Abstract is missing.
- Evaluation of garbage collection techniques on flash translation layerJaegeuk Kim, Min Choi, Seung Ryoul Maeng. 1-6
- A Semi-Algebraic Approach for the Computation of Lyapunov FunctionsZ. She, B. Xia, R. Xiao. 7-12
- Computational intelligence - case tool to implement in embedded control systemsKlaus-Dietrich Kramer, Steffen Patzwahl, Thomas Nacke. 13-18
- Parameter estimation for zone based climate dynamicsJan Jakob Jessen, Henrik Schiøler. 19-24
- A data-based approach to auto-tuning PID controllerCheng Cheng, Min-Sen Chiu. 25-30
- Mining the attitudes of conflicting human agentsBoris Galitsky, Boris Kovalerchuk. 31-36
- An enhanced feature selection method for text classificationJinbeom Kang, Eunshil Lee, K. Hong, Jeahyun Park, T. Kim, Juyoung Park, Joongmin Choi, Jaeyoung Yang. 37-42
- Semantic matchmaking of grid services using parameter matchmaking algorithmS. Thamarai Selvi, R. A. Balachandar, K. Vijayakumar, N. Mohanram, Rajagopalan Raman. 43-48
- A linguistic technique for a semantic analyser based on logical semanticsAlberto Tavares da Silva, Luis Alfredo V. Carvalho. 49-54
- Effective document information retrieval system for both paper and electronic documentsChan-Tang Wong, Chi-Man Pun. 55-60
- New algebraic operators and SQL primitives for mining classification rulesRicardo Timarán Pereira, Marta Millán. 61-65
- Genetic algorithms for graph layouts with geometric constraintsDana Vrajitoru, B. R. El-Gamil. 66-71
- Generality of spoken dialogue system using SeGA-IL for different languagesK. Araki, M. Kuroda. 72-77
- A genetic algorithm with backtracking for protein structure predictionAnitha Katikireddy, Clayton Matthew Johnson. 78-83
- Topology structural optimization using a hybrid of GA and ESO methodsH. Kajiwara, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Mitsunori Miki, Akira Hashimoto. 84-89
- A dual-population genetic algorithm for balanced exploration and exploitationT. Park, K. R. Ryu. 90-95
- Performance of eye detection by genetic algorithmsTakuya Akashi, Yuji Wakasa, Kanya Tanaka. 96-101
- Artificial life feature selection techniques for spam e-mail filtersRen Wang, Amr M. Youssef, Ahmed K. Elhakeem. 102-107
- Visiting-route optimization inside shanghai-expo-area based on particle swarm optimizationH. Xiao, Y. Yan, Y.-S. Xiao. 108-113
- Event-driven load balancing of partially replicated objects through a swarm of mobile agentsSarah Abdul-Walid, Razvan Andonie, Joseph Lemley, James L. Schwing, Jonathan Widger. 114-119
- A DNA-based implementation of YAEA encryption algorithmS. T. Amin, Magdy Saeb, S. El-Gindi. 120-125
- Active, a platform for building intelligent softwareDidier Guzzoni, Adam Cheyer, Charles Baur. 126-131
- Partial global hybrid web services compositionH. Lu. 132-137
- A multi-agent model of railway intelligent safety guarantee systemGuoqiang Cai, Zundong Zhang, Limin Jia, Yangdong Ye. 138-143
- Dynamic composition of agent grammarsK. Neumeier, C. Thompson. 144-149
- A hardware accelerator for solving the n-queen problemCong-Kha Pham, Wataru Noguchi. 150-155
- Application of arx neural networks to model the rate of penetration of petroleum wells drillingTiago C. da Fonseca, José Ricardo Pelaquim Mendes, Adriane Beatriz de Souza Serapião, Ivan Rizzo Guilherme. 156-161
- A new cost function to build MLPs by means of regularized boostingMiguel Lázaro-Gredilla, Jaisiel Madrid-Sánchez, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal. 162-167
- Proposal of awakening behavior detection system using neural networkHironobu Satoh, Fumiaki Takeda, Yoshihiro Saeki, Ritsuya Ikeda, Yoshiaki Shiraishi. 168-173
