Abstract is missing.
- Design Structural Stability Metrics and Post-Release Defect Density: An Empirical StudyMahmoud O. Elish, David C. Rine. 1-8 [doi]
- Practical Autonomic ComputingGeorge Cybenko, Vincent H. Berk, Ian D. Gregorio-De Souza, Chad Behre. 3-14 [doi]
- Location Updates In Cellular Networks Using Bloom FiltersKamala Subramaniam, Alan L. Tharp, Arne A. Nilsson. 3-9 [doi]
- Distributed Processes on Tree HashKyosuke Yasuda, Takao Miura, Isamu Shioya. 10-13 [doi]
- Trading Integrity for Availability by Means of Explicit Runtime ConstraintsLorenz Froihofer, Johannes Osrael, Karl M. Göschka. 14-17 [doi]
- Future Trends of Software Technology and ApplicationsStephen S. Yau. 15 [doi]
- Future Trends of Software Technology and Applications: Software ArchitecturePaul C. Clements. 16 [doi]
- Future Trends of Software Technology and Applications: The Phone is the ComputerWarren Harrison. 17 [doi]
- Future Trends of Software Technology and Applications Model-Based DevelopmentJohn C. Knight. 18 [doi]
- A Run-time Adaptive and Code-size Efficient XML ParserZhou Yanming, Qu Mingbin Mingbin. 18-21 [doi]
- Introduction to Panels on E-Security, Granular Computing and Web IntelligenceTsau Young Lin. 21 [doi]
- Granular Computing, Computer Security andWeb IntelligenceTsau Young Lin. 22-23 [doi]
- Performance Analysis of an Asynchronous Web ServerU. Praphamontripong, Swapna S. Gokhale, Aniruddha S. Gokhale, Jeffrey G. Gray. 22-28 [doi]
- How to Make Web Intelligence (WI) meets Brain Informatics (BI) Successfully?Ning Zhong. 24-25 [doi]
- Data Structure and Algorithm in Data Mining: Granular Computing ViewShusaku Tsumoto. 26-27 [doi]
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- COMPSAC Panel Session on Trustworthy ComputingAnn Miller, John McLean, O. Sami Saydjari, Jeffrey M. Voas. 31 [doi]
- Trustworthy Software: Why we need it, Why we don t have it, How we can get itJohn McLean. 32-33 [doi]
- Self-Management of COTS Component-Based Systems Using WrappersMichael E. Shin, Fernando Paniagua. 33-36 [doi]
- Trustworthy Computing NeedsAnn Miller. 34 [doi]
- Reliability and Fault Tolerance in TrustJeffrey M. Voas. 35-36 [doi]
- Risk: A Good System Security MeasureO. Sami Saydjari. 37-38 [doi]
- Intelligent Classification and Retrieval of Software ComponentsAndreas S. Andreou, Dimitrios Vogiatzis, George A. Papadopoulos. 37-40 [doi]
- Traceability between Software Architecture ModelsYao-Dong Feng, Gang Huang, Jie Yang, Hong Mei. 41-44 [doi]
- Just Enough Requirements TraceabilityJane Cleland-Huang. 41-42 [doi]
- Achieving Dependable Component-Based Systems Through Generative Aspect Oriented Component AdaptationXiaodong Liu, Yankui Feng, Jon M. Kerridge. 45-48 [doi]
- Software Engineering Education in the New Millennium - A View from AsiaCarl K. Chang. 45 [doi]
- Software Engineering Education in the New MillenniumDick B. Simmons. 46-47 [doi]
- The Model and Implementation of Component Array ContainerZhao Liu, Gang Huang, Hong Mei. 49-54 [doi]
- Imparting Global Software Development Experience via an IT Project Management Course: Critical Success FactorsMonica Adya. 51-52 [doi]
- An Academic Perspective on Globalization in the Software IndustryUmesh Bellur. 53-54 [doi]
- Global Software EnterpreneurshipVenu Vasudevan. 55-56 [doi]
- Preventing Feature Interactions by ConstraintsJihong Zuo, Qianxiang Wang, Hong Mei. 55-58 [doi]
- Global Software Development for the EnterpriseRajiv Ramnath. 57-58 [doi]
- Model for Global Software Engineering Project Life Cycle and How to Use it in Classroom for Preparing Our Students for the GlobalizationSheikh Iqbal Ahamed. 59-60 [doi]
- Frameworks Built on the Trusted Platform ModuleMatt Barrett, Clark D. Thomborson. 59-62 [doi]
