Abstract is missing.
- Future prospects of research on security and dependabilityJacques Bus. 1 [doi]
- Dependability - How does the market value it?Gonçalo Quadros. 2 [doi]
- WSEC DNS: Protecting recursive DNS resolvers from poisoning attacksRoberto Perdisci, Manos Antonakakis, Xiapu Luo, Wenke Lee. 3-12 [doi]
- Exception triggered DoS attacks on wireless networksYao Zhao, Sagar Vemuri, Jiazhen Chen, Yan Chen, Hai Zhou, Zhi Fu. 13-22 [doi]
- HC-BGP: A light-weight and flexible scheme for securing prefix ownershipYing Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Zhuoqing Morley Mao, Y. Charlie Hu. 23-32 [doi]
- Fault isolation for device driversJorrit N. Herder, Herbert Bos, Ben Gras, Philip Homburg, Andrew S. Tanenbaum. 33-42 [doi]
- WYSIWIB: A declarative approach to finding API protocols and bugs in Linux codeJulia L. Lawall, Julien Brunel, Nicolas Palix, René Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller. 43-52 [doi]
- Exploiting refactoring in formal verificationXiang Yin, John C. Knight, Westley Weimer. 53-62 [doi]
- Maximizing system lifetime by battery schedulingMarijn R. Jongerden, Boudewijn R. Haverkort, Henrik C. Bohnenkamp, Joost-Pieter Katoen. 63-72 [doi]
- Safety modeling and evaluation of Automated Highway SystemsOssama Hamouda, Mohamed Kaâniche, Karama Kanoun. 73-82 [doi]
- Evaluating the impact of Undetected Disk Errors in RAID systemsEric Rozier, Wendy Belluomini, Veera Deenadhayalan, Jim Hafner, K. K. Rao, Pin Zhou. 83-92 [doi]
- Vulnerability & attack injection for web applicationsJosé Fonseca, Marco Vieira, Henrique Madeira. 93-102 [doi]
- Dependability in the cloud: Challenges and opportunitiesKaustubh R. Joshi, Guy Bunker, Farnam Jahanian, Aad P. A. van Moorsel, Joseph Weinman. 103-104 [doi]
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- Remote attestation to dynamic system properties: Towards providing complete system integrity evidenceChongkyung Kil, Emre Can Sezer, Ahmed M. Azab, Peng Ning, Xiaolan Zhang. 115-124 [doi]
- Comparing anomaly-detection algorithms for keystroke dynamicsKevin S. Killourhy, Roy A. Maxion. 125-134 [doi]
- Providing transactional quality of service in event stream processing middlewareRobert E. Strom, Chitra Dorai. 135-144 [doi]
- Language level checkpointing support for stream processing applicationsGabriela Jacques-Silva, Bugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade, Kun-Lung Wu. 145-154 [doi]
- Verme: Worm containment in overlay networksFilipe Freitas, Edgar Marques, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Carlos Ribeiro, Paulo Ferreira, LuÃs Rodrigues. 155-164 [doi]
- Flexible multicast authentication for time-triggered embedded control network applicationsChristopher Szilagyi, Philip Koopman. 165-174 [doi]
- Data management mechanisms for embedded system gatewaysJustin Ray, Philip Koopman. 175-184 [doi]
- Low overhead Soft Error Mitigation techniques for high-performance and aggressive systemsNaga Durga Prasad Avirneni, Viswanathan Subramanian, Arun K. Somani. 185-194 [doi]
- An energy efficient circuit level technique to protect register file from MBUs and SETs in embedded processorsMahdi Fazeli, Alireza Namazi, Seyed Ghassem Miremadi. 195-204 [doi]
- Xprobe2++: Low volume remote network information gathering toolFedor V. Yarochkin, Ofir Arkin, Meder Kydyraliev, Shih-Yao Dai, Yennun Huang, Sy-Yen Kuo. 205-210 [doi]
- Deterministic high-speed simulation of complex systems including fault-injectionMatthias Sand, Stefan Potyra, Volkmar Sieh. 211-216 [doi]
