Abstract is missing.
- 3D simulators in professional training learning complex tasks overcoming material, economic, and human constraintsJ. Bernardino Lopes, José Paulo Cravino, Ana Margarida Maia, Leonel Morgado, Paulo Martins 0001, Gonçalo Cruz, Paulo Fernandes, André Pinheiro. 6-10 [doi]
- A new control method of an electric scooter with a hybrid ultracapacitor/battery energy storage topologyNelson Andorinha, Sergio Sousa, Victor Antunes. 11-16 [doi]
- A novel concept for configuring online laboratoriesBogdan-Alexandru Deaky, Luminita Parv, Tiago Faustino Andrade. 17-20 [doi]
- A Paschen Curve experiment for e-labJ. Loureiro, H. Fernandes, H. Oosterbeek, G. Harkema. 21-25 [doi]
- A remote virtual experiment in mechanical engineeringTiago A. N. Silva, Maria A. R. Loja. 26-31 [doi]
- Brain stimulation using an haptic thermal deviceJoaquim Gabriel, António Silva, Maria Teresa Restivo, Isabel Pinheiro. 32-35 [doi]
- Can STEM education take advantage of massively multiplayers online competitions?Antonella Longo, Mario A. Bochicchio, Antonio Bernardo. 36-41 [doi]
- Collaborative environment for geometryVanda Santos, Pedro Quaresma. 42-46 [doi]
- Easy development of web based simulationsKatarina Zakova. 47-51 [doi]
- Educational model based on virtual reality: Simulation of the construction of a bridge deckAlcinia Z. Sampaio, Luis Viana. 52-57 [doi]
- Gantry crane control: A simulation case studyP. B. de Moura Oliveira, José Boaventura Cunha. 58-63 [doi]
- Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) remote laboratory at BMSTUIgor Vlasov, Jakov Mikolnikov, Dmitry Semenov, Igor Titov. 64-67 [doi]
- Inductive principles in engineering pedagogy on the example of remote labsRaivo Sell, Tiia Rüütmann, Sven Seiler. 68-71 [doi]
- Java-based simulator of dynamical systems and PID controlLuís Brito Palma, J. Costa Cruz, Fernando Vieira Coito, Paulo Sousa Gil. 72-77 [doi]
- Peer assisted instruction and VLE in enquiry based learning in chemical engineeringJarka Glassey. 78-82 [doi]
- Peers' evaluation of a reconfigurable IEEE1451.0-compliant and FPGA-based weblabRicardo J. Costa, Gustavo R. Alves, Mário Zenha Rela, Danilo Garbi Zutin, Johan Zackrisson, Willian Rochadel, Unai Hernández-Jayo. 83-88 [doi]
- Remote electronics lab within a MOOC: Design and preliminary resultsGabriel Díaz, Felix Garcia Loro, Manuel Castro, Mohamed Tawfik, Elio San Cristóbal, Santiago Monteso. 89-93 [doi]
- Remote laser laboratory at BMSTU: Browser-based solutionAlexander Glotov, Dmitry Bondarenko, Ivan Lobko, Alexey Vorobiev, Marina Kostina, Igor Titov. 94-98 [doi]
- Remote physiological data acquisition: From the human body to electromechanical simulatorsCarla Barros, Celina Pinto Leão, Filomena O. Soares, Graça Minas, Catarina Meireles, Diogo Lemos, José Machado 0002. 99-104 [doi]
- Repository-based learning and training in OphthalmologyJosé Carlos Teixeira, Joao Andre Costa, Patricia Alecrim, Vera Cardoso, Luis Caridade. 105-108 [doi]
- Robotics virtual lab based on off-line robot programming softwarePaulo Abreu, Manuel Romano Barbosa, António Mendes Lopes. 109-113 [doi]
- Simulation software applied to short term cardiovascular disease risk assessmentS. Paredest, T. Rocha, P. de Carvalho, J. Henriques, J. Morais. 114-117 [doi]
- The remote plasma nanotecnologies laboratory for experimental research and practical trainingAlexander Zimin, Andrey Shumov, Semen Krivitskiy, Vladislav Troynov. 118-121 [doi]
- Trend prediction methodology based on time series similarity analysis and haar wavelet decompositionTeresa Rocha, Simão Paredes, Paulo Carvalho 0001, Jorge Henriques. 122-127 [doi]
- Using interactive video for on-line blended learning in engineering educationClement E. Onime, James Onohuome Uhomoibhi. 128-132 [doi]
- Using ISA services to manage lab sessions with embedded lab serversDanilo Garbi Zutin, Tiago Faustino Andrade, Maria Teresa Restivo, Manuel Rodrigues Quintas. 133-137 [doi]
- Using video tools to teach nanoparticles characterization: Contents for a distance learning courseMaria G. Rasteiro, A. L. Cardoso, R. Gomes, T. Santos. 138-142 [doi]
- World Pendulum @ e-labRui Figueiredo, Tiago Pereira, Samuel Balula, Rui Borraltio Neto, Horácio Fernandes, Gesil S. Amarante Segundo, Isabel Borges. 143-147 [doi]
