Abstract is missing.
- Scheduling Independent Multiprocessor TasksAbdel Krim Amoura, Evripidis Bampis, Claire Kenyon, Yannis Manoussakis. 1-12
- On Local Search for Weighted k-Set PackingEsther M. Arkin, Refael Hassin. 13-22
- On-Line Machine CoveringYossi Azar, Leah Epstein. 23-36
- Area-Efficient Static and Incremental Graph DrawingsTherese C. Biedl, Michael Kaufmann. 37-52
- Denesting by Bounded Degree RadicalsJohannes Blömer. 53-63
- A Linear Time Algorithm for the Arc Disjoint Menger Problem in Planar Directed Graphs (Extended Abstract)Ulrik Brandes, Dorothea Wagner. 64-77
- Distance Approximating Trees for Chordal and Dually Chordal Graphs (Extended Abstract)Andreas Brandstädt, Victor Chepoi, Feodor F. Dragan. 78-91
- Decomposition of Integer Programs and of Generating SetsGérard Cornuéjols, Regina Urbaniak, Robert Weismantel, Laurence A. Wolsey. 92-102
- Bounded Degree Spanning Trees (Extended Abstract)Artur Czumaj, Willy-Bernhard Strothmann. 104-117
- Optimal Adaptive Broadcasting with a Bounded Fraction of Faulty Nodes (Extended Abstract)Krzysztof Diks, Andrzej Pelc. 118-129
- Weighted Graph Separators and Their ApplicationsHristo Djidjev. 130-143
- A New Exact Algorithm for General Orthogonal D-Dimensional Knapsack ProblemsSándor P. Fekete, Jörg Schepers. 144-156
- Dynamic Data Structures for Realtime Management of Large Geormetric Scences (Extended Abstract)Matthias Fischer, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, Willy-Bernhard Strothmann. 157-170
- Solving Rectilinear Steiner Tree Problems Exactly in Theory and PracticeUlrich Fößmeier, Michael Kaufmann. 171-185
- Dynamically Switching Vertices in Planar Graphs (Extended Abstract)Daniele Frigioni, Giuseppe F. Italiano. 186-199
- A New Family of Randomized Algorithms for List AccessingTheodoulos Garefalakis. 200-216
- On-Line Construction of Two-Dimensional Suffix TreesRaffaele Giancarlo, Daniela Guaiana. 217-231
- Scheduling Multiclass Queueing Networks on Parallel Servers: Approximate and Heavy-Traffic Optimality of Klimov s Priority RuleKevin D. Glazebrook, José Niño-Mora. 232-245
- Optimal Reconstruction of Graphs Under the Additive ModelVladimir Grebinski, Gregory Kucherov. 246-258
- Fixing Variables in Semidefinite RelaxationsChristoph Helmberg. 259-270
- Test Sets of the Knapsack Problem and Simultaneous Diophantine ApproximationsMartin Henk, Robert Weismantel. 271-283
- Three-Dimensional Meshes are Less Powerful than Two-Dimensional Ones in Oblivious RoutingKazuo Iwama, Eiji Miyano. 284-295
- Fault-Tolerant Real-Time SchedulingBala Kalyanasundaram, Kirk Pruhs. 296-307
- Collecting Garbage Pages in a Distributed Shared Memory with Reduced Memory and Communication OverheadDmitry Kogan, Assaf Schuster. 308-325
- Quasi-Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Two-Connectivity, Cycle Equivalence and Related ProblemsMadhukar R. Korupolu, Vijaya Ramachandran. 326-340
- Minimum Spanning Trees in ::::d:::: DimensionsDrago Krznaric, Christos Levcopoulos, Bengt J. Nilsson. 341-349
- Relaxed Balance for Search Trees with Local RebalancingKim S. Larsen, Thomas Ottmann, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen. 350-363
- Improved Approximations for Minimum Cardinality Quadrangulations of Finite Element MeshesMatthias Müller-Hannemann, Karsten Weihe. 364-377
- Dynamic Storage Allocation with Known DurationsJoseph Naor, Ariel Orda, Yael Petruschka. 378-387
- Coloring in Sublinear TimeAndreas Nolte, Rainer Schrader. 388-401
- Competivive Analysis of on-line Stack-Up AlgorithmsJochen Rethmann, Egon Wanke. 402-415
- Scheduling-LPs Bear Probabilities: Randomized Approximations for Min-Sum CriteriaAndreas S. Schulz, Martin Skutella. 416-429
- On Piercing Sets of Axis-Parallel Rectangles and RingsMichael Segal. 430-442
- Seven Problems: So Different yet CloseSergey V. Sevastianov. 443-458
- Linear-Time Reconstruction of Delaunay Triangulations with ApplicationsJack Snoeyink, Marc J. van Kreveld. 459-471
- Approximating Satisfiable Satisfiability Problems (Extended Abstract)Luca Trevisan. 472-485
- Algorithms for Computing Signs of 2×2 Determinants: Dynamics and Average-Case AnalysisBrigitte Vallée. 486-499
- Reconstructing the Topology of a CAD Model: A Discrete ApproachKarsten Weihe, Thomas Willhalm. 500-513