Abstract is missing.
- Digital Transformation of Health Services Value StreamsGuilherme Luz Tortorella, Flavio S. Fogliatto, Diego A. Tlapa. 1 [doi]
- An Empirical Investigation of the Influence of Organizational Virtues on Information Technology Security Policy ComplianceDora Chatterjee, Shuktika Chatterjee, Sutirtha Chatterjee. 2 [doi]
- An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Information Technology in Fostering Organizational Resilience and EffectivenessDora Chatterjee, Shuktika Chatterjee, Sutirtha Chatterjee. 3 [doi]
- Implementing Success Management and PRINCE2 in a BPM Public ProjectNilton Takagi, João Varajão, Thiago Ventura, Darclea Ubialli, Thais Fernanda Bueno da Silva. 4 [doi]
- Contributions of Guest Speakers to Online Delivery of IT ProgramSameera Mubarak, Mubarak Ali Rahamathulla, Santoso Wibowo, Rongbin Yang. 5 [doi]
- How Learning Evolved from Offline Classroom to Online Platforms with its Amplifier, Edu-KOLs: A Systematic Literature ReviewSusan Zhang, Jun Shen, Jun Yan. 6 [doi]
- How Enterprise Architecture Enhances the National Health Information System in Supporting the COVID-19 Response in IndonesiaRod Dilnutt, Sherah Kurnia, Safirotu Khoir, Anis Fuad, Guardian Yoki Sanjaya, Hafizh Rafizal Adnan, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto. 7 [doi]
- Towards ML-based Platforms in Finance Industry - An ML Approach to Generate Corporate Bankruptcy Probabilities based on Annual Financial StatementsMustafa Pamuk, René Oliver Grendel, Matthias Schumann. 8 [doi]
- Towards a Taxonomy of Concepts Describing IT Outside the IT DepartmentSebastian Käss, Marie Godefroid, Vincent Borghoff, Susanne Strahringer, Markus Westner, Ralf Plattfaut. 9 [doi]
- The Sustainability of Enterprise Mobility in Pandemic - Do Usage Location, Device Type and Device Ownership Matter?Cong Qi, Yuejun Cai, Tianxue Xu. 10 [doi]
- Low-code Development Platform Usage: Towards Bringing Citizen Development and Enterprise IT into HarmonyJohannes Hintsch, Daniel Staegemann, Matthias Volk 0001, Klaus Turowski. 11 [doi]
- Bubble-Wall Plot: A New Tool for Data VisualizationRobert M. X. Wu, Yongwen Wang, Wanjun Yan, Jinwen Gou, Bao Liu, Yong Shi, Haijun Zhao, Ergun Gide, Xinxin Cui, Peilin Wang, Ya Wang, Jianfeng Fan, Qi Li. 12 [doi]
- Designing a Social Media Analytics Dashboard for Government Agency Crisis CommunicationsAli Sercan Basyurt, Julian Marx, Stefan Stieglitz, Milad Mirbabaie. 13 [doi]
- Conscious Commerce - Digital Nudging and Sustainable E-commerce Purchase DecisionsMilad Mirbabaie, Julian Marx, Johanna Germies. 14 [doi]
- Adoption of Videoconferencing for Social Connectedness among Older Adults: A Systematic ReviewKong Saoane Thach, Reeva Lederman, Jenny Waycott. 15 [doi]
- Framework for Describing a Theoretical Perspective: Application to the Bunge-Wand-Weber Ontology and General Systems TheorySteven Alter. 16 [doi]
- Blockchain Adoption for Trusted Supply Chain: A Preliminary Study of Key DeterminantsKongmanas Yavaprabhas, Sherah Kurnia, Zahra Seyedghorban, Daniel Samson. 17 [doi]
- A Taxonomy of Motives for Cloud ERP AdoptionQian Huang, Misita Anwar, Md. Mahbubur Rahim. 18 [doi]
- Changing Student Attitudes and Behaviours to Academic Integrity through Reflection with a Conversational AgentAmara Atif, Deborah Richards 0001, Meena Jha, Ayse Aysin Bilgin. 19 [doi]
- Unmasking the Regulatory Burden for Individual Australian ResidentsRosetta Romano. 20 [doi]
- Factors Influencing Knowledge Protection Strategies in Small BusinessesMandeep Dhindsa, Scott Bingley, Stephen Burgess. 21 [doi]
