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- Hate Speech Detection on Social Media Using Graph Convolutional NetworksSeema Nagar, Sameer Gupta, C. S. Bahushruth, Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey. 3-14 [doi]
- Capturing the Spread of Hate on Twitter Using Spreading Activation ModelsSeema Nagar, Sameer Gupta, Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey. 15-27 [doi]
- Indirect Causal Influence of a Single Bot on Opinion Dynamics Through a Simple Recommendation AlgorithmNiccolo Pescetelli, Daniel Barkoczi, Manuel Cebrián. 28-41 [doi]
- Modelling the Effects of Self-learning and Social Influence on the Diversity of KnowledgeTuan Pham. 42-53 [doi]
- Activator-Inhibitor Model for Describing Interactions Between Fake News and Their CorrectionsMasaki Aida, Ayako Hashizume. 54-65 [doi]
- Love and Hate During Political Campaigns in Social NetworksJuan Carlos Losada, José Manuel Robles, Rosa María Benito, Rafael Caballero. 66-77 [doi]
- Homophily - a Driving Factor for Hate Speech on TwitterSeema Nagar, Sameer Gupta, C. S. Bahushruth, Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey. 78-88 [doi]
- Influencing the Influencers: Evaluating Person-to-Person Influence on Social Networks Using Granger CausalityRichard Kuzma, Iain J. Cruickshank, Kathleen M. Carley. 89-99 [doi]
- How the Far-Right Polarises Twitter: 'Hashjacking' as a Disinformation Strategy in Times of COVID-19Philipp Darius, Fabian Stephany. 100-111 [doi]
- Models of Influence Spreading on Social NetworksVesa Kuikka, Minh An Antti Pham. 112-123 [doi]
- Bubble Effect Induced by Recommendation Systems in a Simple Social Media ModelFranco Bagnoli, Guido de Bonfioli Cavalcabo', Benedetto Casu, Andrea Guazzini. 124-131 [doi]
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- Exploring Bias and Information Bubbles in YouTube's Video Recommendation NetworksBaris Kirdemir, Nitin Agarwal. 166-177 [doi]
- Modeling the Spread of COVID-19 Over Varied Contact NetworksRyan Solorzano, Theresa Migler. 181-193 [doi]
- Benchmarking Optimal Control for Network Dynamic Systems with Plausible Epidemic ModelsYaroslav V. Salii. 194-206 [doi]
- Hardness Results for Seeding Complex Contagion with NeighborhoodsMeher Chaitanya, Ulrik Brandes. 207-216 [doi]
- Influence Maximization in Complex Networks Through Supervised Machine LearningOwais A. Hussain, Faraz Zaidi. 217-228 [doi]
- Story of Two Populations in Epidemics: Is Every Infection Counted?Van Sy Mai, Richard J. La. 229-240 [doi]
- A Framework for Simulating Multiple Contagions Over Multiple NetworksAparna Kishore, Lucas Machi, Chris J. Kuhlman, Dustin Machi, S. S. Ravi. 241-252 [doi]
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- Two-Population SIR Model and Strategies to Reduce Mortality in PandemicsLong Ma 0008, Maksim Kitsak, Piet Van Mieghem. 265-276 [doi]
- Hypergraph Laplacians in Diffusion FrameworkMehmet Emin Aktas, Esra Akbas. 277-288 [doi]
- Lumping Reductions for Multispread in Multi-Layer NetworksTatjana Petrov, Stefano Tognazzi. 289-300 [doi]
- Microscopic Markov Chain Approach for Measuring Mobility Driven SARS-CoV-2 TransmissionTrevor G. Kent, Nolan Edward Phillips, Ian McCulloh, Viveca Pavon-Harr, Heather G. Patsolic. 301-314 [doi]
- Epidemics in a Synthetic Urban Population with Multiple Levels of MixingAlessandro Celestini, Francesca Colaiori, Stefano Guarino, Enrico Mastrostefano, Lena Rebecca Zastrow. 315-326 [doi]
- From Mean-Field to Complex Topologies: Network Effects on the Algorithmic Bias ModelValentina Pansanella, Giulio Rossetti, Letizia Milli. 329-340 [doi]