- Intrusion-tolerant self-healing devices for critical infrastructure protectionPaulo Sousa, Alysson Neves Bessani, Wagner Saback Dantas, Fabio Souto, Miguel Correia, Nuno Ferreira Neves. 217-222 [doi]
- Design and development of a proof-of-concept platooning application using the HIDENETS architectureLuis Marques, Antonio Casimiro, Mario Calha. 223-228 [doi]
- Dynamic content web applications: Crash, failover, and recovery analysisLuiz Eduardo Buzato, Gustavo M. D. Vieira, Willy Zwaenepoel. 229-238 [doi]
- A QoS-aware fault tolerant middleware for dependable service compositionZibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu. 239-248 [doi]
- Efficient resource management on template-based web serversEli Courtwright, Chuan Yue, Haining Wang. 249-258 [doi]
- Stretching gossip with live streamingDavide Frey, Rachid Guerraoui, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Maxime Monod, Vivien Quéma. 259-264 [doi]
- A self-diagnosis technique using Reed-Solomon codes for self-repairing chipsXiangyu Tang, Seongmoon Wang. 265-274 [doi]
- Sharing end-user negative symptoms for improving overlay network dependabilityYongning Tang, Ehab Al-Shaer. 275-284 [doi]
- Automatic fault detection and diagnosis in complex software systems by information-theoretic monitoringMiao Jiang, Mohammad Ahmad Munawar, Thomas Reidemeister, Paul A. S. Ward. 285-294 [doi]
- From assessment to standardised benchmarking: Will it happen? What could we do about it?Henrique Madeira, István Majzik. 295-296 [doi]
- On the effectiveness of structural detection and defense against P2P-based botnetsDuc T. Ha, Guanhua Yan, Stephan Eidenbenz, Hung Q. Ngo. 297-306 [doi]
- Spam detection in voice-over-IP calls through semi-supervised clusteringYu-Sung Wu, Saurabh Bagchi, Navjot Singh, Ratsameetip Wita. 307-316 [doi]
- Blue-Watchdog: Detecting Bluetooth worm propagation in public areasGuanhua Yan, Leticia Cuellar, Stephan Eidenbenz, Nicolas W. Hengartner. 317-326 [doi]
- A linguistic analysis engine for natural language use case description and its application to dependability analysis in industrial use casesAvik Sinha, Amit M. Paradkar, Palani Kumanan, Branimir Boguraev. 327-336 [doi]
- Precise request tracing and performance debugging for multi-tier services of black boxesZhihong Zhang, Jianfeng Zhan, Yong Li, Lei Wang, Dan Meng, Bo Sang. 337-346 [doi]
- Report generation for simulation traces with TraviandoPeter Kemper. 347-352 [doi]
- Möbius 2.3: An extensible tool for dependability, security, and performance evaluation of large and complex system modelsTod Courtney, Shravan Gaonkar, Ken Keefe, Eric Rozier, William H. Sanders. 353-358 [doi]
- Fitness-guided path exploration in dynamic symbolic executionTao Xie, Nikolai Tillmann, Jonathan de Halleux, Wolfram Schulte. 359-368 [doi]
- System safety as an emergent property in composite systemsJennifer Black, Philip Koopman. 369-378 [doi]
- LFI: A practical and general library-level fault injectorPaul Dan Marinescu, George Candea. 379-388 [doi]
- Fluid modeling and control for server system performance and availabilityLuc Malrait, Sara Bouchenak, Nicolas Marchand. 389-398 [doi]
- Parametric NdRFT for the derivation of optimal repair strategiesMarco Beccuti, Giuliana Franceschinis, Daniele Codetta Raiteri, Serge Haddad. 399-408 [doi]
- MAP-AMVA: Approximate mean value analysis of bursty systemsGiuliano Casale, Evgenia Smirni. 409-418 [doi]
- Overloading vulnerability of VoIP networksHemant Sengar. 419-428 [doi]
- On the effectiveness of low latency anonymous network in the presence of timing attackJing Jin, Xinyuan Wang. 429-438 [doi]
