Abstract is missing.
- Discovering architectural rules in practiceSandra Schröder, Georg Buchgeher. 10-13 [doi]
- Self-accounting in architecture-based self-adaptationRaffaela Mirandola, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra. 14-17 [doi]
- Towards a parallel template catalogue for software performance predictionsMarkus Frank, Floriment Klinaku, Marcus Hilbrich, Steffen Becker 0001. 18-21 [doi]
- A recommender system for software architecture decision makingKlaus Brandner, Rainer Weinreich. 22-25 [doi]
- An exploration and experiment tool suite for code to architecture mapping techniquesTobias Olsson, Morgan Ericsson, Anna Wingkvist. 26-29 [doi]
- Software architecture knowledge sharing with the architecture knowledge base (AKB)Klaus Brandner, Benjamin Mayer, Rainer Weinreich. 30-33 [doi]
- The applicability of palladio for assessing the quality of cloud-based microservice architecturesFloriment Klinaku, Dominik Bilgery, Steffen Becker 0001. 34-37 [doi]
- ArchLearner: leveraging machine-learning techniques for proactive architectural adaptationHenry Muccini, Karthik Vaidhyanathan. 38-41 [doi]
- Kubow: an architecture-based self-adaptation service for cloud native applicationsCarlos M. Aderaldo, Nabor C. Mendonça, Bradley R. Schmerl, David Garlan. 42-45 [doi]
- A bottom-up approach for reconstructing software architecture product linesMohamed Lamine Kerdoudi, Tewfik Ziadi, Chouki Tibermacine, Salah Sadou. 46-49 [doi]
- A formal semantics for supporting the automated synthesis of choreography-based architecturesTala Najem. 51-54 [doi]
- Architecting for scale: the case for systematic software reuse in managing technical debt in start-upsMercy Njima. 55-58 [doi]
- Automatic detection of architectural bad smells through semantic representation of codeIlaria Pigazzini. 59-62 [doi]
- Towards service discovery and autonomic version management in self-healing microservices architectureYuwei Wang. 63-66 [doi]
- Promoting trust in interoperability of systems-of-systemsAna Paula Allian. 67-70 [doi]
- A framework for managing uncertainty in software architectureChawanangwa Lupafya. 71-74 [doi]
- National cultures and gender balance in ICT: a preliminary studyRicardo Colomo Palacios, Cristina Casado-Lumbreras. 76-81 [doi]
- Gender balance in computer science and engineering in Italian universitiesMoreno Marzolla, Raffaela Mirandola. 82-87 [doi]
- Assisting women in career change towards software engineering: experience from Czechitas NGOBarbora Buhnova, Lucie Jurystova, Dita Prikrylova. 88-93 [doi]
- Women participation in open source software communitiesVandana Singh. 94-99 [doi]
- Gender gap?: a snapshot of a bachelor computer science course at Graz University of TechnologyChristian Schindler, Matthias Müller. 100-104 [doi]
- Mitigating security threats through the use of security tactics to design secure cyber-physical systems (CPS)Cristian Orellana, Mónica M. Villegas, Hernán Astudillo. 109-115 [doi]
- Inspection guidelines to identify security design flawsKatja Tuma, Danial Hosseini, Kyriakos Malamas, Riccardo Scandariato. 116-122 [doi]
- Identifying availability tactics to support security architectural design of microservice-based systemsGastón Márquez, Hernán Astudillo. 123-129 [doi]
- Stochastic hybrid systems meet software components for well-founded cyber-physical systems software architecturesJacques Malenfant. 132-138 [doi]
- To what extent formal methods are applicable for performance analysis of smart cyber-physical systems?Lorenzo Pagliari, Mirko D'Angelo, Mauro Caporuscio, Raffaela Mirandola, Catia Trubiani. 139-144 [doi]