- A facial component based hybrid approach to caricature generation using neural networksKa H. Lai, Eran A. Edirisinghe, Paul W. H. Chung. 174-179
- Parallel execution of state space explorations using different kinds of dynamicsMasahiro Nagamatu, Kairong Zhang. 180-185
- An initial investigation on the use of fractional calculus with neural networksSam Gardner, Robbie Lamb, John Paxton. 186-191
- A new evolution based training method for dynamic synapse neural networksSvein Saebo, Mohammad Bagher Menhaj, S. Ali, Saeed Salehi. 192-197
- Neural network based OCR for keg identificationA. Keir, M. Lees, D. Campbell. 198-203
- A model of natural computation based on recurrent neural networks and reciprocal imagesDouglas S. Greer. 204-209
- Instinct evolution in a goal-seeking neural networkThomas E. Portegys. 210-215
- Parameter adaptation for differential evolution with design of experimentsKrzysztof Zielinski, R. Laur. 216-221
- Effectiveness of neighborhood crossover in multiobjective genetic algorithmKengo Yoshii, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Mitsunori Miki, Akira Hashimoto. 222-227
- Multi-objective evolutionary optimization of agent-based models: An application to emergency response planningGiuseppe Narzisi, Venkatesh Mysore, Bud Mishra. 228-232
- Faster s-metric calculation by considering dominated hypervolume as klee s measure problemNicola Beume, Günter Rudolph. 233-238
- Evolutionary circuit design in REPOMO - reconfigurable polymorphic moduleRichard Ruzicka, Lukás Sekanina. 239-244
- Multi-chromosomal representations in neuroevolutionA. Mayer, Helmut A. Mayer. 245-250
- Paraconsistent database query languagesRajiv Bagai. 251-256
- Ear photo recognition using scale invariant keypointsK. Dewi, Takashi Yahagi. 253-258
- CFD analysis of natural convection in enclosed cavity using a fuzzy logic guidance methodAbhishek Jain, Deborah A. Kaminski. 257-262
- Extraction of the liver tumor in CT images by real coded genetic algorithm (RGA)Koji Nakamichi, Stephen Karungaru, Minoru Fukumi, Takuya Akashi, Yasue Mitsukura, Motokatsu Yasutomo. 259-264
- A high performance fuzzy logic architecture for UAV decision makingP. Wu, P. Narayan, D. Campbell, M. Lees, R. Walker. 263-268
- Pollen classification using RBF networksF. Kesgin, Yusuf Yaslan. 265-270
- First-order interval type-1 non-singleton type-2 TSK fuzzy logic systemsGerardo M. Mendez, Luis Adolfo Leduc, María de los Angeles Hernandez M.. 269-273
- Mass function initialization rules for ganoderma infection detection by tomography sensorM. S. Mazliham, Pierre Loonis, A. S. Idris. 271-276
- Training and extraction of fuzzy finite state automata in recurrent neural networksRohitash Chandra, Christian W. Omlin. 274-279
- Inspection of LCD light-guide plate using moment invariantsT.-K. Lin. 277-282
- Nine forms of andness/ornessJozo J. Dujmovic. 280-285
- Learning to classify structured data by graph propositionalizationThashmee Karunaratne, Henrik Boström. 283-288
- A Conceptual Model of an Artificially Intuitive Reasoning Engine for Ecosystem ControlY. C. Sun, R. Kok. 286-291
- An improved chinese handwriting recognition system using artificial neural networksL. Ji, J. J. Zhang. 289-294
- A scheme for identification computation of palm linesJ.-C. Yang, H. S. Kim. 292-297
- Generalization error of three layered learning model in bayesian estimationM. Aoyagi, S. Watanabe. 295-300
- Optical discontinuous fringe metrology by using a genetic algorithmFrancisco J. Cuevas, N. Alcalá, L. E. Toledo, Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela. 298-301
