Abstract is missing.
- Practitioners' and researchers' expectations on design space exploration for multicore systems in the automotive and avionics domains: a surveyPhilipp Diebold, Constanza Lampasona, Sergey Zverlov, Sebastian Voss. 1 [doi]
- Survey on research synthesis in software engineeringLiliana Guzmán, Constanza Lampasona, Carolyn B. Seaman, H. Dieter Rombach. 2 [doi]
- In quest for requirements engineering oracles: dependent variables and measurements for (good) REDaniel Méndez Fernández, Jakob Mund, Henning Femmer, Antonio Vetro. 3 [doi]
- A visual analysis approach to update systematic reviewsKatia Romero Felizardo, Elisa Yumi Nakagawa, Stephen G. MacDonell, José Carlos Maldonado. 4 [doi]
- A systematic literature review for agile development processes and user centred design integrationDina Salah, Richard F. Paige, Paul Cairns. 5 [doi]
- UML consistency rules: a systematic mapping studyDamiano Torre, Yvan Labiche, Marcela Genero. 6 [doi]
- How do software developers experience team performance in lean and agile environments?Fabian Fagerholm, Marko Ikonen, Petri Kettunen, Jürgen Münch, Virpi Roto, Pekka Abrahamsson. 7 [doi]
- Automatic extraction of developer expertiseCédric Teyton, Marc Palyart, Jean-Rémy Falleri, Floréal Morandat, Xavier Blanc. 8 [doi]
- Evaluating software merge qualityMehdi Ahmed-Nacer, Pascal Urso, François Charoy. 9 [doi]
- An empirical investigation of the factors affecting agile usageMali Senapathi, Ananth Srinivasan. 10 [doi]
- Knowledge sharing for common understanding of technical specifications through artifactual cultureMansooreh Zahedi, Muhammad Ali Babar. 11 [doi]
- Cross- vs. within-company cost estimation studies revisited: an extended systematic reviewEmilia Mendes, Marcos Kalinowski, Daves Martins, Filomena Ferrucci, Federica Sarro. 12 [doi]
- Tools to support systematic reviews in software engineering: a feature analysisChristopher Marshall, Pearl Brereton, Barbara Kitchenham. 13 [doi]
- Systematic mapping study on software engineering for sustainability (SE4S)Birgit Penzenstadler, Ankita Raturi, Debra Richardson, Coral Calero, Henning Femmer, Xavier Franch. 14 [doi]
- A systematic mapping study on serious game qualityJuan A. Vargas, Lilia García-Mundo, Marcela Genero, Mario Piattini. 15 [doi]
- A systematic literature review of traceability approaches between software architecture and source codeMuhammad Atif Javed, Uwe Zdun. 16 [doi]
- An empirical assessment of polyglot-ism in GitHubFederico Tomassetti, Marco Torchiano. 17 [doi]
- Replication types: towards a shared taxonomyMaria Teresa Baldassarre, Jeffrey Carver, Oscar Dieste, Natalia Juristo Juzgado. 18 [doi]
- Crowdsourcing software evaluationNada Sherief, Nan Jiang, Mahmood Hosseini, Keith Phalp, Raian Ali. 19 [doi]
- An empirical investigation on MPI open source applicationsCristina Marinescu. 20 [doi]
- Concerns in software development: a systematic mapping studySandun Dasanayake, Jouni Markkula, Markku Oivo. 21 [doi]
- Conformance factor in test-driven development: initial results from an enhanced replicationDavide Fucci, Burak Turhan, Markku Oivo. 22 [doi]
- A controlled experiment to evaluate the effectiveness and the efficiency of four static program analysis tools for Java programsAkash Kumar Tripathi, Atul Gupta. 23 [doi]
- Evidence of the presence of bias in subjective metrics: analysis within a family of experimentsAlejandrina Aranda, Oscar Dieste, Natalia Juristo Juzgado. 24 [doi]
- Essence reflection meetings: field studyCécile Péraire, Todd Sedano. 25 [doi]
- Using logistic regression to estimate the number of faulty software modulesSandro Morasca. 26 [doi]
- Investigating a conceptual construct for software contextDiana Kirk, Stephen G. MacDonell. 27 [doi]
- Communication of software cost estimatesMagne Jørgensen. 28 [doi]
- Software paradigms, assessment types and non-functional requirements in model-based integration testing: a systematic literature reviewFlorian Häser, Michael Felderer, Ruth Breu. 29 [doi]