- A logical architecture design method for microservices architecturesNuno Santos 0002, Carlos E. Salgado, Francisco Morais, Mónica Melo, Sara Silva, Raquel Martins, Marco Pereira, Helena Rodrigues, Ricardo J. Machado, Nuno Ferreira 0002, Manuel Pereira. 145-151 [doi]
- Architecture description language for climate smart agriculture systemsMohammad Sharaf, Mai Abusair, Rami Eleiwi, Yara Shana'a, Ithar Saleh, Henry Muccini. 152-155 [doi]
- A formal design of the hybrid European rail traffic management systemPaolo Gaspari, Elvinia Riccobene, Angelo Gargantini. 156-162 [doi]
- Measuring performance quality scenarios in big data analytics applications: a DevOps and domain-specific model approachCamilo Castellanos, Carlos A. Varela, Darío Correal. 165-172 [doi]
- Towards an architecture for big data analytics leveraging edge/fog paradigmsJosu Díaz-de-Arcaya, Raúl Miñón, Ana I. Torre-Bastida. 173-176 [doi]
- Big data from the cloud to the edge: the aggregate computing solutionShaukat Ali, Ferruccio Damiani, Schahram Dustdar, Marialuisa Sanseverino, Mirko Viroli, Danny Weyns. 177-180 [doi]
- Detection of conflicts and inconsistencies between architecture solutionsBenno Kallweit, Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Jasmin Jahic, Thomas Kuhn, Peter Liggesmeyer. 183-189 [doi]
- Applicability of controlled natural languages for architecture analysis and documentation: an industrial case studySandra Schröder, Georg Buchgeher. 190-196 [doi]
- PageRank and criticality of architectural smellsFrancesca Arcelli Fontana, Ilaria Pigazzini, Claudia Raibulet, Stefano Basciano, Riccardo Roveda. 197-204 [doi]
- Source-code divergence diagnosis using constraints and cryptographyFarshad Ghassemi Toosi, Jim Buckley, Ashish Rajendra Sai. 205-208 [doi]
- Semi-automatic mapping of source code using naive BayesTobias Olsson, Morgan Ericsson, Anna Wingkvist. 209-216 [doi]
- Process-mining based dynamic software architecture reconstructionTijmen de Jong, Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf. 217-224 [doi]
- Placing human values at the core of socio-technical systems development: a project case studyAbiodun Ogunyemi, Margret Plank, Mathy Vanbuel. 227-230 [doi]
- Streamlining value in a FOSS projectMatthias Müller, Wolfgang Vorraber, Michael Herold, Christian Schindler, Wolfgang Slany, Kenji Tanaka. 231-234 [doi]
- A systems-of-systems security framework for requirements definition in cloud environmentSara B. O. Gennari Carturan, Denise Hideko Goya. 235-240 [doi]
- Investigating quality requirements from a human perspective in IoT-based software architectures for educationMohamad Kassab, Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto, Ana Allian. 241-244 [doi]
- Has social sustainability been addressed in software architectures?Tiago Volpato, Ana Allian, Elisa Yumi Nakagawa. 245-249 [doi]
- Architecture trace diagrams for cyber-physical systemsIngo Börsting, Marc Hesenius, Shafiq-Ur Rehman, Volker Gruhn. 253-260 [doi]
- Blueprints for architecture drivers and architecture solutions for Industry 4.0 shopfloor applicationsPablo Oliveira Antonino, Frank Schnicke, Zai Zhang, Thomas Kuhn. 261-268 [doi]
- A study of over-the-air (OTA) update systems for CPS and IoT operating systemsMónica M. Villegas, Cristian Orellana, Hernán Astudillo. 269-272 [doi]
- Towards creation of a reference architecture for trust-based digital ecosystemsEmilia Cioroaica, Stanislav Chren, Barbora Buhnova, Thomas Kuhn, Dimitar Dimitrov. 273-276 [doi]
- Dynamic security rules for legacy systemsRima Al Ali, Petr Hnetynka, Jiri Havlik, Vlastimil Krivka, Robert Heinrich, Stephan Seifermann, Maximilian Walter, Adrian Juan Verdejo. 277-284 [doi]