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- Super-distributed RFID Tag InfrastructuresJürgen Bohn, Friedemann Mattern. 1-12 [doi]
- Using Ontologies to Address Key Issues in Ubiquitous Computing SystemsEleni Christopoulou, Achilles Kameas. 13-24 [doi]
- Performance Evaluation of Personal Agent Migration Policies in an Ambient Use Case ScenarioElaheh Homayounvala, Hamid Aghvami. 25-36 [doi]
- QoS Provision Using Dual RF Modules in Wireless LANSang-Hee Park, Hye Soo Kim, Chun-Su Park, Kyunghun Jang, Sung Jea Ko. 37-48 [doi]
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- Using Integration Frameworks for Developing Context-Aware ApplicationsSérgio Barretto, Miguel Mira da Silva. 100-111 [doi]
- A Generic Topology for Ambient IntelligenceMichael Hellenschmidt, Thomas Kirste. 112-123 [doi]
- A Distributed Location Sensing Platform for Dynamic Building ModelsOguz Icoglu, Klaus A. Brunner, Ardeshir Mahdavi, Georg Suter. 124-135 [doi]
- Distributed Feature Extraction for Event IdentificationTeresa H. Ko, Nina M. Berry. 136-147 [doi]
- Towards an Extensible Context Ontology for Ambient IntelligenceDavy Preuveneers, Jan Van den Bergh, Dennis Wagelaar, Andy Georges, Peter Rigole, Tim Clerckx, Yolande Berbers, Karin Coninx, Viviane Jonckers, Koen De Bosschere. 148-159 [doi]
- Integrating Handhelds into Environments of Cooperating Smart Everyday ObjectsFrank Siegemund, Tobias Krauer. 160-171 [doi]
- Remote Code Execution on Ubiquitous Mobile ApplicationsJoão Nuno Silva, Paulo Ferreira. 172-183 [doi]
- The PLANTS System: Enabling Mixed Societies of Communicating Plants and ArtefactsChristos Goumopoulos, Eleni Christopoulou, Nikos Drossos, Achilles Kameas. 184-195 [doi]
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- Towards a Playful User Interface for Home Entertainment SystemsFlorian Block, Albrecht Schmidt, Nicolas Villar, Hans-Werner Gellersen. 207-217 [doi]
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- End-User Configuration of Ambient Intelligence Environments: Feasibility from a User PerspectivePanos Markopoulos, Irene Mavrommati, Achilles Kameas. 243-254 [doi]
- VIEWs: Visual Interaction Enriched WindowsJean-Bernard Martens, Dzmitry Aliakseyeu, Jan-Roelof de Pijper. 255-266 [doi]
- Information Capture Devices for Social EnvironmentsMeghan Deutscher, Phillip Jeffrey, Nelson Siu. 267-270 [doi]
- Rich Interaction: IssuesJoep W. Frens, J. P. Djajadiningrat, Kees C. J. Overbeeke. 271-278 [doi]
- From Metaphors to Simulations to Idioms: Supporting the Conceptualisation ProcessAntti Pirhonen. 279-290 [doi]
- CAMELEON-RT: A Software Architecture Reference Model for Distributed, Migratable, and Plastic User InterfacesLionel Balme, Alexandre Demeure, Nicolas Barralon, Joëlle Coutaz, Gaëlle Calvary. 291-302 [doi]
- A Fair Energy Conserving Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor NetworksLei Zhang, Xuehui Wang, Heying Zhang, Wenhua Dou. 303-314 [doi]
- Distance-Based Access Modifiers Applied to Safety in Home NetworksKjeld Høyer Mortensen, Kari R. Schougaard, Ulrik Pagh Schultz. 315-326 [doi]
- AmbieSense - A System and Reference Architecture for Personalised Context-Sensitive Information Services for Mobile UsersHans I. Myrhaug, Nik Whitehead, Ayse Göker, Tor Erlend Fægri, Till Christopher Lech. 327-338 [doi]
- Realising the Ambient Intelligence Vision Through the Deployment of Mobile, Intentional AgentsGregory M. P. O Hare, Stephen Keegan, Michael J. O Grady. 339-350 [doi]
- Ambient Intelligence Using KGP AgentsKostas Stathis, Francesca Toni. 351-362 [doi]
- Services Platforms for Context-Aware ApplicationsPatricia Dockhorn Costa, Luís Ferreira Pires, Marten van Sinderen, D. Rios. 363-366 [doi]
- Modelling Context: An Activity Theory ApproachManasawee Kaenampornpan, Eamonn O Neill. 367-374 [doi]
- Confidence Estimation of the State Predictor MethodJan Petzold, Faruk Bagci, Wolfgang Trumler, Theo Ungerer. 375-386 [doi]