Abstract is missing.
- Residuated Kleene AlgebrasHajnal Andréka, Szabolcs Mikulás, István Németi. 1-11 [doi]
- Brzozowski's Algorithm (Co)AlgebraicallyFilippo Bonchi, Marcello M. Bonsangue, Jan J. M. M. Rutten, Alexandra Silva. 12-23 [doi]
- Experimental Descriptive ComplexityMarco Carmosino, Neil Immerman, Charles Jordan. 24-34 [doi]
- Meditations on Quantified Constraint SatisfactionHubie Chen. 35-49 [doi]
- The Compass That Steered RoboticsBruce Randall Donald. 50-65 [doi]
- Subtyping for F-Bounded Quantifiers and Equirecursive TypesNeal Glew. 66-82 [doi]
- Inferring Evolutionary Scenarios in the Duplication, Loss and Horizontal Gene Transfer ModelPawel Górecki, Jerzy Tiuryn. 83-105 [doi]
- Capsules and Closures: A Small-Step ApproachJean-Baptiste Jeannin. 106-123 [doi]
- Nuprl as Logical Framework for Automating Proofs in Category TheoryChristoph Kreitz. 124-148 [doi]
- On the Final Coalgebra of Automatic SequencesClemens Kupke, Jan J. M. M. Rutten. 149-164 [doi]
- On Topological Completeness of Regular Tree LanguagesHenryk Michalewski, Damian Niwinski. 165-179 [doi]
- A Complete Logical System for the Equality of Recursive Terms for SetsLawrence S. Moss, Erik Wennstrom, Glen T. Whitney. 180-203 [doi]
- Overloading Is NP-Complete - A Tutorial Dedicated to Dexter KozenJens Palsberg. 204-218 [doi]
- Combining Epistemic Logic and Hennessy-Milner LogicSophia Knight, Radu Mardare, Prakash Panangaden. 219-243 [doi]
- Choice and Uncertainty in GamesRohit Parikh, Çagil Tasdemir, Andreas Witzel. 244-255 [doi]
- The Complexity of Inhabitation with Explicit IntersectionJakob Rehof, Pawel Urzyczyn. 256-270 [doi]
- On State Sequences Defined by Reaction SystemsArto Salomaa. 271-282 [doi]
- On Distance Coloring - A Review Based on Work with Dexter KozenAlexa Sharp. 283-297 [doi]
- Winning, Losing and Drawing in Concurrent Games with Perfect or Imperfect InformationGlynn Winskel. 298-317 [doi]
- Reflections on a \m $\slash$ Time with Dexter KozenKamal Aboul-Hosn. 318-321 [doi]
- Two Three Pages PapersKrzysztof R. Apt. 322 [doi]
- A Tribute from the BandJohn Parker, Joel D. Baines, Paul Miller, Julia Miller. 323 [doi]
- Dexter Kozen: An AppreciationJoseph Y. Halpern. 324-325 [doi]
- Dexter Kozen: A Winning Combination of Brilliance, Depth, and EleganceDavid Harel. 326-327 [doi]
- Making the World a Better PlaceJohn E. Hopcroft. 328 [doi]
- Timesharing DexterSusan Landau. 329-332 [doi]
- A Small TributeAnil Nerode. 333 [doi]
- Dexter Kozen's Influence on the Theory of Labelled Markov ProcessesPrakash Panangaden. 334-337 [doi]
- An Appreciation of Dexter KozenRohit Parikh. 338-340 [doi]
- To Dexter - A Tribute from AarhusErik Meineche Schmidt, Mogens Nielsen, Sven Skyum. 341 [doi]
- Travelling with Dexter KozenPeter van Emde Boas. 342-351 [doi]
- Dexter as a PhD AdvisorBrad T. Vander Zanden. 352-353 [doi]
- Rock'n'Roll Computer ScienceFritz Henglein. 354-355 [doi]