Abstract is missing.
- IntroductionNorbert Meyer, Domenico Talia, Ramin Yahyapour. 3-4 [doi]
- Architecture of a Network Monitoring ElementAugusto Ciuffoletti, Michalis Polychronakis. 5-14 [doi]
- Support for Automatic Diagnosis and Dynamic Configuration of Scalable Storage SystemsZsolt Németh, Michail Flouris, Renaud Lachaize, Angelos Bilas. 15-21 [doi]
- Adding Dynamism to OGSA-DQP: Incorporating the DynaSOAr Framework in Distributed Query ProcessingArijit Mukherjee, Paul Watson. 22-33 [doi]
- Review of Security Models Applied to Distributed Data AccessAntonia Ghiselli, Federico Stagni, Riccardo Zappi. 34-48 [doi]
- Security Requirements Analysis for Large-Scale Distributed File SystemsSyed Naqvi, Olivier Poitou, Philippe Massonet, Alvaro Arenas. 49-60 [doi]
- Coupling Contracts for Deployment on Alien GridsJavier Bustos-Jiménez, Denis Caromel, Mario Leyton, José M. Piquer. 61-73 [doi]
- A Transparent Framework for Hierarchical Master-Slave Grid ComputingNadia Ranaldo, Eugenio Zimeo. 74-86 [doi]
- A Multi-level Scheduler for the Grid Computing YML FrameworkSébastien Noël, Olivier Delannoy, Nahid Emad, Pierre Manneback, Serge G. Petiton. 87-100 [doi]
- Virtual Environments - Framework for Virtualized Resource Access in the GridMichal Jankowski, Pawel Wolniewicz, Jirí Denemark, Norbert Meyer, Ludek Matyska. 101-111 [doi]
- Grid Meta-Broker Architecture: Towards an Interoperable Grid Resource Brokering ServiceAttila Kertész, Péter Kacsuk. 112-115 [doi]
- A Super-Peer Model for Multiple Job Submission on a GridPasquale Cozza, Carlo Mastroianni, Domenico Talia, Ian Taylor. 116-125 [doi]
- A Scheduling Algorithm for High Performance Peer-to-Peer PlatformNabil Abdennadher, Régis Boesch. 126-137 [doi]
- Brokering Multi-grid Workflows in the P-GRADE PortalAttila Kertész, Gergely Sipos, Péter Kacsuk. 138-149 [doi]
- Diet: New Developments and Recent ResultsA. Amar, Raphael Bolze, Aurelien Bouteiller, Andréea Chis, Yves Caniou, Eddy Caron, Pushpinder-Kaur Chouhan, Gaël Le Mahec, Holly Dail, Benjamin Depardon, Frédéric Desprez, Jean-Sébastien Gay, Alan Su. 150-170 [doi]
- Execution Support of High Performance Heterogeneous Component-Based Applications on the GridMassimo Coppola, Marco Danelutto, Nicola Tonellotto, Marco Vanneschi, Corrado Zoccolo. 171-185 [doi]
- Towards a Grid Information Knowledge BaseWei Xing, Marios D. Dikaiakos, Rizos Sakellariou. 186-190 [doi]
- IntroductionAchim Streit, Wolfgang Ziegler. 193 [doi]
- A Versatile Execution Management System for Next-Generation UNICORE GridsBernd Schuller, Roger Menday, Achim Streit. 195-204 [doi]
- Towards More Flexible and Increased Security and Privacy in GridsWilly Weisz. 205-214 [doi]
- Integration of Grid Cost Model into ISS/VIOLA Meta-scheduler EnvironmentRalf Gruber, Vincent Keller, Michela Thiémard, Oliver Wäldrich, Philipp Wieder, Wolfgang Ziegler, Pierre Manneback. 215-224 [doi]
- A One-Stop, Fire-and-(Almost)Forget, Dropping-Off and Rendezvous PointRoger Menday, Björn Hagemeier, Bernd Schuller, David F. Snelling, Sven van den Berghe, Claudio Cacciari, Maurizio Melato. 225-234 [doi]
- Grid-Based Processing of High-Volume Meteorological Data SetsGuido Scherp, Jan Ploski, Wilhelm Hasselbring. 235-244 [doi]
- BLAST Application on the GPE/UnicoreGS GridMarcelina Borc, Rafal Kluszczynski, Piotr Bala. 245-253 [doi]
- Job Management Enterprise ApplicationThomas Soddemann. 254-263 [doi]
- UNICORE Deployment Within the DEISA Supercomputing Grid InfrastructureLuca Clementi, Michael Rambadt, Roger Menday, Johannes Reetz. 264-273 [doi]
- IntroductionCraig A. Stewart. 277 [doi]
- Progress in Scaling Biomolecular Simulations to Petaflop Scale PlatformsBlake G. Fitch, Aleksandr Rayshubskiy, Maria Eleftheriou, T. J. Christopher Ward, Mark Giampapa, Michael Pitman, Robert S. Germain. 279-288 [doi]
- Progress Towards Petascale Applications in Biology: Status in 2006Craig A. Stewart, Matthias S. Müller, Malinda Lingwall. 289-303 [doi]
- Toward a Solution of the Reverse Engineering Problem Using FPGAsEdgar Ferrer, Dorothy Bollman, Oscar Moreno. 304-312 [doi]
- Two Challenges in Genomics That Can Benefit from Petascale PlatformsCatherine Putonti, Meizhuo Zhang, Lennart Johnsson, Yuriy Fofanov. 313-322 [doi]
- High Throughput Image Analysis on PetaFLOPS SystemsRobert Henschel, Matthias S. Müller, Yannis Kalaidzidis. 323-329 [doi]