Proceedings of VisBIA 2018 - Workshop on Visual Interfaces for Big Data Environments in Industrial Applications Co-located with AVI 2018 - International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Resort Riva del Sole, Castiglione della Pescaia, - Grosseto (Italy), 29 May, 2018

Dietrich Kammer, Mandy Keck, Andreas Both, Giulio Jacucci, Rainer Groh, editors, Proceedings of VisBIA 2018 - Workshop on Visual Interfaces for Big Data Environments in Industrial Applications Co-located with AVI 2018 - International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Resort Riva del Sole, Castiglione della Pescaia, - Grosseto (Italy), 29 May, 2018. Volume 2108 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, 2018. [doi]

Conference: avi2018


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