Abstract is missing.
- Outcomes of the Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal 2006Ian F. C. Smith. 1-6 [doi]
- Self-aware and Learning StructureBernard Adam, Ian F. C. Smith. 7-14 [doi]
- Capturing and Representing Construction Project Histories for Estimating and Defect DetectionBurcu Akinci, Semiha Kiziltas, Anu Pradhan. 15-22 [doi]
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- Structural Topology Optimization of Braced Steel Frameworks Using Genetic ProgrammingRobert Baldock, Kristina Shea. 54-61 [doi]
- On the Adoption of Computing and IT by Industry: The Case for Integration in Early Building DesignClaude Bédard. 62-73 [doi]
- Versioned Objects as a Basis for Engineering CooperationKarl E. Beucke. 74-82 [doi]
- The Effects of the Internet on Scientific Publishing - The Case of Construction IT ResearchBo-Christer Björk. 83-91 [doi]
- Automated On-site Retrieval of Project InformationIoannis K. Brilakis. 92-100 [doi]
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- GENE_ARCH: An Evolution-Based Generative Design System for Sustainable ArchitectureLuisa Caldas. 109-118 [doi]
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- Approximating Phenomenological SpaceChristian Derix. 136-146 [doi]
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- New Opportunities for IT Research in ConstructionChuck Eastman. 163-174 [doi]
- Infrastructure Development in the Knowledge CityTamer E. El-Diraby. 175-185 [doi]
- Formalizing Construction Knowledge for Concurrent Performance-Based DesignMartin Fischer. 186-205 [doi]
- Next Generation Artificial Neural Networks and Their Application to Civil EngineeringIan Flood. 206-221 [doi]
- Evolutionary Generation of Implicative Fuzzy Rules for Design Knowledge RepresentationMark Freischlad, Martina Schnellenbach-Held, Torben Pullmann. 222-229 [doi]
- Emerging Information and Communication Technologies and the Discipline of Project Information ManagementThomas Froese. 230-240 [doi]
- The Fishbowl:::TM:::: Degrees of Engagement in Global TeamworkRenate Fruchter. 241-257 [doi]
- Animations and Simulations of Engineering Software: Towards Intelligent Tutoring SystemsR. Robert Gajewski. 258-261 [doi]
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- Welfare Economics Applied to Design EngineeringDonald E. Grierson. 298-314 [doi]
- A Model for Data Fusion in Civil EngineeringCarl T. Haas. 315-319 [doi]
- Coordinating Goals, Preferences, Options, and Analyses for the Stanford Living Laboratory Feasibility StudyJohn Haymaker, John Chachere. 320-327 [doi]
- Collaborative Engineering Software Development: Ontology-Based ApproachShang-Hsien Hsieh, Ming-Der Lu. 328-342 [doi]
- Optimizing Construction Processes by Reorganizing Abilities of CraftsmenWolfgang Huhnt. 343-347 [doi]
- Ontology Based Framework Using a Semantic Web for Addressing Semantic Reconciliation in ConstructionRaja R. A. Issa, Ivan Mutis. 348-367 [doi]
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- Operative Models for the Introduction of Additional Semantics into the Cooperative Planning ProcessChristian Koch, Berthold Firmenich. 376-382 [doi]
- A Decentralized Trust Model to Reduce Information Unreliability in Complex Disaster Relief OperationsDionysios Kostoulas, Roberto Aldunate, Feniosky Peña-Mora, Sanyogita Lakhera. 383-407 [doi]
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- Knowledge Discovery in Bridge Monitoring Data: A Soft Computing ApproachPeer Lubasch, Martina Schnellenbach-Held, Mark Freischlad, Wilhelm Buschmeyer. 428-436 [doi]
- Practice 2006: Toolkit 2020Chris Luebkeman, Alvise Simondetti. 437-454 [doi]
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- How to Teach Computing in AECKarsten Menzel, Danijel Rebolj, Ziga Turk. 476-483 [doi]
- Evaluating the Use of Immersive Display Media for Construction PlanningJohn I. Messner. 484-491 [doi]
- A Forward Look at Computational Support for Conceptual DesignJohn Miles, Lisa Hall, Jan Noyes, Ian C. Parmee, Christopher L. Simons. 492-499 [doi]
- From SEEKing Knowledge to Making Connections: Challenges, Approaches and Architectures for Distributed Process IntegrationWilliam J. O Brien, Joachim Hammer, Mohsin Siddiqui. 500-518 [doi]
- Knowledge Based Engineering and Intelligent Personal Assistant Context in Distributed DesignJerzy Pokojski. 519-528 [doi]
- Model Free Interpretation of Monitoring DataDaniele Posenato, Francesca Lanata, Daniele Inaudi, Ian F. C. Smith. 529-533 [doi]
- Prediction of the Behaviour of Masonry Wall Panels Using Evolutionary Computation and Cellular AutomataYaqub Rafiq, Chengfei Sui, Dave Easterbrook, Guido Bugmann. 534-544 [doi]
- Derivational Analogy: Challenges and OpportunitiesB. Raphael. 545-553 [doi]
- Civil Engineering Communication - Obstacles and SolutionsDanijel Rebolj. 554-558 [doi]
- Computer Assistance for Sustainable Building DesignHugues Rivard. 559-575 [doi]
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- Combining Two Data Mining Methods for System IdentificationSandro Saitta, Benny Raphael, Ian F. C. Smith. 606-614 [doi]
- From Data to Model Consistency in Shared Engineering EnvironmentsRaimar J. Scherer, Peter Katranuschkov. 615-626 [doi]
- Multicriteria Optimization of Paneled Building Envelopes Using Ant Colony OptimizationKristina Shea, Andrew Sedgwick, Giulio Antonuntto. 627-636 [doi]
- Data Analysis on Complicated Construction Data Sources: Vision, Research, and Recent DevelopmentsLucio Soibelman, Jianfeng Wu, Carlos H. Caldas, Ioannis K. Brilakis, Ken-Yu Lin. 637-652 [doi]
- Constructing Design RepresentationsRudi Stouffs, Albert ter Haar. 653-662 [doi]
- Methodologies for Construction Informatics ResearchZiga Turk. 663-669 [doi]
- Wireless Sensing, Actuation and Control - With Applications to Civil StructuresYang Wang, Jerome P. Lynch, Kincho H. Law. 670-689 [doi]