Abstract is missing.
- Title, Preface, PC Chairperson s Message, Organization, Program Committee, Referees [doi]
- Object Deputy Model and Its ApplicationsYahiko Kambayashi, Zhiyong Peng. 1-15 [doi]
- The Management of Interdependent Asynchronous Transactions in Heterogeneous Database EnvironmentsLyman Do, Pamela Drew. 16-25 [doi]
- Object-Oriented Views of Relational Databases Incorporating BehaviourMark W. W. Vermeer, Peter M. G. Apers. 26-35 [doi]
- Maintaining Schemata Consistency for Interoperable Database SystemsArantza Illarramendi, José Miguel Blanco, Eduardo Mena, Alfredo Goñi, J. M. Perez. 36-43 [doi]
- An Extension of SQL for Relations of History ExpressionsDan Tian. 44-52 [doi]
- An Event Algebra for Specifying and Scheduling WorkflowsMunindar P. Singh, Greg Meredith, Christine Tomlinson, Paul C. Attie. 53-60 [doi]
- Hyper-Agenda: A System to Organize and Realize TasksSlimane Hammoudi. 61-70 [doi]
- An Approach to Intelligent Software Library ManagementBurkhard Freitag, Bernhard Steffen, Tiziana Margaria, Ulrich Zukowski. 71-78 [doi]
- Continuous Media Sharing in Multimedia Database SystemsMohan Kamath, Krithi Ramamritham, Donald F. Towsley. 79-86 [doi]
- Cost Efficient Adaptive Protocol with Buffering for Advanced Mobile Database ApplicationsSimon J. Lai, Arkady B. Zaslavsky, G. P. Martin, L. H. Yeo. 87-94 [doi]
- Gaming-Simulations of Multi-Agent Information Systems using Large Databases: The Concept and Database AlgorithmsTadashi Ohmori, Mamoru Hoshi. 95-106 [doi]
- Combining Indexing Technique with Path Dictionary for Nested Object QueriesWang-Chien Lee, Dik Lun Lee. 107-114 [doi]
- A New Algorithm for Processing Joins Using the Multilevel Grid FileSang-Wook Kim, Wan-Sup Cho, Min-Jae Lee, Kyu-Young Whang. 115-123 [doi]
- Signature False Drops due to Combinatorial ErrorSam Yuan Sung, H. Zhang. 124-130 [doi]
- On Marrying Relations and Objects: Relation-Centric and Object-Centric PerspectivesWon Kim. 131-137 [doi]
- A Query Interface Truly for Chinese UsersVincent Y. Lum, F. W. Lee, S. K. Fong. 138-148 [doi]
- A Visual Representation of Complex Relationships for Object-Oriented DatabasesBonghee Hong, Bonggi Jun. 149-156 [doi]
- Multimedia Application Programming Interface FrameworkMax Roger Pokam, Gérard Michel. 157-163 [doi]
- On the Issues of Expressiveness and Portability of ChiqlGary C. K. Lam, Vincent Y. Lum, Kam-Fai Wong. 164-171 [doi]
- A Deductive Database Solution to Intelligent Information Retrieval from Legacy DatabasesKayLiang Ong, Natraj Arni, Christine Tomlinson, C. Unnikrishnan, Darrell Woelk. 172-179 [doi]
- Datalog:::A:::: Array Manipulations in a Deductive Database LanguageSergio Greco, Luigi Palopoli, Eugenio Spadafora. 180-188 [doi]
- Set-Term Matching in a Logic Database LanguageSeung Jin Lim, Yiu-Kai Ng. 189-196 [doi]
- Modeling, Chaining and Fusion of Uncertain KnowledgeHelmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling. 197-205 [doi]
- OODB Support for Real-Time Open-Architecture ControllersLei Zhou, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Kang G. Shin. 206-213 [doi]
- Real-Time Replication Control for Distributed Database Systems: Algorithms and Their PerformanceSang Hyuk Son, Fengjie Zhang. 214-221 [doi]
- Real-Time Multiversion Concurrency Control Using Precedence RelationshipSeok-Hee Hong, Yoon-Joon Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim. 222-229 [doi]
