Abstract is missing.
- Reliable Computation and Related GamesDouglas A. Miller, Steven W. Zucker. 3-18
- Characterizing the Distribution of Completion Shapes with Corners Using a Mixture of Random ProcessesKarvel K. Thornber, Lance R. Williams. 19-34
- Adaptive Parametrically Deformable ContoursMário A. T. Figueiredo, José M. N. Leitão, Anil K. Jain. 35-50
- Kona: A Multi-junction Detector Using Minimum Description Length PrincipleLaxmi Parida, Davi Geiger, Robert A. Hummel. 51-65
- Restoration of SAR Images Using Recovery of Discontinuities and Non-linear OptimizationFlorence Tupin, Marc Sigelle, Ammar Chkeif, Jean-Pierre Véran. 67-82
- Geometrically Deformable Templates for Shape-Based Segmentation and Tracking in Cardiac MR ImagesDaniel Rueckert, Peter Burger. 83-98
- Image Segmentation via Energy Minimization on Partitions with Connected ComponentsJia-Ping Wang. 101-116
- Restoration of Severely Blurred High Range Images Using Stochastic and Deterministic Relaxation Algorithms in Compound Gauss Markov Random FieldsRafael Molina, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, Javier Mateos, Aurora Hermoso. 117-132
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Markov Random Field Parameters Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo AlgorithmsXavier Descombes, Robin D. Morris, Josiane Zerubia, Marc Berthod. 133-148
- Noniterative Manipulation of Discrete Energy-Based Models for Image AnalysisPatrick Pérez, Jean-Marc Laferté. 149-164
- Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Field ModelsS. A. Barker, Peter J. W. Rayner. 165-178
- Adaptive Anisotropic Parameter Estimation in the Weak Membrane ModelToshiro Kubota, Terrance L. Huntsberger. 179-194
- Twenty Questions, Focus of Attention, and A*: A Theoretical Comparison of Optimization StrategiesAlan L. Yuille, James M. Coughlan. 197-212
- Deterministic Annealing for Unsupervised Texture SegmentationThomas Hofmann, Jan Puzicha, Joachim M. Buhmann. 213-228
- Self Annealing: Unifying Deterministic Annealing and Relaxation LabellingAnand Rangarajan. 229-244
- Multidimensional Scaling by Deterministic AnnealingHansjörg Klock, Joachim M. Buhmann. 245-260
- Deterministic Search Stragtegies for Relational Graph MatchingMark L. Williams, Richard C. Wilson, Edwin R. Hancock. 261-275
- Object Localization Using Color, Texture and ShapeYu Zhong, Anil K. Jain. 279-294
- Visual Deconstruction: Recognizing Articulated ObjectsTyng-Luh Liu, Davi Geiger. 295-309
- Optimization Problems in Statistical Object RecognitionJoachim Hornegger, Heinrich Niemann. 311-326
- Object Recognition Using Stochastic OptimizationShimon Ullman, Assaf Zeira. 329-344
- Genetic Algorithms for Ambiguous Labelling ProblemsRichard Myers, Edwin R. Hancock. 345-360
- Toward Global Solution to MAP Image Estimation: Using Common Structure of Local SolutionsStan Z. Li. 361-374
- Figure-Ground Separation: A Case Study in Energy Minimization via Evolutionary ComputingSuchendra M. Bhandarkar, Xia Zeng. 375-390
- Probabilistic Relaxation: Potential, Relationships and Open ProblemsJosef Kittler. 393-408
- A Region-Level Motion-Based Graph Representation and Labelling for Tracking a Spatial Image PartitionMarc Gelgon, Patrick Bouthemy. 409-424
- An Expectation-Maximisation Approach to Graph MatchingAndrew M. Finch, Richard C. Wilson, Edwin R. Hancock. 425-439
- An Energy Minimization Method for Matching and Comparing Structured Object RepresentationsRobert Azencott, Laurent Younes. 441-456
- Consistent Modelling of Terrain and Drainage Using Deformable ModelsPascal Fua. 459-474
- Integration of Confidence Information by Markov Random Fields for Reconstruction of Underwater 3D Acoustic ImagesVittorio Murino. 475-490
- Unsupervised Segmentation Applied on Sonar ImagesMaurice Mignotte, Christophe Collet, Patrick Pérez, Patrick Bouthemy. 491-506
- SAR Image Registration and Segmentation Using an Estimated DEMChris A. Glasbey. 507-520
- Deformable Templates for Tracking and Analysis of Intravascular Ultrasound SequencesFrancisco Escolano, Miguel Cazorla, Domingo Gallardo, Ramón Rizo. 521-534
- Motion Correspondence Through Energy MinimizationAntonella Branca, Ettore Stella, Arcangelo Distante. 535-548