Abstract is missing.
- The Digital Business PlatformWolfram Jost. 21
- Confidentiality à la Carte with CipherbaseDonald Kossmann. 23
- Query Optimization - Are We There Yet?Guy M. Lohman. 25-26
- The Complete Story of Joins (in HyPer)Thomas Neumann 0001, Viktor Leis, Alfons Kemper. 31-50
- SPARQLytics: Multidimensional Analytics for RDFMichael Rudolf 0001, Hannes Voigt, Wolfgang Lehner. 51-60
- Reverse Engineering Top-k Join QueriesKiril Panev, Nico Weisenauer, Sebastian Michel. 61-80
- Transformations on Graph Databases for Polyglot Persistence with NotaQLJohannes Schildgen, Yannick Krück, Stefan Deßloch. 83-102
- Distributed Grouping of Property Graphs with GradoopMartin Junghanns, André Petermann, Erhard Rahm. 103-122
- The STARK Framework for Spatio-Temporal Data Analytics on SparkStefan Hagedorn, Philipp Götze, Kai-Uwe Sattler. 123-142
- IncMap: A Journey towards Ontology-based Data IntegrationChristoph Pinkel, Carsten Binnig, Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz, Evgeny Kharlamov, Andriy Nikolov, Andreas Schwarte, Christian Heupel, Tim Kraska. 145-164
- Anfrage-getriebener Wissenstransfer zur Unterstützung von DatenanalystenAndreas M. Wahl, Gregor Endler, Peter K. Schwab, Sebastian Herbst, Richard Lenz. 165-174
- Metadata Management for Data Integration in Medical Sciences - Experiences from the LIFE StudyToralf Kirsten, Alexander Kiel, Mathias Rühle, Jonas Wagner. 175-194
- A Hybrid Approach for Efficient Unique Column Combination DiscoveryThorsten Papenbrock, Felix Naumann. 195-204
- Fast Approximate Discovery of Inclusion DependenciesSebastian Kruse 0001, Thorsten Papenbrock, Christian Dullweber, Moritz Finke, Manuel Hegner, Martin Zabel, Christian Zöllner, Felix Naumann. 207-226
- EFM-DBSCAN: Ein baumbasierter Clusteringalgorithmus unter Ausnutzung erweiterter Leader-UmgebungenPhilipp Egert. 227-236
- Detection and Implicit Classification of Outliers via Different Feature Sets in Polygonal ChainsMichael Singhof, Gerhard Klassen, Daniel Braun 0002, Stefan Conrad 0001. 237-246
- Efficient Batched Distance and Centrality Computation in Unweighted and Weighted GraphsManuel Then, Stephan Günnemann, Alfons Kemper, Thomas Neumann 0001. 247-266
- Gilbert: Declarative Sparse Linear Algebra on Massively Parallel Dataflow SystemsTill Rohrmann, Sebastian Schelter, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl. 269-288
- Benchmarking Univariate Time Series ClassifiersPatrick Schäfer, Ulf Leser. 289-298
- Incremental ETL Pipeline Scheduling for Near Real-Time Data WarehousesWeiping Qu, Stefan Deßloch. 299-308
- A Modular Approach for Non-Distributed Crash Recovery for Streaming SystemsMichael Brand, Marco Grawunder, Hans-Jürgen Appelrath. 309-328
- Generating Data from Highly Flexible and Individual Process Settings through a Game-based Experimentation ServiceGeorg Kaes, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma. 331-350
- An Experimental Analysis of Different Key-Value Stores and Relational DatabasesDavid Gembalczyk, Felix Martin Schuhknecht, Jens Dittrich. 351-360
- Spotlytics: How to Use Cloud Market Places for Analytics?Tim Kraska, Elkhan Dadashov, Carsten Binnig. 361-380
- Overview on Hardware Optimizations for Database EnginesAnnett Ungethüm, Dirk Habich, Tomas Karnagel, Sebastian Haas, Eric Mier, Gerhard Fettweis, Wolfgang Lehner. 383-402
- Hardware-Sensitive Scan Operator Variants for Compiled Selection PipelinesDavid Broneske, Andreas Meister 0001, Gunter Saake. 403-412