- Agile practices in practice: a mapping studyPhilipp Diebold, Marc Dahlem. 30 [doi]
- Outcomes of a community workshop to identify and rank barriers to the systematic literature review processEdgar Hassler, Jeffrey C. Carver, Nicholas A. Kraft, David P. Hale. 31 [doi]
- Exploring the relationships between the understandability of components in architectural component models and component level metricsSrdjan Stevanetic, Uwe Zdun. 32 [doi]
- Investigating code reading techniques for novice inspectors: an industrial case studyGuoping Rong, He Zhang, Dong Shao. 33 [doi]
- Software structure evolution and relation to system defectivenessJean Petric, Tihana Galinac Grbac. 34 [doi]
- Quality control practice based on design artifacts categories: results from a case studyPierre N. Robillard, Mathieu Lavallée, Olivier Gendreau. 35 [doi]
- Assembling multiple-case studies: potential, principles and practical considerationsAiko Fallas Yamashita, Leon Moonen. 36 [doi]
- Investigations about replication of empirical studies in software engineering: preliminary findings from a mapping studyCleyton V. C. de Magalhães, Fabio Q. B. da Silva, Ronnie E. S. Santos. 37 [doi]
- Guidelines for snowballing in systematic literature studies and a replication in software engineeringClaes Wohlin. 38 [doi]
- Code ownership in open-source softwareMatthieu Foucault, Jean-Rémy Falleri, Xavier Blanc. 39 [doi]
- Is there a place for qualitative studies when identifying effort predictors?: a case in web effort estimationOlavo Matos, Tayana Conte, Emilia Mendes. 40 [doi]
- Walk before you run: using heuristic evaluation to assess a training tool prototypeMiguel J. Monasor, John Noll, Aurora Vizcaíno, Mario Piattini, Sarah Beecham. 41 [doi]
- Artifacts of software reference architectures: a case studySilverio Martínez-Fernández, Claudia P. Ayala, Xavier Franch, Helena Martins Marques. 42 [doi]
- Preliminary comparison of techniques for dealing with imbalance in software defect predictionDaniel Rodríguez, Israel Herraiz, Rachel Harrison, José Javier Dolado, José C. Riquelme. 43 [doi]
- Modelling software engineering research with RSMLHowell R. Jordan, Sarah Beecham, Goetz Botterweck. 44 [doi]
- Personality profiles of global software developersSherlock A. Licorish, Stephen G. MacDonell. 45 [doi]
- Controlled experiments comparing fault-tree-based safety analysis techniquesAdrien Mouaffo Tiadjio, Davide Taibi, Kavyashree Jamboti. 46 [doi]
- Perspective based risk analysis - a controlled experimentSardar Muhammad Sulaman, Krzysztof Wnuk, Martin Höst. 47 [doi]
- Dealing with identifiers and comments in source code comprehension and maintenance: results from an ethnographically-informed study with students and professionalsFelice Salviulo, Giuseppe Scanniello. 48 [doi]
- On the effect of using SysML requirement diagrams to comprehend requirements: results from two controlled experimentsGiuseppe Scanniello, Miroslaw Staron, Håkan Burden, Rogardt Heldal. 49 [doi]
- An experimental evaluation of test driven development vs. test-last development with industry professionalsHussan Munir, Krzysztof Wnuk, Kai Petersen, Misagh Moayyed. 50 [doi]
- Identifying performance issues based on method invocation patterns of an APIMajid Ali Khan, Shahabuddin Muhammad, Tufail Muhammad. 51 [doi]
- Understanding collaboration in the open-source arena: the cases of WebKit and OpenStackJose Teixeira. 52 [doi]
- Research proposal: objective evaluation of object oriented design qualityJamie Stevenson. 53 [doi]
- Feature weighting for case-based reasoning software project effort estimationBoyce Sigweni. 54 [doi]
- An empirically derived personalisation framework for technical supportSolomon Gizaw. 55 [doi]
- Together we are stronger: facilitating the conduction of distributed human-oriented experimentsWaldemar Ferreira. 56 [doi]
- On collecting and validating UML consistency rules: a research proposalDamiano Torre. 57 [doi]
- Software evaluation via users' feedback at runtimeNada Sherief. 58 [doi]
- Towards a novel testing approach for holonic agentsNour El Houda Dehimi. 59 [doi]