- Public Acceptance of Internet Censorship in IndonesiaNik Thompson, Tanya McGill, Daniel Vero Khristianto. 22 [doi]
- Economic Assessment and Analysis of Compliance in Business Processes: A Systematic Literature Review and Research AgendaLaura Niedzela, Stephan Kühnel, Tobias Seyffarth. 23 [doi]
- Is Nomophobia an Early Indicator of Developing Problematic Smartphone Use?Pramukh Nanjundaswamy Vasist, R. Radhakrishna Pillai. 24 [doi]
- Usability Perceptions of Culturally Adapted Web PagesRukshan Alexander, Tanya McGill, Nik Thompson, David Murray. 25 [doi]
- Adoption of AI in the Auditing Practice: A Case study of a Big Four Accounting FirmJiaqi Yang, Yvette Blount, Alireza Amrollahi. 26 [doi]
- Towards Understanding Enablers of Digital Transformation in Small and Medium-Sized EnterprisesSachithra Lokuge, Sophia Xiaoxia Duan. 27 [doi]
- The Relationship Between Organisational Agility and IT Alignment in Public OrganisationsGideon Mekonnen Jonathan, Lazar Rusu, Erik Perjons, Josué Kuika Watat. 28 [doi]
- A Research Model on Social Media-Enabled Public Value: A Refinement Using an Online Focus GroupTurki A. Althaqafi. 29 [doi]
- Process Mining to Discover and Preserve Infrequent Relations in Event Logs: An Application to Understand the Laboratory Test Ordering Process Using the MIMIC-III DatasetQifan Chen, Yang Lu, Charmaine S. Tam, Simon K. Poon. 30 [doi]
- Examining the Characteristics of New Zealand Micro-InvestorsLeona Huang, Morten Viehoff, Daniel Grossman, Jianwei Patrick Jiang, Anushia Inthiran. 31 [doi]
- Exploring IT-Enabled Sustainability-Oriented Innovation: A Functional Affordances PerspectiveXiang Peng, Sherah Kurnia, Daniel Samson, Tingru Cui. 32 [doi]
- The Role of Business Analytics Capabilities in Enabling Competitive Advantage for SMEsSelen Esra Dereli, Axel Korthaus, Helana Scheepers, Ashir Ahmed. 33 [doi]
- Delivering Digital Justice: Liminal Innovation & Permanence in CourtsJoaquin Santuber, Reem Abou Refaie, Christoph Meinel. 34 [doi]
- Australian Undergraduate IT Curricula: Employer PerspectivesHijab Alavi, Stephen Smith 0001, Peter Busch 0001, Matthew Mansour. 35 [doi]
- Development of Multidimensional Eating Disorder Inventory Information System Framework - Managing Digital Adolescent Healthcare EcosystemShastri L. Nimmagadda, Sashi K. Chitti, Neel Mani, Torsten Reiners. 36 [doi]
- Digital Web Ecosystem Development for Managing Social Network Data ScienceShastri L. Nimmagadda, Dengya Zhu, Christine Namugenyi, Neel Mani. 37 [doi]
- Role of Governance in e-Business IS Designs and their EvaluationsShastri L. Nimmagadda, Neel Mani, Christine Namugenyi, Torsten Reiners. 38 [doi]
- Disengagement from Risk Management Practices in Software Development Projects: Framing EffectsAbdelghany Mosa, Harminder Singh, Farkhondeh Hassandoust. 39 [doi]
- A Complete Text-Processing Pipeline for Business Performance TrackingMinh Ngoc Dinh, Khanh Dinh Dang. 40 [doi]
- Remote Working Burnout: Empirical Study from TOE and Technostress ModelDuong Giang, Ai Phuong Hoang, Hiep Cong Pham 0001. 41 [doi]
- Factors Affecting Prosocial Sharing Health-related Information on Social Media During a Health CrisisLong Hoang Le, Ai Phuong Hoang, Hiep Cong Pham 0001. 42 [doi]
- Mining for User-Defined Categorizations as an Approach for Process Simplification in Business Process DiscoveryLeonard Nake, Stephan Kühnel. 43 [doi]
- Transforming Marginalized Communities through Virtual Healthcare during a PandemicJosué Kuika Watat, Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan. 44 [doi]
