Abstract is missing.
- Distributed Component-Based Software Development: An Incremental ApproachEduardo Santana de Almeida, Alexandre Alvaro, Daniel Lucrédio, Antônio Francisco do Prado, Luís Carlos Trevelin. 4-9 [doi]
- Model Oriented Software ArchitectureHassan Reza, Emanuel S. Grant. 4-5 [doi]
- A Grid Service-Based Engineering Computation ArchitectureChangqin Huang, Deren Chen, Hualiang Hu. 6-7 [doi]
- A Generic OO Architecture Language for Semantics Analysis of OO SpecificationFranck Xia. 8-9 [doi]
- An XML-Based Framework for Language Neutral Program Representation and Generic AnalysisRaihan Al-Ekram, Kostas Kontogiannis. 10-11 [doi]
- TiViPE - Tino s Visual Programming EnvironmentTino Lourens. 10-15 [doi]
- Adaptive Time-Critical Resource Management Using Time/Utility Functions: Past, Present, and FuturePeng Li, Binoy Ravindran, E. Douglas Jensen. 12-13 [doi]
- Addressing: The Root of all Programming EvilsConrad Mueller. 14-15 [doi]
- Codifying a Service Architectural StyleDavid Budgen, Pearl Brereton, Mark Turner. 16-22 [doi]
- Towards Optimization of the Coverage Testing of Interactive SystemsFevzi Belli, Christof J. Budnik. 18-19 [doi]
- Estimation of Software Defects Fix Effort Using Neural NetworksHui Zeng, David Rine. 20-21 [doi]
- A Change Impact Dependency Measure for Predicting the Maintainability of Source CodeFranck Xia, Praveen Srikanth. 22-23 [doi]
- Formal Support for Development of JavaBeans? Component SystemsBhim Prasad Upadhyaya, Zhiming Liu. 23-28 [doi]
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- Assuring Assessment SuccessKevin McKeever, Jonathan Morrison, Eric Peterson. 30-37 [doi]
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- Enacting Conformance Assessment of Business Processes - An ebXML Based Approach in E-ADOMEZhe Shan, Qing Li, Kamalakar Karlapalem. 38-43 [doi]
- An Efficient Distributed Intrusion Detection SchemeThomas Holz. 39-40 [doi]
- N-Gram-Based Detection of New Malicious CodeTony Abou-Assaleh, Nick Cercone, Vlado Keselj, Ray Sweidan. 41-42 [doi]
- A Decision-Making Model for Intelligent Agent with Internal StateShan-li Hu, Hai-yan Wu. 43-44 [doi]
- Continuous Productivity Assessment and Effort Prediction Based on Bayesian AnalysisSeok Jun Yun, Dick B. Simmons. 44-49 [doi]
- Goal Autonomous Agent ArchitectureZhiqi Shen, Robert K. L. Gay, Yuan Miao, Chunyan Miao. 45-46 [doi]
- An Intelligent Component Retrieval System Using Conversational CBRMingyang Gu, Xin Tong. 47-48 [doi]
- Excalibur: A Personalized Meta Search EngineLeo Yuen, Matthew Chang, Ying Kit Lai, Chung Keung Poon. 49-50 [doi]
- Introducing Agility: A Case Study of Situational Method Engineering Using the OPEN Process FrameworkM. K. Serour, Brian Henderson-Sellers. 50 [doi]
- Rich Media Retrieval in an Object XML Framework: A Case Study with Flash Movies Using Structural Join Index HierarchyEdmund Hon Chung Mak, Chi-Wai Fung, Qing Li. 51-52 [doi]
- A New E-Shopping System Using High Performance Custom ComputersYuk Ying Chung, Yong Sun, PengHao Wang, Xiaoming Chen. 54-55 [doi]
- Development of a Hybrid Automotive Wireless HarnessKiumi Akingbehin, Nilesh V. Patel. 56-57 [doi]
- Lesions Learned from the Practice of Mobile Health Application DevelopmentPing Yu, Hui Yu. 58-59 [doi]
- An Edge Marking Technique for Dynamic Slicing of Object-Oriented ProgramsDurga Prasad Mohapatra, Rajib Mall, Rajeev Kumar. 60-65 [doi]
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- Robustness Study of an Embedded Operating System for Industrial ApplicationsJuan Pardo, José Carlos Campelo, Juan José Serrano. 64-65 [doi]
- Modular Monadic Program SlicingYingzhou Zhang, Baowen Xu, Liang Shi, Bixin Li, Hongji Yang. 66-71 [doi]
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- Using Artificial Life Techniques to Generate Test Cases for Combinatorial TestingToshiaki Shiba, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya, Tohru Kikuno. 72-77 [doi]
- Evaluating GML Support for Spatial DatabasesLakshmi N. Sripada, Chang-Tien Lu, Weili Wu. 74-77 [doi]
- A Spatial SQL Extension for Continuous Field QueryingRobert Laurini, Luca Paolino, Monica Sebillo, Genoveffa Tortora, Giuliana Vitiello. 78-81 [doi]
- A Revisit of Adaptive Random Testing by RestrictioKwok Ping Chan, Tsong Yueh Chen, Fei-Ching Kuo, Dave Towey. 78-85 [doi]
- Spatial Data Query Support in Peer-to-Peer SystemsRoger Zimmermann, Wei-Shinn Ku, Haojun Wang. 82-85 [doi]
- Protein Functional Motion Query and VisualizationXiong Liu, Hassan A. Karimi, Lee-Wei Yang, Ivet Bahar. 86-89 [doi]
- Risk Management of Corporate Confidential Information in Digital FormLucas Chi Kwong Hui, K. P. Chow, Kevin K. H. Pun, Siu-Ming Yiu, Wai Wan Tsang, C. F. Chong, H. W. Chan. 88-89 [doi]
