Abstract is missing.
- Scalability and Programmability of Massively Parallel ProcessorsKai Hwang. 1-4
- Language Constructs and Runtime Systems for Compositional Parallel ProgrammingIan T. Foster, Carl Kesselman. 5-16
- Locality Optimizations for Parallel MachinesMonica S. Lam. 17-28
- TAU: A Portable Parallel Program Analysis Environment for pC++Bernd Mohr, Darryl Brown, Allen D. Malony. 29-40
- Communication Pattern Based Performance Prediction on the nCUBE 2 Multiprocessor SystemHarald Wabnig, Günter Haring, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Jens Volkert. 41-52
- Performance Oriented Development of SPMD Programs Based on Task Structure SpecificationsAlois Ferscha, James Johnson. 53-65
- Monitoring for Detecing Bugs and Blocking CommunicationSiegfried Grabner, Dieter Kranzlmüller. 66-75
- Minimizing the Log Size for Execution Replay of Shared-Memory ProgramsLuk Levrouw, Koenraad Audenaert. 76-87
- GOLD MINE: Specification Language for Event-Based MonitoringWolfgang Kastner, Stefan Stöckler, René Zeitlberger. 88-99
- On the Expressivity of a Weakest Precondition Calculus for a Simple Data-Parallel Programming LanguageLuc Bougé, Yann Le Guyadec, Gil Utard, Bernard Virot. 100-111
- Reduction in PEIEric Violard, Guy-René Perrin. 112-123
- Towards the Synthesis of Asynchronous Concurrent ProgramsD. K. Arvind, B. R. J. McConnell. 124-135
- Formal Derivation of SIMD Parallelism from Non-Linear Recursive SpecificationsA. Max Geerling. 136-147
- Deriving Efficient Parallel Implementations of Algorithms Operating on General Sparse Matrices Using Automatic Program TransformationStephen Fitzpatrick, Terence J. Harmer, James M. Boyle. 148-159
- Flexible Program and Architecture Specification for Massively Parallel SystemsStephan Kindermann. 160-171
- Systematic Approach and Software Tool for Systolic DesignStanislav Sedukhin, Igor S. Sedukhin. 172-183
- ADVISE - Agricultural Developmental Visualisation Interactive Software EnvironmentLawrence Lau, Mike Rezny, John Belward, Kevin Burrage, Bert Pohl. 184-195
- TOP:::2::: Tool Suite for the Development and Testing of Parallel ApplicationsUlrich Detert, Michael Gerndt. 196-207
- Vectorization of the Radix r Self-Sorting FFTMargarita Amor, María J. Martín, Dora Blanco Heras, Oscar G. Plata, Francisco F. Rivera, Francisco Argüello. 208-217
- Efficient Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalisation on an Array ProcessorMaurice Clint, Jim Weston, J. B. Flannagan. 218-228
- Parallel Algorithm for Inverting Tridiagonal Matrix on Linear Processor ArrayMile K. Stojcev, Emina I. Milovanovic, Milan D. Mihajlovic, Igor Z. Milovanovic. 229-240
- Systolic Algorithms for Long Integer GCD ComputationTudor Jebelean. 241-252
- Parallelization of Non-Simultaneous Iterative Methods for Systems of Linear EquationsBeniamino Di Martino, Giulio Iannello. 253-264
- Hypercube Implementation and Performance Analysis for Extrapolation ModelsThomas Rauber, Gudula Rünger. 265-276
- An Approach to Machine-Independent Parallel ProgrammingWolf Zimmermann, Welf Löwe. 277-288
- On Logic Program Parallelisation StrategiesSteven David Prestwich. 289-300
- Paradigms Admitting Superunitary Behaviour in Parallel ComputationSelim G. Akl, Lorrie Fava Lindon. 301-312
- Exact Solution of Linear Systems over Rational Numbers by Parallel p-adic ArithmeticCarla Limongelli, Roberto Pirastu. 313-323
- Parallel Computation of Modular Multivariate Polynominal Resultants on a Shared Memory MachineHoon Hong, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl. 325-336
- Partial Marking GCYoshio Tanaka, Shogo Matsui, Atsushi Maeda, Masakazu Nakanishi. 337-348
- Parallel Recognition and Location Algorithms for Chordal Graphs Using Distance MatricesStavros D. Nikolopoulos. 349-358
- Comparing two Probabilistic Models of the Computational Complexity of the Branch and Bound AlgorithmMichèle Dion, Marc Gengler, Stéphane Ubéda. 359-370
- Parallel Heap Construction Using Multiple SelectionJingsen Chen. 371-380
- Engineering High Quality Parallel Software Using PARSEIan Gorton, Toong Shoon Chan, Innes Jelly. 381-392
- Massively Parallel Volume RenderingAlfred Spalt, Edith Spiegl, Thomas Meikl. 393-404
- Parallel Visibility Computations for Parallel RadiosityWolfgang Stürzlinger, Christoph Wild. 405-413
- Memory Access Synchronization in Vector MultiprocessorsMateo Valero, Montse Peiron, Eduard Ayguadé. 414-425
- A Switch Cache Design for MIN-Based Shared-Memory MultiprocessorsMazin S. Yousif, Chita R. Das. 426-437
- Modeling Cache Coherence Overhead with Geometric ObjectsR. Kattner, M. Eger, Christian Müller-Schloer. 438-448
