Abstract is missing.
- Faster Deterministic Modular Subset SumKrzysztof Potepa. [doi]
- Worst-Case Efficient Dynamic Geometric Independent SetJean Cardinal, John Iacono, Grigorios Koumoutsos. [doi]
- An Instance-Optimal Algorithm for Bichromatic Rectangular VisibilityJean Cardinal, Justin Dallant, John Iacono. [doi]
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- Efficient Algorithms for Least Square Piecewise Polynomial RegressionDaniel Lokshtanov, Subhash Suri, Jie Xue. [doi]
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- Quantum Sub-Gaussian Mean EstimatorYassine Hamoudi. [doi]
- Additive Sparsification of CSPsEden Pelleg, Stanislav Zivný. [doi]
- Asymptotically Optimal Welfare of Posted Pricing for Multiple Items with MHR DistributionsAlexander Braun, Matthias Buttkus, Thomas Kesselheim. [doi]
- Dynamic Colored Orthogonal Range SearchingTimothy M. Chan, Zhengcheng Huang. [doi]
- All-Pairs Shortest Paths for Real-Weighted Undirected Graphs with Small Additive ErrorTimothy M. Chan. [doi]
- Restricted t-Matchings via Half-EdgesKatarzyna Paluch 0001, Mateusz Wasylkiewicz. [doi]
- The Voronoi Diagram of Rotating Rays With applications to Floodlight IlluminationCarlos Alegría, Ioannis Mantas, Evanthia Papadopoulou, Marko Savic, Hendrik Schrezenmaier, Carlos Seara, Martin Suderland. [doi]
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- Balanced Crown Decomposition for Connectivity ConstraintsKatrin Casel, Tobias Friedrich 0001, Davis Issac, Aikaterini Niklanovits, Ziena Zeif. [doi]
- Generalized Max-Flows and Min-Cuts in Simplicial ComplexesWilliam Maxwell, Amir Nayyeri. [doi]
- Differentially Private Algorithms for Graphs Under Continual ObservationHendrik Fichtenberger, Monika Henzinger, Wolfgang Ost. [doi]
- Restricted Adaptivity in Stochastic SchedulingGuillaume Sagnol, Daniel Schmidt genannt Waldschmidt. [doi]
- Closing the Gap for Single Resource Constraint SchedulingKlaus Jansen, Malin Rau. [doi]
- k-Distinct Branchings Admits a Polynomial KernelJørgen Bang-Jensen, Kristine Vitting Klinkby, Saket Saurabh 0001. [doi]
- Covert Computation in Staged Self-Assembly: Verification Is PSPACE-CompleteDavid Caballero, Timothy Gomez, Robert T. Schweller, Tim Wylie. [doi]
- Data Structures Lower Bounds and Popular ConjecturesPavel Dvorák, Michal Koucký 0001, Karel Král 0002, Veronika Slívová. [doi]
- Learnable and Instance-Robust Predictions for Online Matching, Flows and Load BalancingThomas Lavastida, Benjamin Moseley, R. Ravi 0001, Chenyang Xu. [doi]
- Hardness of Detecting Abelian and Additive Square Factors in StringsJakub Radoszewski, Wojciech Rytter, Juliusz Straszynski, Tomasz Walen, Wiktor Zuba. [doi]
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- Extension of Additive Valuations to General Valuations on the Existence of EFXRyoga Mahara. [doi]
- Certified Approximation Algorithms for the Fermat Point and n-EllipsesKolja Junginger, Ioannis Mantas, Evanthia Papadopoulou, Martin Suderland, Chee Yap. [doi]
- Isomorphism Testing Parameterized by Genus and BeyondDaniel Neuen. [doi]
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- An Efficient Reduction of a Gammoid to a Partition MatroidMarilena Leichter, Benjamin Moseley, Kirk Pruhs. [doi]
- Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization [doi]
