Abstract is missing.
- Why Database AND Expert Systems Applications?Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon. 2-5
- Version and State Management in a Distributed Workflow ApplicationRichard McClatchey, Nigel Baker, Zsolt Kovács, Florida Estrella, Jean-Marie Le Goff, Alain Bazan, T. Le Flour. 10-15
- Dflow Workflow Management SystemCevdet Dengi, Sinan Neftci. 16-21
- From Contemporary Workflow Process Automation to Adaptive and Dynamic Work Activity Coordination and CollaborationAmit P. Sheth. 24-27
- Specifying Indefinite Workflow Functions in Ad-hoc DialogsHartmut Wedekind. 30-35
- Ad-hoc Workflow: Problems and SolutionsMarc Voorhoeve, Wil M. P. van der Aalst. 36-40
- A Framework for Dynamic Changes in Workflow Management SystemsManfred Reichert, Peter Dadam. 42-48
- Modeling Samples Processing in Laboratory Environments as Scientific WorkflowsT. Reuß, Gottfried Vossen, Mathias Weske. 49-54
- Experiences in Workflow Management for Scientific ComputingStefan Jablonski, Katrin Stein, Michael Teschke. 56-61
- Software Development as a Workflow ProcessDaniel K. C. Chan, Karl R. P. H. Leung. 62-67
- Cooperative and Integrated Workflow and Document Management for Engineering ApplicationsGregor Joeris. 68-73
- A Search System based on Image FeaturesChabane Djeraba, Patrick Fargeaud, Henri Briand. 80-85
- Manipulation of Image Objects and Their Versions under CORBA EnvironmentMasayoshi Aritsugi, Masaru Tabata, Hiroki Fukatsu, Yoshinari Kanamori, Yutaka Funyu. 86-91
- An Extended Object-Oriented Approach to a Multimedia Database System for Networked ApplicationsHiroshi Ishikawa, Koki Kato, Miyuki Ono, Naomi Yoshizawa, Kazumi Kubota, Akiko Kanaya. 100-105
- Management of Multimedia Data Using an Object-Oriented Database SystemsMichel E. Adiba, Rafael Lozano, Hervé Martin, Françoise Mocellin. 106-111
- Extending Database Space of Inada/ODMG for Very Large Databases on 64 bit WorkstationsBotao Wang, Akifumi Makinouchi, Kunihiko Kaneko. 112-117
- Evaluation of Intelligent Dynamic Task Allocation Strategies for Distributed Information SystemsFélix F. Ramos Corchado, Liming Chen, Marc Bui, Pascal Faudemay. 120-125
- The TOSDHIM System Management of Distributed Heterogeneous Multimedia InformationFrédéric Andrès, Kunihiko Kaneko, Bertil Folliot, Kinji Ono, Akifumi Makinouchi, Pierre Sens, P. Cadinot. 126-128
- Designing Navigational Contexts using an OO Query LanguageAlicia Díaz, Silvia E. Gordillo. 130-135
- An Object Query Language for Fuzzy QueryingFrançois Connan, Daniel Rocacher. 136-141
- Towards a Spatio-Temporal OQL for the Four Dimensional Spatial Database System HawksSusumu Kuroki, Kensaku Ishizuka, Akifumi Makinouchi. 142-147
- Efficient Querying on Gnomic Databases by Using Metric Space Indexing TechniquesWeimin Chen, Karl Aberer. 148-152
- Content-based Search on a MHEG-5 Standard-based Multimedia DatabaseMarina Teresa Pires Vieira, Marilde Terezinha Prado Santos. 154-159
- Achieving Logical Data Independence in Hypermedia DatabasesThomas Prückler, Michael Schrefl. 160-169
- Intelligent Delivery of Personalised Video Programmes from a Video DatabasePascal Faudemay, Claude Seyrat. 172-177
- A Video Data Model for Content-Based SearchUma Srinivasan, Gerrit Riessen. 178-182
- A Data Mining Tool for Producing Characteristic Classifications in the Legal DomainStephen Lawrence Dale, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon. 186-191
- Open Texture and Ontologies in Legal Information SystemsTrevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Pepijn R. S. Visser. 192-197
- Giving Permission Implies Giving ChoiceLambèr M. M. Royakkers. 198-203
- Integrating IR and CBR to Locate Relevant Text PassagesJody J. Daniels, Edwina L. Rissland. 206-212
- LexSearch: a Specialized DataBase for Legislative DocumentsDaniela Tiscornia, Fabrizio Turchi. 220-226
- European Law Databases: An Experiment in RetrievalPhilip J. O Shea, Eve Wilson. 227-232
- Overview of TTP s: The Project Aequitas José Félix Muñoz. 233-237
- An Information System for a Historical Analysis of the Italian Legal LexiconAntonio Cammelli, Fiorenza Socci. 238-241
- Objects and Interactive Application in Term of Scenario in a Multimedia DatabaseKarima Hadouda, Chabane Djeraba, Henri Briand. 246-251