- A Performance Engineering Tool for Tiered Software SystemsVibhu Saujanya Sharma, Pankaj Jalote, Kishor S. Trivedi. 63-70 [doi]
- Separating Functional and Non-functional Concerns through Coordination: An Application to ReliabilityPierre-Etienne Poirot, Shangping Ren, Jerzy Nogiec, Jeffrey J. P. Tsai. 63-66 [doi]
- SSRD+: A Privacy-aware Trust and Security Model for Resource Discovery in Pervasive Computing EnvironmentMoushumi Sharmin, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Shameem Ahmed, Haifeng Li. 67-70 [doi]
- Security Design Based on Social ModelingLin Liu, Eric S. K. Yu, John Mylopoulos. 71-78 [doi]
- Accomplishments and Challenges of Protein OntologyAmandeep S. Sidhu, Tharam S. Dillon, Farookh Khadeer Hussain. 71-76 [doi]
- Alert Based Monitoring of Stock Trading SystemsEdward W. Y. Ho, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Patrick C. K. Hung. 77-86 [doi]
- An Aspect-Oriented Approach to Security Requirements AnalysisDianxiang Xu, Vivek Goel, Kendall E. Nygard. 79-82 [doi]
- A Software Architectural Approach to Security by DesignArnab Ray, Rance Cleaveland. 83-86 [doi]
- An Aspect-Oriented Approach to Resource Composition in Petri net-based Software Architectural ModelsTae Hyung Kim, Carl K. Chang. 87-94 [doi]
- Reflective, Model-Based Data Access with the Type-Safe Entity ContainerGernot Schmoelzer, Christian Kreiner, Zsolt Kovács, Michael Thonhauser. 87-92 [doi]
- A Technique to Reduce the Test Case Suites for Regression Testing Based on a Self-Organizing Neural Network ArchitectureAdenilso da Silva Simão, Rodrigo Fernandes de Mello, Luciano José Senger. 93-96 [doi]
- Engineering Reconfigurable Product Families - Architecting the Variability Infrastructure of a Product Family On-ChipMichel Jaring. 95-102 [doi]
- Realization of Systematic Reliability Analysis of Decomposable SystemsSung Kim, Garrett Hoff. 97-100 [doi]
- Automating the Generation of Test Cases from Object-Z SpecificationsAdnan Ashraf, Aamer Nadeem. 101-104 [doi]
- A Biologically-Inspired Autonomic Architecture for Self-Healing Data CentersPaskorn Champrasert, Junichi Suzuki. 103-112 [doi]
- Planning and Scheduling from a Class Test OrderYvan Labiche. 105-108 [doi]
- Analyzing Inaccurate Artifact Usages in a Workflow SchemaFeng-Jian Wang, Chia-Lin Hsu, Huin-Jen Hsu. 109-114 [doi]
- Detecting Data Races on Framework-Based ApplicationsFederico Balaguer, Thuc S. M. Ho, Ralph E. Johnson. 113-120 [doi]
- Modeling Web Accessibility: A Case Study on Texas A&M University People WebsiteYong Wang, Dick B. Simmons. 115-118 [doi]
- Tool for Analysis and Simulation of TTCAN Communication in Distributed SystemsJosé Antonio de Frutos, Esther Cadiñanos, Juan Ignacio Pérez, Sara García. 119-122 [doi]
- Tool Support to Model-based Quality Analysis of Software ArchitectureQian Zhang, Jian Wu, Hong Zhu. 121-128 [doi]
- Moving Software from Expense to AssetR. Krishnan, Margaret Nadworny. 123-126 [doi]
- Automated Negotiation for Service ContractsRussell Lock. 127-134 [doi]
- Generating Domain Specific Graphical Modeling Editors from Meta ModelsRabih Zbib, Ashish Jain, Devasis Bassu, Hiralal Agrawal. 129-138 [doi]
- ARIMAmmse: An Improved ARIMA-basedLi Ruan, Yongji Wang, Qing Wang, Fengdi Shu, Haitao Zeng, Shen Zhang. 135-138 [doi]
- Verifying Java Programs By Theorem Prover HOLAnduo Wang, Fei He, Ming Gu, Xiaoyu Song. 139-142 [doi]
- An Interface Theory Based Approach to Verification of Web ServicesZhenbang Chen, Ji Wang, Wei Dong, Zhichang Qi, Wing Lok Yeung. 139-144 [doi]
- Model Checking with InductionKuangnan Chang, David Chenho Kung. 143-149 [doi]
- A Framework for Service-Oriented Testing of Web ServicesHong Zhu. 145-150 [doi]