- 1 DOF haptic device built with parts of recycled materialPedro Ubaldo Gomes, Manuel Rodrigues Quintas, Maria Teresa Restivo. 152-153 [doi]
- A new chemistry e-lab experiment chemical equilibirum reactionSergio Leal, Joao Paulo Leal. 154-155 [doi]
- A prototype for a mobile-based system of skin lesion analysis using supervised classificationLuas Rosado, Márcia Ferreira. 156-157 [doi]
- An immersive system for the training of tower crane operatorsBruno Patrão, Paulo Menezes. 158-159 [doi]
- An interactive video to demonstrate how to characterize nanoparticlesM. G. Rasteiro, A. L. Cardoso, R. Gomes, T. Santos. 160-161 [doi]
- Assisted living: Home physiotherapy demoJoão Couto Soares, Agata Vieira, Joaquim Gabriel. 162-163 [doi]
- Augmented chemical reactions: An augmented reality tool to support chemistry teachingPatrick Maier 0002, Gudrun Klinker. 164-165 [doi]
- Demo: Multi-user virtual world simulator of F-16 aircraft engine mechanical maintenancePaulo Fernandes, André Pinheiro, Gonçalo Cruz, Ana Margarida Maia, Leonel Morgado, Paulo Martins 0001, Hugo Paredes, Benjamim Fonseca, J. Bernardino Lopes, José Paulo Cravino. 166-167 [doi]
- Elétrica on-lineAna M. B. Pavani, Guilherme P. Temporão. 168-169 [doi]
- Hapticbender system study of young modulusLinda Padilla, Maria Teresa Restivo, António M. Lopes 0001. 170-171 [doi]
- Haptic device demo using temperature feedbackAntónio Silva, Maria Teresa Restivo, Joaquim Gabriel. 172-173 [doi]
- Integration of a remote lab in a software tool for digital electronicsJavier García Zubía, Ignacio Angulo, Luis Rodriguez, Pablo Orduña, Olga Dziabenko, Maria Guenaga. 174-175 [doi]
- Interactive demonstration of a java-based simulator of dynamical systemsLuís Brito Palma, J. Costa Cruz, Fernando Vieira Coito, Paulo Sousa Gil. 176-177 [doi]
- Interactive demonstration of InerTouchHand - iTH a glove device with distributed inertial sensors and vibro-tactile feedbackJorge Lobc, Pedro Trindade. 178-179 [doi]
- Labicom.net - Putting your laboratory online in less than five minutes with WebPager tool: Automatic generation and real-time control of a LabVIEW based laboratory server from pluginless HTML pageIgor Titov, Evgeny Titov. 180-183 [doi]
- Learning physics with virtual simulationsLuciano Santos, Carlos Vaz de Carvalho. 184-185 [doi]
- Madeira wine online quality controlCatarina Novo, Joao L. Pinto, Lúcia Bilro, Paulo Antunes, Nelia Alberto, Vanda Pereira, Jose Marques, Mon-Chu Chen. 186-187 [doi]
- Matlab tool applied to the trend prediction of physiological time seriesTeresa Rocha, Simão Paredes, Paulo Carvalho 0001, Jorge Henriques. 188-189 [doi]
- Matlab tool for cardiovascular disease risk predictionS. Paredes, T. Rocha, P. de Carvalho, Jorge Henriques, J. Morais. 190-191 [doi]
- Online virtual system for straightness evaluationMaria Teresa Restivo, José Rodrigues, Fátima Chouzal, Paulo Menezes. 192-193 [doi]
- Real-time augmented reality shopping platform for studying consumer cognitive experiencesJasmina Stoyanova, Ricardo Goncalves, António Coelho, Pedro Quelhas Brito. 194-195 [doi]
- Real-time epileptic seizure prediction at Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de CoimbraCésar Alexandre Teixeira, Bruno Direito, Mojtaba Bandarabadi, Hans Peter Grebe, Francisca Sa, Francisco Sales, António Dourado. 196-198 [doi]
- Remote demo for encoders' tutorialTiago Faustino Andrade, Manuel Rodrigues Quintas, Maria Teresa Restivo. 199-200 [doi]
- Remote laboratory environment for embedded system experimentsRaivo Sell. 201-202 [doi]
- SEEPTOOL - A remote demo for small scale seepage problemsJ. C. Marques. 203-204 [doi]
- The visual statistical calculator: An interactive and visual toolLiliane S. Machado, Ronei M. Moraes, Elaine A. M. G. Soares. 205-206 [doi]
- Thermal residual stresses in functionally graded structures: A didactic case studyTiago A. N. Silva, Maria A. R. Loja. 207-208 [doi]
- Using remote experimentation for study on engineering concepts through a didactic pressLucas Boeira Michels, Vilson Gruber, Lirio Schaeffer, Roderval Marcelino, Juarez Bento da Silva, Sarah de Resende Guerra. 209-211 [doi]
- World wide remote distributed experiment on e-labRui Borraltio Neto, Horácio Fernandes, Tiago Pereira, I. Borges, G. Amarante-Segundo, Samuel Balula, Rui Figueiredo, J. Pereira. 212-214 [doi]