- An Adaptive Value-Based Scheduling Policy for Multiprocessor Real-Time Database SystemsShin-Mu Tseng, Yeh-Hao Chin, Wei-Pang Yang. 254-259
- Tree-Based Buffer Management in Real-Time Database SystemsUwe Brinkschulte. 260-264
- READS: A Prototyping Environment for Real-time Active ApplicationsKam-yiu Lam, Tony S. H. Lee, Sang Hyuk Son. 265-270
- ELEKTRA: An Electronic Article Delivery ServiceWolfgang L. J. Kowarschick, Pavel Vogel, Rudolf Bayer. 272-277
- On Automatic Similarity Linking in Digital LibrariesAndreas Myka, Ulrich Güntzer. 278-283
- Object Server on a Parallel ComputerPetr Kroha, S. Rosenbaum. 284-288
- An Enhanced Hybrid Range Partitioning Strategy for Parallel Database SystemsKhanh Quoc Nguyen, Tony Thompson, George Bryan. 289-294
- Supporting Adaptable Technical Information Systems in Heterogeneous Environments - Using WWW and ORDBMSTheo Härder, Henrik Loeser, Nan Zhang 0009. 295-303
- Design of a Visual Query Language for Hospital Information SystemsM. De Rossi, Fernando Ferri, Fabrizio L. Ricci. 306-311
- Security Concerns for Mobile Information Systems in Health CareOthmar Morger, Ulrich Nitsche, Stephanie Teufel. 312-317
- Customisable Graphical Interfaces to Database Systems: A Metaprogramming Based ApproachAjith P. Madurapperuma, W. A. Gray, N. J. Fiddian. 318-323
- Discovery and Application of Inter-Classes Patterns in DatabaseDong-ha Lee, Dong-Yal Seo, Kang-Sik Moon, Jisook Chang, Do-Won Nam, Jeon-Yong Lee. 326-331
- Tailoring Z39.50 on Existing Databases: The ARCA ProjectMario Loffredo, Maria Bruna Baldacci, Oreste Signore. 332-338
- Reactive Systems Developing by Formal Specification TransformationsAmmar Attoui, Abdelfettah Hasbani. 339-344
- Constraint Programming and Multi-Agent Systems EngineeringAmmar Attoui, Abdelfettah Hasbani. 346-351
- Finding Reducts With User Specified CriteriaJ. Shao. 352-357
- An Object-Oriented Data Model for the Intelligent Support of Three-Dimensional ObjectsAthanasios K. Krotopoulou, Paul G. Spirakis, D. Terpou, Athanasios K. Tsakalidis. 358-363
- A Visual Database Management Tool: the Design of a Semi-intelligent DBA Tool for a Relational DBMSMohamed T. Ibrahim, Joan Knight, Justin Crooks. 366-371
- Relational Database Reverse Engineering: A Model-Centric, Transformational, Interactive Approach Formalized in Model TheoryDavid W. Embley, Mingkang Xu. 372-377
- Can we Rely on SQL?J. H. ter Bekke. 378-383
- Selectivity Estimation for Joins Using Systematic SamplingBanchong Harangsri, John Shepherd, Anne H. H. Ngu. 384-389
- The Translation of Star Schema into Entity-Relationship DiagramsMichael Krippendorf, Il-Yeol Song. 390-395
- ATREUS: A Model for the Conceptual Representation of a WorkflowPatrizia Grifoni, Daniela Luzi, Paolo Merialdo, Fabrizio L. Ricci. 400-405
- Towards Flexible Support for Cooperation: Group Awareness in Shared WorkspacesTom Gross. 406-411
- Evaluating Workflow Management SystemsMichael Berger, Ernst Ellmer, Gerald Quirchmayr. 412-417
- Extending the Van der Veer Approach to Cooperative Work: A Bridge between Groupware Task Analysis and Workflow DesignRoland Traunmüller, Maria Wimmer. 431-439
- A New Neural Network Architecture for Efficient Close Proximity Match of Large DatabasesM. Sreenivasa Rao, Arun K. Pujari, Bala Srinivasan. 444-449
- Applying Evolutionary Algorithms to the Problem of Information FilteringA. Min Tjoa, Max Höfferer, Günter Ehrentraut, Peter Untersmayr. 450-458
- One Application of Neural Networks for Defects Using Video Data Bases: Identification of Road DistressesD. Meignen, M. Bernadet, Henri Briand. 459-464
- En Route to Data Mining in Legal Text Corpora: Clustering, Neural Computation, and International TreatiesDieter Merkl, Erich Schweighofer. 465-470
- Temporal Query Processing and Optimization in Object-Oriented DatabasesLichun Wang, Mike Wing, C. Davis, Norman Revell. 474-481
- The VIRTUOSE Distributed Object StoreOlivier Lobry, Christine Collet, Pascal Dechamboux. 482-487
- Semantic Cooperation of Legacy Information Systems: An Object-Oriented FrameworkGilles Dubois, Danielle Boulanger. 488-493
- Evaluating the Performance of Object-Oriented Database Systems by Means of a Concrete ApplicationUwe Hohenstein, Volkmar Pleßer, Rainer Heller. 496-501
- Object Signatures for Supporting Efficient Navigation in Object-Oriented DatabasesYaw-Huei Chen, Arthur J. T. Chang, Chiang Lee. 502-507