- On the Distribution of Property Violations in Formal Models: An Initial StudyJimin Gao, Mats Per Erik Heimdahl, David Owen, Tim Menzies. 150-160 [doi]
- A Multi-Agent Framework for Testing Distributed SystemsHany F. El Yamany, Miriam A. M. Capretz, Luiz Fernando Capretz. 151-156 [doi]
- A Framework of Model-Driven Web Application TestingNuo Li, Qin-qin Ma, Ji Wu, Mao-zhong Jin, Chao Liu. 157-162 [doi]
- Efficient Modeling of Hierarchical Dialog Flows for Multi-ChannelWeb ApplicationsMatthias Book, Volker Gruhn. 161-168 [doi]
- Testability of Software in Service-Oriented ArchitectureWei-Tek Tsai, Jerry Gao, Xiao Wei, Yinong Chen. 163-170 [doi]
- A Formal Approach to Pre-Market Review for Medical Device SoftwareRaoul Praful Jetley, S. Purushothaman Iyer, Paul L. Jones, William Spees. 169-177 [doi]
- The MORABIT Approach to Runtime Component TestingDima Suliman, Barbara Paech, Lars Borner, Colin Atkinson, Daniel Brenner, Matthias Merdes, Rainer Malaka. 171-176 [doi]
- Automated Health-Assessment of Software Components using Management InstrumentatioFariaz Karim, Harish Thanneer. 177-182 [doi]
- Modeling the Symptomatic Fixes Archetype in Enterprise Computer SecurityShalom N. Rosenfeld, Ioana Rus, Michel Cukier. 178-188 [doi]
- A Practical Approach for Automated Test Case Generation using StatechartsValdivino A. Santiago, Ana Silvia Martins do Amaral, N. L. Vijaykumar, Maria de Fátima Mattiello-Francisco, Eliane Martins, Odnei Cuesta Lopes. 183-188 [doi]
- Quality Assurance of Open Source Components: Integrator Point of ViewPekka Mäki-Asiala, Mari Matinlassi. 189-194 [doi]
- An Experimental Study on Software Aging and Rejuvenation in Web ServersRivalino Matias, Paulo J. F. Filho. 189-196 [doi]
- Security Analysis of RFID Authentication for Pervasive Systems using Model CheckingHyun Seok Kim, Jeong-Hyun Oh, Jin-Young Choi. 195-202 [doi]
- A Novel Structure-Oriented Difference Approach for Software ArtifactsTien N. Nguyen. 197-204 [doi]
- Intrusion Detection in Pervasive Networks Based on a Chi-Square Statistic TestBo Zhou, Qi Shi, Madjid Merabti. 203-208 [doi]
- A Formal Model Driven Approach to Dependable Software EvolutionFeng Chen, Hongji Yang, Bing Qiao, William Cheng-Chung Chu. 205-214 [doi]
- Property-Based Peer Trust in the Sleeper Service Discovery ProtocolJohn Buford, Emré Celebi, Phyllis G. Frankl. 209-214 [doi]
- Application of Fuzzy Logic in Federated Trust Management for Pervasive ComputingZhengping Wu, Alfred C. Weaver. 215-222 [doi]
- Do Structural Design Patterns Promote Design Stability?Mahmoud O. Elish. 215-220 [doi]
- Software Effort Estimation Based on Use CasesMárcio Rodrigo Braz, Silvia Regina Vergilio. 221-228 [doi]
- A Dynamic Partitioning Approach for GUI TestingKai-Yuan Cai, Lei Zhao, Feng Wang. 223-228 [doi]
- Scale Free in Software MetricsLiu Jing, He Keqing, Ma Yutao, Peng Rong. 229-235 [doi]
- Automatic Stress and Load Testing for Embedded SystemsMohamad S. Bayan, João W. Cangussu. 229-233 [doi]
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- Highly Reliable Mobile Desktop Computing in Your PocketShaya Potter, Jason Nieh. 247-254 [doi]
- A Visual Constraint Specifying Approach for Adaptive SoftwareQianxiang Wang, Min Li, Na Meng. 252-257 [doi]
- Proxy-Based Pervasive Multimedia Content DeliveryHenry Novianus Palit, Chi-Hung Chi, Lin Liu. 255-264 [doi]
- A Theory of Software-Mediated Enterprise GovernanceJay S. Bayne. 258-264 [doi]
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- Self-Metamorphic-Testing ComponentsSami Beydeda. 265-272 [doi]
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- Discovery and Scoring of Semantic Web Services based on Client Requirement(s) through a Semantic Search AgentDuygu Çelik, Atilla Elçi. 273-278 [doi]