- Cybersecurity Issues and Practices in Cloud Context: A comparison amongst Micro, Small and Medium EnterprisesRuwan Nagahawatta, Sachithra Lokuge, Matthew J. Warren, Scott Salzman. 45 [doi]
- Towards Phenomenon-driven Design Science ResearchJun-Patrick Raabe, Bettina Horlach, Andreas Drechsler. 46 [doi]
- Factors Influencing Artificial Intelligence Conversational Agents Usage in the E-commerce Field: A Systematic Literature ReviewAhlam Alnefaie, Sonika Singh, Ahmet Baki Kocaballi, Mukesh Prasad. 47 [doi]
- Three Levels of Agile Planning in a Software Vendor EnvironmentRamesh Lal, Tony Clear. 48 [doi]
- Socio-technical Challenges to the Effective Use of Health Information Systems (IS) and Data Protection: A Contextual Theorization of the Dark Side of IS UseJavad K. Pool, Saeed Akhlaghpour, Andrew Burton-Jones. 49 [doi]
- Evaluating the Quality of Repurposed Data - The Role of MetadataHui Zhou, Gianluca Demartini, Marta Indulska, Shazia W. Sadiq. 50 [doi]
- Three Preventative Interventions to Address the Fake News Phenomenon on Social MediaDavid A. Eccles, Sherah Kurnia, Tilman Dingler, Nicholas Geard. 51 [doi]
- Trust Development in Artificial Intelligence-based Emerging Technologies: Rise of Technomoral Virtues and Data EthicsAdil Bilal, Stephen Wingreen, Ravishankar Sharma 0001, Pouyan Jahanbin. 52 [doi]
- A Platform for a Pragmatic Metatheoretic Model for Information Systems Practice and ResearchRoger Clarke. 53 [doi]
- Leveraging Data and Analytics for Digital Business Transformation through DataOps: An Information Processing PerspectiveJia Xu, Humza Naseer, Sean B. Maynard, Justin Filippou. 54 [doi]
- Cyber Security Maturity Model Capability at The AirportsOjaswini Malhotra, Sharmistha Dey, Ernest Foo, Mardé Helbig. 55 [doi]
- Understanding International Students' Misinformation BehaviorRashika Bahl, Shanton Chang, Dana McKay. 56 [doi]
- Conceptualising the Internet of Behaviours (IoB): A Multi-Level Perspective and Research AgendaAlemayehu Molla, Giang Hoang, Osemwonyemwen Oshodin. 57 [doi]
- Process Mining for IS Project Success Factors Management: A proposalJoana Pedrosa, João Varajão, Luís Gonzaga Magalhães, Ricardo Martinho. 58 [doi]
- The Future is in the Past: Creating an Indigenous Information TheorySpencer Lilley. 59 [doi]
- Developing an a-Priori Model of Online Review ProcessNelini Jayathilake, Darshana Sedera. 60 [doi]
- Does Digital Transformation of the Australian Healthcare supply chain improve clinical safety?Sean Smith, Michael Lane, Mark Toleman, Anup Shrestha. 61 [doi]
- Barriers in XBRL based Interagency Accounting Information Sharing: Qualitative Evidence from IndonesiaNoor Romy Rahwani, Blooma John, Yogi Vidyattama. 62 [doi]
- A Bibliometric Review of Digital Nudging within Digital Food Choice EnvironmentsJessica Piper, Marc T. P. Adam, Nienke De Vlieger, Clare E. Collins, Tamara Bucher. 63 [doi]
- Conceptualising Management of Artificial Intelligence in Terms of People, Process, Data and TechnologySahber Monshizada, Hamed Sarbazhosseini, Masoud Mohammadian. 64 [doi]
- The Application of Digital Technology and the Learning Characteristics of Generation Z in Higher EducationAli Alruthaya, Thanh Thuy Nguyen, Sachithra Lokuge. 65 [doi]
- Impact of Technical Controls, Accountability, and Monitoring on the Job Performance of Employees: Assessing the Mediating Role of StressMohammed Saeed A. Alqahtani, Eila Erfani. 66 [doi]
- Considerations in Developing Blockchain-enabled Food Supply Chain Solutions: A Developer PerspectiveChi Pham, Arthur Adamopoulos, Elizabeth Tait, Thanh Thuy Nguyen. 67 [doi]