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- Implementing Hierarchical Features in a Graphically Based Formal Modelling LanguagePeter Henderson, Robert John Walters, Stephen Crouch. 92-98 [doi]
- Adaptive Random Testing with CG ConstraintF. T. Chan, K. P. Chan, T. Y. Chen, Siu-Ming Yiu. 96-99 [doi]
- Situated Modelling of ScenariosFrancisco A. C. Pinheiro. 99-107 [doi]
- Adaptive Control Software: Can We Guarantee Safety?Yan Liu, Sampath Yerramalla, Edgar Fuller, Bojan Cukic, Srikanth Gururajan. 100-103 [doi]
- Web Application Bypass TestingJeff Offutt, Ye Wu, Xiaochen Du, Hong Huang. 106-109 [doi]
- PFGASAT- A Genetic SAT Solver Combining Partitioning and Fuzzy StrategieJianzhou Zhao, Jinian Bian, Weimin Wu. 108-113 [doi]
- Cooperative Agent Approach to Quality Assurance and Testing Web SoftwareHong Zhu. 110-113 [doi]
- Data Flow Analysis and Testing of Java Server PagesChien-Hung Liu. 114-119 [doi]
- Consistency Check in Modelling Multi-Agent SystemsLijun Shan, Hong Zhu. 114-119 [doi]
- WS-FIT: A Tool for Dependability Analysis of Web ServicesNik Looker, Malcolm Munro, Jie Xu. 120-123 [doi]
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- On the Complexity of Finding Emerging PatternsLusheng Wang, Hao Zhao, Guozhu Dong, Jianping Li. 126-129 [doi]
- SOWAC: A Service-Oriented Workflow Access Control ModelWei Xu, Jun Wei, Yu Liu, Jing Li. 128-134 [doi]
- Web Service and Geographical Information IntegrationYingwei Luo, Xinpeng Liu, Wenjun Wang, Xiaolin Wang, Zhuoqun Xu. 130-133 [doi]
- A Method Based on Improved Bayesian Inference Network Model and Hidden Markov Model for Prediction of Protein Secondary StructureGuohui Yang, Chunguang Zhou, Chengquan Hu, Zhezhou Yu, Hongji Yang. 134-137 [doi]
- Towards Autonomic Computing Middleware via ReflectionGang Huang, Tiancheng Liu, Hong Mei, Zizhan Zheng, Zhao Liu, Gang Fan. 135-140 [doi]
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- A Semantic-Aware Publish/Subscribe System with RDF PatternsJinling Wang, Beihong Jin, Jing Li, Danhua Shao. 141-14 [doi]
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- Worst-Case Response Time Analysis for OSEK/VDX Compliant Real-Time Distributed Control SystemsLei Wang, Zhaohui Wu, Mingde Zhao. 148-153 [doi]
- Linking Software Process Modeling with Markov Decision TheoryFrank Padberg. 152-155 [doi]
- Dynamic Real-Time Scheduling for Multi-Processor Tasks Using Genetic AlgorithmShu-Chen Cheng, Yueh-Min Huang. 154-160 [doi]
- Modeling and Control of the Incremental Software Test ProcessScott D. Miller, Raymond A. DeCarlo, Aditya P. Mathur. 156-159 [doi]
- Software Test Process Control: Status and Future DirectionsGhaffari Abu, Leeny Chacko, João W. Cangussu. 160-163 [doi]
- Real-Time Strategy and Practice in Service GridHai Jin, Hanhua Chen, Jian Chen, Ping Kuang, Li Qi, Deqing Zou. 161-166 [doi]
- Online Testing of Web-Based ApplicationsQianxiang Wang, Lining Quan, Fuchen Ying. 166-169 [doi]
- A New Scheduling Algorithm and a Compensation Strategy for Imprecise ComputationAlbert Mo Kim Cheng, Rong Wang. 167-172 [doi]
- Cooperative and Group Testing in Verification of Dynamic Composite Web ServicesWei-Tek Tsai, Yinong Chen, Raymond A. Paul, Ning Liao, Hai Huang. 170-173 [doi]
- Computing Curricula Software Engineering: Position PaperDavid Budgen. 174-175 [doi]
- Agent-Based Framework for Testing Web ApplicationsDavid Chenho Kung. 174-177 [doi]
- Computing Curriculum - Software Engineering: Its Impact on Professional Software Engineering EducationT. H. Tse. 176-177 [doi]
- Code-Coverage Guided Prioritized Test GenerationJ. Jenny Li, Howell Yee. 178-181 [doi]
- Application of Maximum Entropy Principle to Software Failure PredictionJi Wu, Hai-yan Yang, Xiao-xia Jia, Chang Liu, Chao Liu, Mao-zhong Jin. 180-185 [doi]
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- Research Directions in Software Process ImprovementDavid N. Card. 238 [doi]
- State of the Art and Future of Research in Software Process ImprovementMiguel A. Serrano. 239 [doi]
- Dependable Computing: Concepts, Challenges, DirectionsJean-Claude Laprie. 242 [doi]
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- Embedded Software in Real-Time Pervasive Computing EnvironmentsStephen S. Yau. 406-407 [doi]
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- Hiding Sensitive Patterns in Association Rules MiningGuanling Lee, Chien-Yu Chang, Arbee L. P. Chen. 424-429 [doi]
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- Formal Methods for Trustworthy Mobile ComputingHuimin Lin. 500 [doi]
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- Agentification for Web ServicesFeng Chen, Hongji Yang, He Guo, Baowen Xu. 514-519 [doi]
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