Abstract is missing.
- Dedication
- Preface
- The Clar and Fries problems for benzenoid hydrocarbons are linear programsHernán G. Abeledo, Gary W. Atkinson. 1-8
- Use of graph invariants in QMSA and predictive toxicologySubhash C. Basak, Brian D. Gute. 9-24
- Isomorphism rejection in structure generation programsGunnar Brinkmann. 25-38
- Foldedness in linear polymers: A difference between graphical and Euclidean distancesLaimutis Bytautas, Douglas J. Klein, Milan Randic, Tomaz Pisanski. 39-62
- h = 20Gilles Caporossi, Pierre Hansen, Maolin Zheng. 63-78
- Characterizing properties of some graph invariants related to electron charges in the Huckel molecular orbital theoryDragos Cvetkovic. 79-84
- More icosahedral fulleroidsOlaf Delgado Friedrichs, Marián Deza. 97-116
- Representation of stereochemistry using combinatorial mapsAndreas Dietz, Christophe Fiorio, Michel Habib, Claude Laurenço. 117-128
- Geometric symmetry and chemical equivalenceBo Tao Fan, Annick Panaye, Jianhua Yao, Shengang Yuan, Jean-Pierre Doucet. 129-138
- (3-6)-cages, hexagonal toroidal cages, and their spectraPatrick W. Fowler, Peter E. John, Horst Sachs. 139-174
- A generalized ring spiral algorithm for coding fullerenes and other cubic polyhedraPatrick W. Fowler, Tomaz Pisanski, Ante Graovac, Janez Zerovnik. 175-188
- An efficient algorithm for determining fixed bonds and normal components in a bipartite graphXiaofeng Guo, Milan Randic. 189-198
- Numerical solutions of the Laplace equation in chemical spacesRay Hefferlin. 199-202
- Chemical frameworks and hyperbolic tilingsStephen T. Hyde, Stuart Ramsden. 203-224
- Discrete mathematics for combinatorial chemistryAdalbert Kerber, Reinhard Laue, Thomas Wieland. 225-234
- Carbon networks on cubic infinite periodic minimal surfacesR. Bruce King. 235-248
- Applications of isometric embeddings to chemical graphsSandi Klavzar. 249-260
- Geometrical and combinatorial questions about fullerenesJoseph Malkevitch. 261-266
- Topological methods of molecular shape analysis: Continuum models and discretizationPaul G. Mezey. 267-278
- Random networks in two dimensions. Simulations and correlationsHelgo M. Ohlenbusch, Nicolas Rivier, Tomaso Aste, Benoit Dubertret. 279-292
- Group and graph theoretical perspectives on the structures of large icosahedral cagesCharles M. Quinn, David B. Redmond, Patrick W. Fowler. 293-304
- Use of path matrices for a characterization of molecular structuresMilan Randic, Xiaofeng Guo, Sol Bobst. 305-322
- Star sets and star complements in finite graphs: A spectral construction techniquePeter Rowlinson. 323-332
- Geometry and energetics of high genus fullerenes and nanotubesHumberto Terrones Maldonado, Mauricio Terrones Maldonado. 333-342
- An abstract representation for molecular graphsPhilippe Vismara, Claude Laurenço. 343-366
- The Wulff-shape of large periodic sphere packingsJörg M. Wills. 367-376
- On hypercycles and hypercircuits in hypergraphsAndrew V. Zeigarnik. 377-384
- On maximal energy ordering of acyclic conjugated moleculesFuji Zhang, Huaien Li. 385