Abstract is missing.
- PrefaceArno Wacker. [doi]
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- The cipher of Emperor Rudolf II's "Alchemical Hand Bell"Richard Bean 0001, Corinna Gannon, Sarah Lang. 13-17 [doi]
- Ottavian Medici and the decline of Venetian cryptographyPaolo Bonavoglia. 18-27 [doi]
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- Mysteries of P.C. Cadix and its evacuation in 1942/43Marek Grajek. 63-72 [doi]
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- Deciphering Secrets Throughout History: An Interdisciplinary Linguistics and Cryptology CourseEunice Kim, Christian Millichap. 83-92 [doi]
- Situating ciphers among alchemical techniques of secrecySarah Lang. 93-104 [doi]
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- International Conference on the Voynich Manuscript 2022Colin Layfield, René Zandbergen, Lisa Fagin Davis, John Abela, Claire Bowern, Michael Rosner, Lonneke van der Plas. 113-119 [doi]
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- Encrypted epigraphy - the case of a mysterious inscription in the Neapolitan church of Santa Maria La NovaCosimo Palma. 139-147 [doi]
- Deciphering Charles Quint (A diplomatic letter from 1547)Cécile Pierrot, Camille Desenclos, Pierrick Gaudry, Paul Zimmermann. 148-159 [doi]
- On the Combination of Cryptography and Steganography in 17th Century GermanyEveline Szarka. 160-169 [doi]
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