Abstract is missing.
- A Prototype Encryption System Using Public KeyS. C. Serpell, C. B. Brookson, B. L. Clark. 3-9 [doi]
- A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete LogarithmsTaher El Gamal. 10-18 [doi]
- A Public Key Cryptosystem Based on the Word ProblemNeal R. Wagner, Marianne R. Magyarik. 19-36 [doi]
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- Dependence of Output on Input in DES: Small Avalanche CharacteristicsYvo Desmedt, Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Marc Davio. 359-376 [doi]
- DES Has No Per Round Linear FactorsJames A. Reeds, J. L. Manferdelli. 377-389 [doi]
- A Message Authenticator Algorithm Suitable for A Mainframe ComputerDonald W. Davies. 393-400 [doi]
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- Authentication Theory/Coding TheoryGustavus J. Simmons. 411-431 [doi]
- New Secret Codes Can Prevent a Computerized Big Brother (Abstract)David Chaum. 432-433 [doi]
- Fair Exchange of SecretsTom Tedrick. 434-438 [doi]
- Cryptoprotocols: Subscription to a Public Key, the Secret Blocking and the Multi-Player Mental Poker Game (Extended Abstract)Moti Yung. 439-453 [doi]
- Poker ProtocolsSteven Fortune, Michael Merritt. 454-464 [doi]
- A Paradoxical Solution to the Signature Problem (Abstract)Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali, Ronald L. Rivest. 467 [doi]
- Sequence Complexity as a Test for Cryptographic SystemsA. K. Leung, Stafford E. Tavares. 468-474 [doi]
- An Update on Quantum CryptographyCharles H. Bennett, Gilles Brassard. 475-480 [doi]
- How to Keep a Secret Alive: Extensible Partial Key, Key Safeguarding, and Threshold SystemsDavid Chaum. 481-485 [doi]