- Accelerated Access to Shared Distributed Arrays on Distribued Memory Systems by Access ObjectsStefan Lüpke. 449-460
- A Comparison of Shared Virtual Memory and Message Passing Programming Techniques Based on a Finite Element ApplicationRudolf Berrendorf, Michael Gerndt, Zakaria Lahjomri, Thierry Priol. 461-472
- Comparison Between a Message Passing and a Global Shared Memory Parallel Computer by Means of a Concrete Monte-Carlo AlgorithmRenate Dohmen. 473-484
- Non-homogeneous Parallel Memory Operations in a VLIW MachineR. Milikowski, Willem G. Vree. 485-496
- Experience with the Implementation of a Concurrent Graph Reduction System on an nCube/2 PlatformTorsten Bülck, Achim Held, Werner E. Kluge, Stefan Pantke, Carsten Rathsack, Sven-Bodo Scholz, Raimund Schröder. 497-508
- The Rewrite Rule Machine Node Architecture and Its PerformancePatrick Lincoln, José Meseguer, Livio Ricciulli. 509-520
- Automatic Spark Strategies and Granularity for a Parallel Functional Language ReducerKevin Hammond, James S. Mattson Jr., Simon L. Peyton Jones. 521-532
- Virtual Tasks for the PACLIB KernelWolfgang Schreiner. 533-544
- MUSE: a Message Passing Concurrent Computer for On-Board Space SystemsJean-Yves Le Gall, François Simon. 545-556
- Self-Timed Communication Strategies for Massively Parallel Systolic ArchitecturesR. S. Hogg, David W. Lloyd, W. I. Hughes. 557-567
- VIM Language ParadigmNikolay N. Mirenkov. 569-580
- Distributed Linda Tuplespace Algorithms and ImplementationsMing-Dong Feng, Yaoqing Gao, Chung-Kwong Yuen. 581-592
- Supporting Coarse and Fine Grain Parallelism in an Extension of MLPeter R. Bailey, Malcolm C. Newey, David Sitsky, Robin Stanton. 593-604
- Towards Mixed Computation/Communication in Parallel Scientific LibrariesChristophe Calvin, Laurent Colombet, Frederic Desprez, B. Jargot, Philippe Michallon, Bernard Tourancheau, Denis Trystram. 605-615
- Composing Functional Unit Blocks for Efficient Interpretation of MIMD Code Sequences on SIMD ProcessorsRoss A. Bagley, Philip A. Wilsey, Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh. 616-627
- Using Sacks to Organize Registers in VLIW MachinesJosep Llosa, Mateo Valero, José A. B. Fortes, Eduard Ayguadé. 628-639
- A Framework for Resource-Constrained Rate-Optimal Software PipeliningRamaswamy Govindarajan, Erik R. Altman, Guang R. Gao. 640-651
- Design of a Meta-Parallelizer for Large Scientific ApplicationsJean-Yves Berthou. 652-663
- A Software Architecture for Multidisciplinary Applications: Integrating Task and Data ParallelismBarbara M. Chapman, Piyush Mehrotra, John Van Rosendale, Hans P. Zima. 664-676
- On Scanning Space-Time Mapped While LoopsMartin Griebl, Christian Lengauer. 677-688
- Optimizing Communications by Using Compile Time AnalysisMourad Raji Werth, Paul Feautrier. 689-700
- Optimal Tile SizingRumen Andonov, Sanjay V. Rajopadhye. 701-712
- Evaluating Array Expressions on Massively Parallel Machines with Communication/ Computation OverlapVincent Bouchitté, Pierre Boulet, Alain Darte, Yves Robert. 713-724
- User Interaction and Symbolic Extensions to Dependence AnalysisS. P. Johnson, Cos S. Ierotheou, Mark Cross, P. F. Leggett. 725-736
- Simplifying Polynominal Constraints Over Integers to Make Dependence Analysis More PreciseVadim Maslov, William Pugh. 737-748
- Asymptotically Optimal Communication Algorithms on Faulty Folded Petersen NetworksSabine R. Öhring, Sajal K. Das, Dirk H. Hohndel. 749-760
- Optimization of Diagnostic ExaminationRoman Trobec, Izidor Jerebic. 761-772
- Laying Out Midimew Networks with Constant DilationGuihai Chen, Francis C. M. Lau. 773-784
- Optimal Interval RoutingPierre Fraigniaud, Cyril Gavoille. 785-796
- Broadcasting in Bus Interconnection NetworksAfonso Ferreira, Alfredo Goldman vel Lejbman, Siang W. Song. 797-807
- Broadcasting in the Arrowhead TorusDominique Désérable. 808-819
- An Efficient Mapping Heuristic for Mesh-Connected Parallel Architectures Based on Mean Field AnnealingIsmail Haritaoglu, Cevdet Aykanat. 820-831
- Mapping and Scheduling by Genetic AlgorithmsMarkus Schwehm, Thomas Walter. 832-841
- Self-Organizing ProcessesJürgen W. Meyer. 842-853
- Balancing Load under Large and Fast Load Changes in Distributed Computing Systems - A Case StudyThierry Le Sergent, Bernard Berthomieu. 854-865
- Dynamic Load Balancing Mechanisms for a Parallel Operating System KernelA. Elleuch, Rushed Kanawati, Traian Muntean, El-Ghazali Talbi. 866-877
- A New Load-Prediction Scheme Based on Algorithmic Cost FunctionsJean-Louis Roch, A. Vermeerbergen, Gilles Villard. 878-889