- Towards Control of Opinion Diversity by Introducing Zealots into a Polarised Social GroupAntoine Vendeville, Benjamin Guedj, Shi Zhou. 341-352 [doi]
- Sensing Enhancement on Complex NetworksMarkus Brede, Guillermo Romero Moreno. 353-364 [doi]
- Cascading Failures and the Robustness of Cooperation in a Unified Scale-Free Network ModelMingxuan He, Matthew Gao, Yang Gao, Fernanda M. Eliott. 365-376 [doi]
- Effect of Peer Influence and Looting Concerns on Evacuation Behavior During Natural DisastersMatthew Hancock, Nafisa Halim, Chris J. Kuhlman, Achla Marathe, Pallab Mozumder, S. S. Ravi, Anil Vullikanti. 377-389 [doi]
- Eigenvalues of Random Signed Graphs with Cycles: A Graph-Centered View of the Method of Moments with Practical ApplicationsPau Vilimelis Aceituno. 390-400 [doi]
- Bosonic Random Walk Neural Networks for Graph LearningShiv Shankar, Don Towsley. 401-411 [doi]
- Multiple Role Discovery in Complex NetworksShu Liu, Fujio Toriumi, Mao Nishiguchi, Shohei Usui. 415-427 [doi]
- Graph Summarization with Latent Variable Probabilistic ModelsShintaro Fukushima, Ryoga Kanai, Kenji Yamanishi. 428-440 [doi]
- Image Keypoint Matching Using Graph Neural NetworksNancy Xu, Giannis Nikolentzos, Michalis Vazirgiannis, Henrik Boström. 441-451 [doi]
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- Joint Use of Node Attributes and Proximity for Node ClassificationArpit Merchant, Michael Mathioudakis. 511-522 [doi]
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- Simple Negative Sampling for Link Prediction in Knowledge GraphsMd. Kamrul Islam, Sabeur Aridhi, Malika Smaïl-Tabbone. 549-562 [doi]
- Evaluation of Anomaly Detection for Cybersecurity Using Inductive Node Embedding with Convolutional Graph Neural NetworksAmani Abou Rida, Rabih Amhaz, Pierre Parrend. 563-574 [doi]
- Hybrid Graph Embedding Techniques in Estimated Time of Arrival TaskVadim Porvatov, Natalia Semenova, Andrey Chertok. 575-586 [doi]
- What Is Learned in Knowledge Graph Embeddings?Michael R. Douglas, Michael Simkin, Omri Ben-Eliezer, Tianqi Wu, Peter Chin 0001, Trung V. Dang, Andrew Wood. 587-602 [doi]
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- Inferred Networks and the Social Determinants of HealthPrashant Sanjel, John Matta. 703-715 [doi]
- Network-Based Analysis of Prescription Opioids Dispensing Using Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs)Hilary Aroke, Natallia V. Katenka, Stephen Kogut, Ashley L. Buchanan. 716-730 [doi]
- Drug Repositioning Using Multiplex-Heterogeneous Network Embedding: A Case Study on SARS-CoV2Léo Pio-Lopez. 731-741 [doi]
- Drug Repurposing Using Link Prediction on Knowledge Graphs with Applications to Non-volatile MemorySarel Cohen, Moshik Hershcovitch, Martin Taraz, Otto Kißig, Andrew Wood, Daniel G. Waddington, Peter Chin 0001, Tobias Friedrich 0001. 742-753 [doi]
- Understanding Imbalance Mechanisms in Shared Mobility SystemsFrancisco Prieto Castrillo, Rosa M. Benito, Javier Borondo. 757-768 [doi]
- Neighborhood Discovery via Network Community StructureAaron Louis Bramson. 769-779 [doi]
- CityChrone: an Interactive Platform for Transport Network Analysis and Planning in Urban SystemsIndaco Biazzo. 780-791 [doi]
- VLT-LUT: Modeling the Very Long-Term Evolution of the City in 300 YearsAriel Castillo, Francisco Martínez, Pedro Donoso, Leonel Gutierrez, Ricardo de la Paz Guala. 792-803 [doi]
- Layered Hodge Decomposition for Urban Transit NetworksUnchitta Kan, Eduardo López. 804-815 [doi]