- Knowledge Sharing Challenges in University-NGO Collaborative ProjectMozhdeh Dehghani, Tom Denison. 68 [doi]
- The Use of Rasch Model to Create Adaptive Practices in e-Learning SystemsWisam Zaqoot, Lih-Bin Oh, Elizabeth Koh 0001, Lay Hoon Seah, Hock-Hai Teo. 69 [doi]
- Revisiting the Determinant Factors of E-Commerce Adoption in the Wake of the Pandemic: The New Landscape of Digital Transformation for SMEs in North West UKHarry Andrews, Ruilin Zhu. 70 [doi]
- Drivers and Barriers to the Adoption of Smart Home Energy Management Systems - Users' PerspectiveSanna Tuomela, Netta Iivari, Rauli Svento. 71 [doi]
- A Review of Adult Cyberbullying Research from Multi-disciplinary Archives and Directions for Future StudiesChintha Kaluarachchi, Darshana Sedera, Matthew J. Warren. 72 [doi]
- Barriers of Fintech Adoption in MSMEs: Moderating Role of Innovation CultureSyed Abdullah Ashraf, Aariz Faizan Javed, Pradip Kumar Bala. 73 [doi]
- Telework Uptake and COVID: Will it be Back to Normal? - A Preliminary International ComparisonYichen Wang, Sebastian K. Boell. 74 [doi]
- Utilitarian, Hedonic and Monetary Motivations of Using Mobile Learning Apps: Opinion Mining Using Big Data Text AnalyticsMehran Gholizadeh, Saeed Akhlaghpour, Pedro Teixeira Isaías, Morteza Namvar. 75 [doi]
- AI Affordances Perception for the Transformation of Mobility EcosystemsMingye Li, Alemayehu Molla, Sophia Duan. 76 [doi]
- Experiential Learning in Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Projects for Metacognition: Integrating Theory with PracticeSabine Matook, Yazhu Maggie Wang, Nuria Koeppel, Simon Guerin. 77 [doi]
- Contracting in the Age of Blockchain: Case of a Global Value ChainMemoona Zareen. 78 [doi]
- Gamification in Hybrid Teacher Professional DevelopmentAtima Singh, Harshit Kumar Singh. 79 [doi]
- Towards a Differentiation Perspective on Social Media Platforms' Affordances and Use Cultures - An Organizing Literature ReviewKader Arslan, Matthias Trier. 80 [doi]
- Conceptualising Social Bots for Countering Online Extremist MessagesKevin Marc Blasiak, Marten Risius, Sabine Matook. 81 [doi]
- A Strategic Alignment Perspective of Public-Sector Organisations in Saudi Arabia in the Digital Transformation Age (Quantitative Study)Abdulaziz Alghazi, Jun Shen 0001, Samuel Fosso Wamba, Tingru Cui, Mengxiang Li. 82 [doi]
- Intention to Use Abstract Sentence Classification TechnologyConnor Stead, Stephen Smith 0001, Peter Busch 0001, Savanid Vatanasakdakul. 83 [doi]
- Assessing the Readiness of Using Virtual Reality in Mental Health Practice in AustraliaSarah Alzahrani. 84 [doi]
- Blockchain Adoption Framework Using Innovation Translation Approach - The preliminary studyShipra Chhina, Mehmood A. Chadhar, Sally Firmin, Arthur Tatnall. 85 [doi]
- Opening the Black Box: Exploring the Socio-technical Dynamics and Key Principles of RPA Implementation ProjectsErin Wallace, Lena Waizenegger, Bill Doolin. 86 [doi]
- User Resistance to Humanoid AI Robots in Public Libraries: An Appraisal Theory PerspectiveYazhu Maggie Wang, Sabine Matook, Alan R. Dennis. 87 [doi]
- Business Analytics (BA) - powered transformation for environmental and social sustainability in organisations: A dynamic capabilities perspectiveMikayla McEwan, Yunfei Shi, Christine Van Toorn. 88 [doi]
- AI-Enabled Smartphone-Based Intervention Mental Health Application for University StudentsBavly Samy Helmy Hanna, Andrew Samy Helmy Hanna. 89 [doi]
- The Social Influence of Technology to Support Physical Activity: A case studyNelly Todorova, Daniel Leisinger. 90 [doi]