in Partial-Order PlanningDavid E. Smith, Mark A. Peot. 500-506
- Permissive Planning: A Machine Learning Approach to Linking Internal and External WorldsGerald DeJong, Scott Bennett. 508-513
- Relative Utility of EBG based Plan Reuse in Partial Ordering vs. Total Ordering PlanningSubbarao Kambhampati, Jengchin Chen. 514-519
- Learning Plan Transformations from Self-Questions: A Memory-Based ApproachRüdiger Oehlmann, Derek H. Sleeman, Peter Edwards. 520-525
- On the Masking EffectMilind Tambe, Paul S. Rosenbloom. 526-533
- Qualitatively Describing Objects Using Spatial PrepositionsAlicia Abella, John R. Kender. 536-540
- Numeric Reasoning with Relative Orders of MagnitudePhilippe Dague. 541-547
- Efficient Reasoning in Qualitative Probabilistic NetworksMarek J. Druzdzel, Max Henrion. 548-553
- Generating Quasi-symbolic Representation of Three-Dimensional FlowToyoaki Nishida. 554-559
- Real-Time Self-Explanatory SimulationFranz G. Amador, Adam Finkelstein, Daniel S. Weld. 562-567
- A Comparison of Action-Based Hierarchies and Decision Trees for Real-Time PerformanceDavid Ash, Barbara Hayes-Roth. 568-573
- Planning With Deadlines in Stochastic DomainsThomas Dean, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Jak Kirman, Ann E. Nicholson. 574-579
- Task Interdependencies in Design-to-time Real-time SchedulingAlan Garvey, Marty Humphrey, Victor R. Lesser. 580-585
- Sensible Scenes: Visual Understanding of Complex Structures through Causal AnalysisMatthew Brand, Lawrence Birnbaum, Paul R. Cooper. 588-593
- Intelligent Model Selection for Hillclimbing Search in Computer-Aided DesignThomas Ellman, John Keane, Mark Schwabacher. 594-599
- Ideal Physical SystemsBrian Falkenhainer. 600-605
- Numerical Behavior Envelopes for Qualitative ModelsHerbert Kay, Benjamin Kuipers. 606-613
- A Qualitative Method to Construct Phase PortraitsWood W. Lee, Benjamin Kuipers. 614-619
- CFRL: A Language for Specifying the Causal Functionality of Engineered DevicesMarcos Vescovi, Yumi Iwasaki, Richard Fikes, B. Chandrasekaran. 626-633
- Abduction As Belief Revision: A Model of Preferred ExplanationsCraig Boutilier, Verónica Becher. 642-648
- Revision by Conditional BeliefsCraig Boutilier, Moisés Goldszmidt. 649-654
- Towards Knowledge-Level Analysis of Motion PlanningRonen I. Brafman, Jean-Claude Latombe, Yoav Shoham. 670-675
- EL: A Formal, Yet Natural, Comprehensive Knowledge RepresentationChung Hee Hwang, Lenhart K. Schubert. 676-682
- The Semantics of Event PreventionCharles L. Ortiz Jr.. 683-688
- The Frame Problem and Knowledge-Producing ActionsRichard B. Scherl, Hector J. Levesque. 689-695
- The Paradoxical Success of Fuzzy LogicCharles Elkan. 698-703
- Exploring the Structure of Rule Based SystemsClifford Grossner, Alun D. Preece, P. Gokul Chander, Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan, Ching Y. Suen. 704-709
- Comprehensibility Improvement of Tabular Knowledge BasesAtsushi Sugiura, Maximilian Riesenhuber, Yoshiyuki Koseki. 716-721
- Time-Saving Tips for Problem Solving with Incomplete InformationMichael R. Genesereth, Illah R. Nourbakhsh. 724-730
- Innovative Design as Systematic SearchDorothy Neville, Daniel S. Weld. 737-742
- Generating Effective Admissible Heuristics by Abstraction and ReconstitutionArmand Prieditis, Bhaskar Janakiraman. 743-748
- Pruning Duplicate Nodes in Depth-First SearchLarry A. Taylor, Richard E. Korf. 756-761
- Depth-First vs. Best-First Search: New ResultsWeixiong Zhang, Richard E. Korf. 769-775
- Using an Annotated Language Corpus as a Virtual Stochastic GrammarRens Bod. 778-783
- Equations for Part-of-Speech TaggingEugene Charniak, Curtis Hendrickson, Neil Jacobson, Mike Perkowitz. 784-789
- Estimating Probability Distributions over Hypotheses with Variable UnificationDekai Wu. 790-795
- A Case-Based Approach to Knowledge Acquisition for Domain-Specific Sentence AnalysisClaire Cardie. 798-803
- KITSS: A Knowledge-Based Translation System for Test ScenariosVan E. Kelly, Mark A. Jones. 804-810
- Automatically Constructing a Dictionary for Information Extraction TasksEllen Riloff. 811-816
- Learning Semantic Grammars with Constructive Inductive Logic ProgrammingJohn M. Zelle, Raymond J. Mooney. 817-822
- Polly: A Vision-Based Artificial AgentIan Horswill. 824-829
- Range Estimation From Focus Using a Non-frontal Imaging CameraArun Krishnan, Narendra Ahuja. 830-835
- Learning Object Models from AppearanceHiroshi Murase, Shree K. Nayar. 836-843
- On the Qualitative Structure of Temporally Evolving Visual Motion FieldsRichard P. Wildes. 844-849
- Tiger in a Cage: The Applications of Knowledge-based Systems (1993) - AbstractEdward A. Feigenbaum. 852
- Artificial Intelligence as an Experimental Science (Abstract)Herbert A. Simon. 853
- A Demonstration of the Circuit Fix-it Shoppe D. Richard Hipp, Ronnie W. Smith. 856
- Instructo-Soar: Learning from Interactive Natural Language Instructions (Video Abstract)Scott B. Huffman, John E. Laird. 857
- Winning the AAAI Robot CompetitionDavid Kortenkamp, Marcus Huber, Charles Cohen, Ulrich Raschke, Clint Bidlack, Clare Bates Congdon, Frank Koss, Terry E. Weymouth. 858-859
- AIR-SOAR: Intelligent Multi-Level ControlDouglas J. Pearson, Randolph M. Jones, John E. Laird. 860-861
- Selective Perception for Robot DrivingDouglas A. Reece, Steven A. Shafer. 862
- Computer Vision Research at the University of MassachusettsEdward M. Riseman, Allen R. Hanson, J. Inigo Thomas. 863
- A Fuzzy Controller for Flakey, the RobotAlessandro Saffiotti, Nicolas Helft, Kurt Konolige, John D. Lowrance, Karen L. Myers, Daniela Musto, Enrique H. Ruspini, Leonard P. Wesley. 864