- Data Compression Management Mechanism for Real-Time Main Memory Database SystemsSoon-Jo Lee, Hae-Young Bae. 230-237 [doi]
- Batch Query Processing in Shared-Nothing MultiprocessorsHongjun Lu, Kian-Lee Tan. 238-245 [doi]
- Dynamic Join Product Skew Handling for Hash-Joins in Shared-Nothing Database SystemsLilian Harada, Masaru Kitsuregawa. 246-255 [doi]
- Load Balancing in Distributed Query ProcessingChengwen Liu, I-Ping Chu. 256-263 [doi]
- Implementing Dynamic Code Assembly for Client-Based Query ProcessingJoachim Thomas, T. Gerbes, Theo Härder, Bernhard Mitschang. 264-272 [doi]
- The ODMG Standard for Object DatabasesFrançois Bancilhon, Guy Ferran. 273-283 [doi]
- Evolution Features of the F2 OODBMSLina Al-Jadir, Thibault Estier, Gilles Falquet, Michel Léonard. 284-291 [doi]
- Object Migration in ISA HierarchiesTok Wang Ling, Pit Koon Teo. 292-299 [doi]
- Transform More Semantics from Relational Databases into Object-Oriented Semantics DatabasesGe Yu, Guoren Wang, Huaiyuan Zheng, Akifumi Makinouchi. 300-307 [doi]
- Formally Speaking About Schemata, Bases, Classes and ObjectsCarlos A. Tau, Clara Smith, Claudia Pons, Ana María Monteiro. 308-317 [doi]
- Extensible Data Modeling for Statistical DatabasesMalee Wongsaroje. 318-325 [doi]
- Intelligent Mathematical DatabasesGregory Butler. 326-332 [doi]
- Genetic Sequence Annotation within Biological DatabasesIsabelle Mougenot, Thérèse Libourel, Patrice Déhais. 333-341 [doi]
- Spatial Database Querying with Logic LanguagesJean-Pierre Cheiney, Vincent Oria. 342-349 [doi]
- Incorporating Flexible and Expressive Rule Control in a Graph-Based Transaction FrameworkRamamohanrao S. Jawadi, Stanley Y. W. Su. 350-357 [doi]
- Synchronization Attributes and Rules of Active Object-Oriented Database for Multimedia PresentationSeok Jae Yun, Woo Saeng Kim. 358-363 [doi]
- An Efficient Algorithm for Deriving Compact Rules from DatabasesShow-Jane Yen, Arbee L. P. Chen. 364-371 [doi]
- On Foundations of Constraint OptimizationSang-goo Lee. 372-379 [doi]
- A Two-Phase Approach to Data Allocation in Distributed DatabasesJohn Shepherd, Banchong Harangsri, Hwee Ling Chen, Anne H. H. Ngu. 380-387 [doi]
- Performance Evaluation of Replica Control Algorithms in a Locally Distributed Database SystemChang S. Keum, Wan Choi, Eui Kyeong Hong, Won-Young Kim, Kyu-Young Whang. 388-396 [doi]
- An Efficient Representation of Distributed Fragments of Recursive RelationsSungwon Jung, Sakti Pramanik. 397-404 [doi]
- Trading Operation Consistency for ConcurrencyHang Kwong Mak, Man Hon Wong. 405-412 [doi]
- Archiving Techniques for Temporal DatabasesVram Kouramajian, Ramez Elmasri. 413-421 [doi]
- Temporal Object-Oriented Data Model for the Schema ModificationWoo Saeng Kim, Duk Chul Chang, Tae Young Lim, Young Ho Shin. 422-429 [doi]
- A Temporal Expansion to the Multimedia Object Model in OMEGAYoshifumi Masunaga. 430-440 [doi]
- Object-Oriented Modeling and Quering of Hypermedia DocumentsGeorges Gardarin, Shim Yoon. 441-448 [doi]
- A Formal Model for Databases of Structured TextBrian Lowe, Justin Zobel, Ron Sacks-Davis. 449-456 [doi]
- Incremental Data Organization for Ancient Document DatabasesShinichi Ueshima, Kazuhiro Ohtsuki, Jun-ya Morishita, Qing Qian, Hiroaki Oiso, Katsumi Tanaka. 457-466 [doi]
- Author Index467-468 [doi]