- RRE: A game-theoretic intrusion Response and Recovery EngineSaman A. Zonouz, Himanshu Khurana, William H. Sanders, Timothy M. Yardley. 439-448 [doi]
- Power supply induced common cause faults-experimental assessment of potential countermeasuresPeter Tummeltshammer, Andreas Steininger. 449-457 [doi]
- Emµcode: Masking hard faults in complex functional unitsNicholas Weaver, John H. Kelm, Matthew I. Frank. 458-467 [doi]
- Processor reliability enhancement through compiler-directed register file peak temperature reductionChengmo Yang, Alex Orailoglu. 468-477 [doi]
- A low-tech solution to avoid the severe impact of transient errors on the IP interconnectDerek Graham, Per Strid, Scott Roy, Fernando Rodriguez. 478-483 [doi]
- A simple equation for estimating reliability of an N+1 redundant array of independent disks (RAID)Jon G. Elerath. 484-493 [doi]
- Fail-Aware Untrusted StorageChristian Cachin, Idit Keidar, Alexander Shraer. 494-503 [doi]
- An efficient XOR-scheduling algorithm for erasure codes encodingJianqiang Luo, Lihao Xu, James S. Plank. 504-513 [doi]
- Replacing linear Hamming codes by robust nonlinear codes results in a reliability improvement of memoriesZhen Wang, Mark G. Karpovsky, Konrad J. Kulikowski. 514-523 [doi]
- VNsnap: Taking snapshots of virtual networked environments with minimal downtimeArdalan Kangarlou, Patrick Eugster, Dongyan Xu. 524-533 [doi]
- Fast memory state synchronization for virtualization-based fault toleranceMaohua Lu, Tzi-cker Chiueh. 534-543 [doi]
- I-JVM: a Java Virtual Machine for component isolation in OSGiNicolas Geoffray, Gaël Thomas, Gilles Muller, Pierre Parrend, Stéphane Frénot, Bertil Folliot. 544-553 [doi]
- ICT resilience of power control systems: experimental results from the CRUTIAL testbedsGiovanna Dondossola, Fabrizio Garrone, Judit Szanto, Geert Deconinck, T. Loix, Hakem Beitollahi. 554-559 [doi]
- Analyzing the process of installing rogue softwareRobin Berthier, Jorge Arjona, Michel Cukier. 560-565 [doi]
- Using web security scanners to detect vulnerabilities in web servicesMarco Vieira, Nuno Antunes, Henrique Madeira. 566-571 [doi]
- System log pre-processing to improve failure predictionZiming Zheng, Zhiling Lan, Byung-Hoon Park, Al Geist. 572-577 [doi]
- Effectiveness of machine checks for error diagnosticsNikhil Pandit, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer. 578-583 [doi]
- An end-to-end approach for the automatic derivation of application-aware error detectorsGalen Lyle, Shelley Cheny, Karthik Pattabiraman, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar Iyer. 584-589 [doi]
- Workshop on proactive failure avoidance, recovery and maintenance (PFARM)Miroslaw Malek, Felix Salfner, Kishor S. Trivedi. 590-591 [doi]
- Second workshop on Compiler and Architectural Techniques for Application Reliability and Security (CATARS)Karthik Pattabiraman, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk. 592-593 [doi]
- Fast AbstractsLuigi Romano. 593 [doi]
- Fifth Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability (HotDep 2009)Christof Fetzer, Rodrigo Rodrigues. 594-595 [doi]
- Third workshop on dependable and secure nanocomputingJean Arlat, Cristian Constantinescu, Ravishankar K. Iyer, Johan Karlsson, Michael Nicolaidis. 596-597 [doi]
- Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems (WADS 2009)Antonio Casimiro, Rogério de Lemos, Cristina Gacek. 598-599 [doi]
- 3rd Workshop on Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems WRAITS 2009Saurabh Bagchi, Miguel Correia, Partha Pal. 600-601 [doi]
- Student ForumMarco Vieira. 602 [doi]