- Telescoping Filter: A Practical Adaptive FilterDavid J. Lee, Samuel McCauley, Shikha Singh 0002, Max Stein. [doi]
- FPT and FPT-Approximation Algorithms for Unsplittable Flow on TreesTomás Martínez-Muñoz, Andreas Wiese. [doi]
- Bi-Objective Search with Bi-Directional ASaman Ahmadi, Guido Tack, Daniel Harabor, Philip Kilby. [doi]
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- Approximation Schemes for Bounded Distance Problems on Fractionally Treewidth-Fragile GraphsZdenek Dvorák, Abhiruk Lahiri. [doi]
- The Visibility Center of a Simple PolygonAnna Lubiw, Anurag Murty Naredla. [doi]
- Efficiently Computing Maximum Flows in Scale-Free NetworksThomas Bläsius, Tobias Friedrich 0001, Christopher Weyand. [doi]
- Online Euclidean SpannersSujoy Bhore, Csaba D. Tóth. [doi]
- Evidence for Long-Tails in SLS AlgorithmsFlorian Wörz, Jan-Hendrik Lorenz. [doi]
- Efficiently Approximating Vertex Cover on Scale-Free Networks with Underlying Hyperbolic GeometryThomas Bläsius, Tobias Friedrich 0001, Maximilian Katzmann. [doi]
- Convex Drawings of Hierarchical Graphs in Linear Time, with Applications to Planar Graph MorphingBoris Klemz. [doi]
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- Determining 4-Edge-Connected Components in Linear TimeWojciech Nadara, Mateusz Radecki, Marcin Smulewicz, Marek Sokolowski. [doi]
- Boundary-Sensitive Approach for Approximate Nearest-Neighbor ClassificationAlejandro Flores-Velazco, David M. Mount. [doi]
- Distant Representatives for Rectangles in the PlaneTherese C. Biedl, Anna Lubiw, Anurag Murty Naredla, Peter Dominik Ralbovsky, Graeme Stroud. [doi]
- Stability Yields Sublinear Time Algorithms for Geometric Optimization in Machine LearningHu Ding. [doi]
- Experimental Comparison of PC-Trees and PQ-TreesSimon D. Fink, Matthias Pfretzschner, Ignaz Rutter. [doi]
- A User Friendly Power Tool for Deriving Online Learning Algorithms (Invited Talk)Aaron Roth 0001. [doi]
- Efficient Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Multistage Stochastic Integer Programming Using ProximityJana Cslovjecsek, Friedrich Eisenbrand, Michal Pilipczuk, Moritz Venzin, Robert Weismantel. [doi]
- Finding an Approximate Mode of a Kernel Density EstimateJasper C. H. Lee, Jerry Li 0001, Christopher Musco, Jeff M. Phillips, Wai Ming Tai. [doi]
- p-Norm Multiway CutKarthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Weihang Wang. [doi]
- Network Planning and Routing Problems over Time: Models, Complexity and Algorithms (Invited Talk)Lukas Glomb, Benno Hoch, Frauke Liers, Florian Rösel. [doi]
- Beating Random Assignment for Approximating Quantum 2-Local Hamiltonian ProblemsOjas Parekh, Kevin Thompson 0007. [doi]
- A Simple Algorithm for Graph ReconstructionClaire Mathieu, Hang Zhou 0001. [doi]
- Modular Counting of Subgraphs: Matchings, Matching-Splittable Graphs, and PathsRadu Curticapean, Holger Dell, Thore Husfeldt. [doi]
- Space Efficient Two-Dimensional Orthogonal Colored Range CountingYounan Gao, Meng He 0001. [doi]
- Deep Multilevel Graph PartitioningLars Gottesbüren, Tobias Heuer, Peter Sanders 0001, Christian Schulz 0003, Daniel Seemaier. [doi]
- Minimum Common String Partition: Exact AlgorithmsMarek Cygan, Alexander S. Kulikov, Ivan Mihajlin, Maksim Nikolaev, Grigory Reznikov. [doi]
- On Approximate Compressions for Connected Minor-Hitting SetsM. S. Ramanujan 0001. [doi]