Abstract is missing.
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- Temporal ClusteringTamal K. Dey, Alfred Rossi, Anastasios Sidiropoulos. [doi]
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- New Abilities and Limitations of Spectral Graph BisectionMartin R. Schuster, Maciej Liskiewicz. [doi]
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- Sampling Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs in Linear TimeKarl Bringmann, Ralph Keusch, Johannes Lengler. [doi]
- On the Tree Augmentation ProblemZeev Nutov. [doi]
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- The Power of Vertex Sparsifiers in Dynamic Graph AlgorithmsGramoz Goranci, Monika Henzinger, Pan Peng. [doi]
- Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Programm Commitees, External Reviewers [doi]
- Local Search Algorithms for Maximum Carpool MatchingGilad Kutiel, Dror Rawitz. [doi]
- Dynamic Space Efficient HashingTobias Maier, Peter Sanders 0001. [doi]
- Exponential Lower Bounds for History-Based Simplex Pivot Rules on Abstract CubesAntonis Thomas. [doi]
- Subexponential Parameterized Algorithms for Graphs of Polynomial GrowthDániel Marx, Marcin Pilipczuk. [doi]
- On the Complexity of Bounded Context SwitchingPeter Chini, Jonathan Kolberg, Andreas Krebs, Roland Meyer, Prakash Saivasan. [doi]
- Exploring the Tractability of the Capped Hose ModelThomas Bosman, Neil Olver. [doi]
- A Space-Optimal Grammar CompressionYoshimasa Takabatake, Tomohiro I, Hiroshi Sakamoto. [doi]
- Single-Sink Fractionally Subadditive Network DesignGuru Guruganesh, Jennifer Iglesias, R. Ravi 0001, Laura Sanità. [doi]
- The Sparse Awakens: Streaming Algorithms for Matching Size Estimation in Sparse GraphsGraham Cormode, Hossein Jowhari, Morteza Monemizadeh, S. Muthukrishnan. [doi]