- DeLorean: A Storage Layer to Analyze Physical Data at ScaleMichael Kußmann, Maximilian Berens, Ulrich Eitschberger, Ayse Kilic, Thomas Lindemann, Frank Meier, Ramon Niet, Margarete Schellenberg, Holger Stevens, Julian Wishahi, Bernhard Spaan, Jens Teubner. 413-422
- Efficient Storage and Analysis of Genome Data in DatabasesSebastian Dorok, Sebastian Breß, Jens Teubner, Horstfried Läpple, Gunter Saake, Volker Markl. 423-442
- Quadtree-based Resource Description Techniques for Spatial Data in Distributed DatabasesStefan Kufer, Andreas Henrich. 445-464
- Efficient Z-Ordered Traversal of Hypercube IndexesTilmann Zäschke, Moira C. Norrie. 465-484
- Optimizing Similarity Search in the M-TreeSteffen Guhlemann, Uwe Petersohn, Klaus Meyer-Wegener. 485-504
- Query Processing and Optimization in Modern Database SystemsViktor Leis. 507-516
- SAP HANA Vora: A Distributed Computing Platform for Enterprise Data LakesChristian Sengstock, Christian Mathis. 521
- Big Data is no longer equivalent to Hadoop in the industryAndreas Tönne. 523-524
- Drying up the data swamp - Vernetzung von Daten mittels iQser GIN ServerFlorian Pfleiderer. 527
- Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Textanalytics im eCommerceLaura Hoyden, Frank Rosenthal, Jonas Hausruckinger. 529
- Autonomous Data Ingestion Tuning in Data Warehouse AcceleratorsKnut Stolze, Felix Beier, Jens Müller. 531-540
- Database Management Systems: Trends and DirectionsNamik Hrle. 543
- SAP HANA - The Evolution of an In-Memory DBMS from Pure OLAP Processing Towards Mixed WorkloadsNorman May, Alexander Böhm 0002, Wolfgang Lehner. 545-563
- Bosch IoT Cloud - Platform for the Internet of ThingsTobias Binz. 567
- Industrial Analytics: Methodiken und Datensysteme für das Industrial Internet (IIoT)Eddie Mönch. 569-571
- Designing Test Environments for Cyber-Physical SystemsHarald Vogt. 573
- Bring Your Language to Your Data with EXASOLStefan Mandl, Oleksandr Kozachuk, Jens Graupmann. 577-585
- Smart Big Data in der industriellen FertigungYvonne Hegenbarth, Gerald H. Ristow. 587-595
- Fraud Detection 2.0 - Real Time SIP Analytics mithilfe von Complex Event ProcessingMarkus Schneider. 597
- ControVol Flex: Flexible Schema Evolution for NoSQL Application DevelopmentFlorian Haubold, Johannes Schildgen, Stefanie Scherzinger, Stefan Deßloch. 601-604
- Effective DBMS space management on native FlashSergej Hardock, Ilia Petrov, Robert Gottstein, Alejandro P. Buchmann. 605-608
- Emma in Action: Deklarative Datenflüsse für Skalierbare DatenanalyseAlexander Alexandrov, Georgi Krastev, Bernd Louis, Andreas Salzmann, Volker Markl. 609
- Enabling Efficient Agile Software Development of NoSQL-backed ApplicationsUta Störl, Daniel Müller, Meike Klettke, Stefanie Scherzinger. 611-614
- Energy Elasticity on Heterogeneous Hardware using Adaptive Resource ReconfigurationAnnett Ungethüm, Thomas Kissinger, Willi-Wolfram Mentzel, Eric Mier, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner. 615
- Exploring Databases via Reverse Engineering Ranking Queries with PALEOKiril Panev, Sebastian Michel, Evica Milchevski, Koninika Pal. 617
- InVerDa - The Liquid DatabaseKai Herrmann, Hannes Voigt, Thorsten Seyschab, Wolfgang Lehner. 619-622
- Invest Once, Save a Million Times - LLVM-based Expression Compilation in PostgreSQLDennis Butterstein, Torsten Grust. 623-624
- Secure Cryptographic Deletion in the Swift Object StoreTim Waizenegger. 625-628
- The Big Picture: Understanding large-scale graphs using Graph Grouping with GradoopMartin Junghanns, André Petermann, Niklas Teichmann, Erhard Rahm. 629-632