- An improved lower bound on identifying compelled edges in a DAGD. Wu. 301-306
- Path planning of a mobile robot in a distributed intensity domainS. Reddy P, S. Shukla, K. Aravind D., Anjan Kumar Dash. 302-307
- Learning to evaluate routes for AGVs in a port container terminalL. Choi, T. Park, J. Kang, K. R. Ryu. 307-312
- A novel cut detection strategy based on visual rhythmSandberg Marcel Santos, Herman Martins Gomes, Díbio Leandro Borges. 308-313
- Adaptive repeated measures modeling using likelihood cross-validationGeorge J. Knafl, K. P. Fennie, Patrick J. O malley. 313-318
- Feature parameters and confident weights for robust speech recognition under noisy environmentY. Ge, J. Niu, L. Ge, K. Shirai. 314-319
- A novel stochastic algorithm for scheduling workflows with QoS guarantees in a web service-oriented gridY. Patel, Jared L. Darlington. 319-324
- Robust speech recognition based on dynamical selectionsL. Ge, K. Shirai, Y. Ge. 320-325
- On building phonetically and prosodically rich speech corpus for text-to-speech synthesisJindrich Matousek, Jan Romportl. 325-330
- Isolated syllable recognition on mobile terminal devices based on akamatsu transformY. Takenaka, Stephen Karungaru, Minoru Fukumi, Norio Akamatsu. 326-331
- Automatic transcription of audio archives for spoken document retrievalPavel Ircing, Josef Psutka. 331-336
- Integrating high-speed skin color segmentation with active head trackingLeila Sabeti, Jason Z. Zhang, Q. M. Jonathan Wu. 332-337
- The usability of deployed telephone dialog systems: An evaluationA. Jameson. 337-342
- On large margin pocket algorithmsBernd-Jürgen Falkowski. 338-343
- AI and cognitive science can learn alot from language learning Leona F. Fass. 342-347
- Diagnostics of speech recognition using classification phoneme diagnostic treesMilos Cernak, Christian Wellekens. 343-348
- Experiments on automatic drug activity characterization using support vector classificationFrancesc J. Ferri, Wladimiro Díaz Villanueva, María José Castro Bleda. 344-349
- Eye direction by stereo image processing using corneal reflection on an irisK. Tsuji, M. Aoyagi. 348-352
- Combination of latent semantic analysis based language models for meeting recognitionMichael Pucher, Y. Huang. 349-354
- A dynamic storage method for stock transaction dataJ. Ni, C. Zhang. 350-355
- Two-layered speaker classification using dynamic bayesian networksChristian Müller. 355-359
- The blind and creating computer graphicsIvan Kopecek, Radek Oslejsek. 356-341
- Finding digest of rules: Towards data-driven data miningMarina Sapir, Mikhail Teverovskiy. 360-365
- Adaptive language model in automatic online subtitlingAles Prazák, Josef V. Psutka, Jan Hoidekr, Jakub Kanis, Ludek Müller, Josef Psutka. 366-370
- An architectural framework for natural language interfaces to agent systemsChristel Kemke. 371-376
- A comparison of hand-crafted semantic grammars versus statistical natural language parsing in domain-specific voice transcriptionCurry I. Guinn, D. Crist, H. St. Werth. 377-382
- Statistical language modeling with semantic classes for large vocabulary speech recognition in embedded systemsD. Oria, J. Olsen. 383-388
- A statistical method for correcting word order errors in greek textsTheologos Athanaselis, Stelios Bakamidis, Ioannis Dologlou. 389-394
- Augmented transition networks (ATNs) for dialog control: A longitudinal studyCurry I. Guinn, Robert C. Hubal. 395-400
- Towards estimating gene network using structure learningS. Zainudin, S. Deris. 436-441