- Consensus Ontology Generation in a Socially Interacting MultiAgent SystemErgun Biçici. 279-284 [doi]
- A Methodology for Structured Object-Oriented Elicitation and Analysis of Temporal Constraints in Hardware/Software Co-analysis and Co-design of Real-Time SystemsYan Sun, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Bruce M. McMillin. 281-290 [doi]
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- MSC: A Semantic Ranking for Hitting Results of Matchmaking of ServicesXian Shen, Xin Jin, Rongfang Bie, Yunchuan Sun. 291-296 [doi]
- A Coordination Framework for Software Component Based DevelopmentJiang Guo. 291-298 [doi]
- Model-Driven Agile Development of Reactive Multi-Agent SystemsJames Kirby Jr.. 297-302 [doi]
- An Approach for Developing Adaptive, Mobile Applications with Separation of ConcernsNearchos Paspallis, George A. Papadopoulos. 299-306 [doi]
- Understanding Requirements: Aspect Oriented Software DevelopmentDeepak Dahiya, Rajinder K. Sachdeva. 303-308 [doi]
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- An Ontology-Based Approach to Software Comprehension - Reasoning about Security ConcernsYonggang Zhang, Juergen Rilling, Volker Haarslev. 333-342 [doi]
- A Control-Theoretic Aid to Managing the Construction Phase in Incremental Software Development (Extended Abstract)Scott D. Miller. 341-343 [doi]
- Integrating Static and Dynamic Analysis for Detecting VulnerabilitiesAshish Aggarwal, Pankaj Jalote. 343-350 [doi]
- Information Privacy Management in Smart Home Environments: Modeling, Verification, and ImplementationRyan Babbitt. 344-346 [doi]
- Intrusion Detection Techniques in Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksXia Wang. 347-349 [doi]
- SymbioticSphere: A Biologically-Inspired Autonomic Architecture for Self-Managing Network SystemsPaskorn Champrasert, Junichi Suzuki. 350-352 [doi]
- Security Consistency in UML DesignsOrest Pilskalns, Daniel Williams, Damir Aracic, Anneliese Amschler Andrews. 351-358 [doi]
- A Domain Specific Modeling Framework for Secure Network ApplicationsHiroshi Wada, Junichi Suzuki. 353-355 [doi]
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- A Service-Oriented Design Framework for Secure Network ApplicationsHiroshi Wada, Junichi Suzuki, Katsuya Oba. 359-368 [doi]
- QoS-Based Service CompositionJinchun Xia. 359-361 [doi]
- Can the Genetic Algorithm Be a Good Tool for Software Engineering Searching Problems?Hsinyi Jiang. 362-366 [doi]
- Technical Solution to Automate Smoke Test Using Rational Functional Tester and Virtualization TechnologyNai Yan Zhao, Mi Wan Shum. 367 [doi]
- Identifying andTesting for Insecure Paths in Cryptographic Protocol ImplementationsK. R. Jayaram. 368-369 [doi]
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- Automatic Identification of Change Points for the System Testing ProcessJoão W. Cangussu, Michael Baron. 377-384 [doi]
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- Testing Scenario Implementation with Behavior ContractsDonglin Liang, Kai Xu 0002. 395-402 [doi]
- On Detection Conditions of Double Faults Related to Terms in Boolean ExpressionsMan Fai Lau, Ying Liu, Yuen-Tak Yu. 403-410 [doi]
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- A Systematic Regression Testing Method and Tool For Software ComponentsJerry Gao, Deepa Gopinathan, Quan Mai, Jingsha He. 455-466 [doi]
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- Forgetting Test CasesKwok Ping Chan, Tsong Yueh Chen, Dave Towey. 485-494 [doi]
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- Quantitative Analysis on the Cacheability Factors of Web ObjectsChi-Hung Chi, Lin Liu, LuWei Zhang. 532-538 [doi]