Abstract is missing.
- Recent advances in user assistanceNathan Relles, Norman K. Sondheimer, Giorgio P. Ingargiola. 1-5 [doi]
- Automatic construction of explanation networks for a cooperative user interfacePhilip J. Hayes, Ingrid D. Glasner. 6-14 [doi]
- Using offline documentation onlineLynne A. Price. 15-20 [doi]
- How shall we evaluate prototype natural language processors?Bruce W. Ballard. 21-26 [doi]
- Redesign of the user interface involving users of a large operational real-time systemThomas H. Martin. 27-30 [doi]
- Evaluating the "friendliness" of a timesharing systemLorraine Borman, Rosemary Karr. 31-34 [doi]
- Evolution of a query translation systemJyh-Sheng Ke, Shi-Kuo Chang. 35-41 [doi]
- The need for quantitative measurement of on-line user behaviorW. David Penniman. 42-45 [doi]
- A statistical user interface for the Relational Model of dataRobert F. Teitel. 46-52 [doi]
- Keyboard entry - can it be simplified?Richard I. Land. 53-58 [doi]
- Adaptable user interfaces for portable, interactive computing software systemsR. Evans, Nick J. Fiddian, W. Alex Gray. 59-64 [doi]
- User consulting in three forms of network-based organizationRichard C. Roistacher. 65-68 [doi]
- Lexicon design using perfect hash functionsNick Cercone, Max Krause, John Boates. 69-78 [doi]
- Designing SENSE (a software environment for social science rEsearch): The role of software toolsNick J. Fiddian, W. Alex Gray, M. W. Read. 79-85 [doi]
- Building and accessing an REL databaseSteve Gadol, Egon E. Loebner. 86-90 [doi]
- Cognitive style, categorization, and vocational effectss on performance of REL database usersDiana Gail Egly, Keith T. Wescourt. 91-97 [doi]
- An integral approach to user assistanceRobert S. Fenchel. 98-104 [doi]
- Short-term friendly and long-term hostile?John C. Klensin. 105-110 [doi]
- The mini-micro connectionG. R. Boynton. 111-112 [doi]
- A program for social science computer literacyPaul J. Strand. 113-115 [doi]
- Interfacing to text using HELPMEThomas P. Kehler, Mike Barnes. 116-124 [doi]
- Human diversity and the choice of interface: A design challengeStarr Roxanne Hiltz, Murray Turoff. 125-130 [doi]
- Living taxonomies in the corporate world: The need for multinested data modelsEgon E. Loebner, Steve Gadol. 131-136 [doi]
- A study of procedure descriptions by non-programmers (abstract only)Lawrence Miller. 137 [doi]
- The graphic design of friendly faces for information management (abstract only)Aaron Marcus. 137 [doi]
- Human factors studies with system message styles (abstract only)Ben Shneiderman. 138 [doi]
- The coming world of "what you see is what you get" (abstract only)Donald Hatfield. 138 [doi]
- Naive user behavior in a restricted interactive command environment (abstract only)Allan G. Haggett, John R. McFadden, Peter R. Newsted. 139 [doi]
- Design issues for online documentation systems (abstract only)Carolyn P. Steinhaus. 139 [doi]
- Learning effectiveness: The impact of response time (abstract only)Sherry Weinberg. 140 [doi]
- Design considerations for data base facilities on a desk top (abstract only)Susanne S. Cochran. 140 [doi]
- Issues for Ease of Use in personal computing (abstract only)Harry R. Tennant. 141 [doi]
- Designing considerate systems (abstract only)Ronald E. Anderson. 141 [doi]
- Concise natural language interaction (abstract only)Paul Roller Michaelis, James A. Hendler. 141 [doi]
- A contribution towards the measurement of user behavior (abstract only)Helmut Wilke. 142 [doi]
- A study of entity-based database interfaces (abstract only)Marilyn M. Mantei, R. G. G. Cattell. 142 [doi]
- An editor-based programming support environment (abstract only)Wilfred J. Hansen. 142 [doi]
- Direct manipulation: A step beyond programming languages (abstract only)Ben Shneiderman. 143 [doi]
- What can be learned from arcade games and home computer applications? (A Panel Discussion): The case for considering games and home applications (abstract only)Karl L. Zinn. 143 [doi]
- What makes computer games fun? (abstract only)Thomas W. Malone. 143 [doi]
- Case study of a user-oriented conferencing system (abstract only)Karl L. Zinn. 144 [doi]
- Learning how to confer: The interplay of theory and practice in computer conferencing (abstract only)Robert Parnes. 144 [doi]
- The CONFER experience of the Merit Computer Network (abstract only)Christine Wendt. 144-145 [doi]
- Uses of CONFER at Wayne State University (abstract only)Alan McCord. 145 [doi]
- Third party consulting in the network environment (abstract only)Richard C. Roistacher. 145 [doi]
- Conference on easier and more productive use of computing systems (session listings)Joseph Raben, Lorraine Borman, Robert S. Fenchel, Thomas H. Ohlgren, Norman K. Sondheimer, Andrew Beveridge, Kevin Roddy. 146-149 [doi]