- Constraints and Triggers in an Object-Oriented Geo Database KernelHendrik Ditt, Ludger Becker, Andreas Voigtmann, Klaus Hinrichs. 508-513
- External Schemas in a Schema-Evolution Environment for OODMsJosé Samos, Fèlix Saltor. 516-522
- Identifying Virtual Composite Objects: A Step Forward to Updating Object ViewsZohra Bellahsene. 523-528
- Physical Design Aspects of an Object-Oriented Geo-Database KernelAndreas Voigtmann, Ludger Becker, Klaus Hinrichs. 529-534
- Integrating of Inherit and Reference Links in the Building of an Object Distributed Database Management SystemTayeb Ould Braham. 535-541
- Preserving the Greek Theatrical Heritage: An Object-Oriented Multimedia Database ApproachPanagiotis Kappos, Spiros Sirmakessis, Athanasios K. Tsakalidis, J. Tzimas. 542-546
- Putting into Practice a Formal Method to Verify Properties of Active Rules Based on Rewriting LogicYahia Rabih, Elias Tahhan-Bittar, Michel Schneider. 550-555
- Modeling Knowledge Merging SystemsFrédéric Koriche. 562-567
- A Model for Intuitive Knowledge SharingPedro Furtado, Henrique Madeira. 570-575
- Proposition of an Expert System for the Revision of the Knowledge of an Experimental Sciences ResearcherMichel Sala. 582-587
- Plots of Narratives over Temporal DatabasesAntonio L. Furtado, Angelo E. M. Ciarlini. 590-595
- Conceptual Modelling for Invoice Document ProcessingFrancesca Cesarini, Enrico Francesconi, Simone Marinai, Jianqing Sheng, Giovanni Soda. 596-603
- A Query-Based Horizontal Fragmentation Approach for Disjunctive Deductive DatabasesYiu-Kai Ng, Aparna Seetharaman. 604-609
- VQS - A Vague Query System PrototypeJosef Küng, Jürgen Palkoska. 614-618
- A Security Concept for OLAPRemzi Kirkgöze, Nevana Katic, Mladen Stolda, A. Min Tjoa. 619-626
- Data Warehousing within Intranet: A Prototype of a Web-based Executive Information SystemAndreas Kurz, A. Min Tjoa. 627-632
- Data Warehousing Tools Architecture: From Multidimensional Analysis to Data MiningRémi Lehn, Viviane Lambert, Marie-Pierre Chastang. 636-643
- Data Warehouse Design for Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery ResearchMelinda G. Axel, Il-Yeol Song. 644-650
- Building a Real Data Warehouse for Market ResearchJens Albrecht, Wolfgang Lehner, Michael Teschke, Thomas Kirsche. 651-656
- Query Optimization to Support Data MiningSunil Choenni, Arno Siebes. 658-663
- An Efficient Data Mining Technique for Discovering Interesting Association RulesShow-Jane Yen, Arbee L. P. Chen. 664-669
- KRAFT: Knowledge Fusion from Distributed Databases and Knowledge BasesPeter M. D. Gray, Alun D. Preece, N. J. Fiddian, W. A. Gray, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Michael J. R. Shave, Nader Azarmi, M. Wiegand, M. Ashwell, Martin D. Beer, Zhan Cui, B. M. Diaz, Suzanne M. Embury, Kit-ying Hui, Andrew C. Jones, Dean M. Jones, Graham J. L. Kemp, E. W. Lawson, K. Lunn, Philippe Marti, Jianhua Shao, Pepijn R. S. Visser. 682-691
- Timestamp Based Approach for the Detection and Resolution of Mutual Conflicts in Real-time Distributed SystemsSanjay Kumar Madria. 692-699
- Description Logics and Correspondence Refinement Process in the Databases Interoperabilitys ServiceOunissa Larab, Aïcha-Nabila Benharkat. 700-705
- Approach to Service Uses in Federated Systems InformationJean-Michel Hannoff, Jean-Christophe Nicolas, Fred Hemery. 706-712
- The IRO-DB Approach - Processing Queries in Federated Database SystemsElisabeth Kapsammer, Roland Wagner. 713-718
- Scheduling Tertiary I/O in Database ApplicationsSunil Prabhakar, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi, Ambuj K. Singh. 722-727
- Log-Only Temporal Object StorageKjetil Nørvåg, Kjell Bratbergsengen. 728-733
- Adaptable Correctness through Two-Dimensional LockingRandi Karlsen. 734-741
- Statistical Approach to Integration and Interpretation of Robot Sensor DataPetr Stepan, Libor Preucil, Lubos Kral. 742-747
- A Per-object Based Hybrid Concurrency ControlTae-Young Kwak, Yoon-Joon Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim. 748-753
- Performance Gains Using Subpages for Cache Coherency ControlAndreas Listl, Giannis Bozas. 754-760
- High Performance Multimedia Database System Support for Image ProcessingFrédéric Andrès, Kinji Ono, Akifumi Makinouchi, Kunihiko Kaneko. 761-766