Abstract is missing.
- On the Relation Between Legal Language and Legal Argument: Assumptions, Applicability and Dynamic PrioritiesHenry Prakken, Giovanni Sartor. 1-10 [doi]
- Teleological Reasoning in Reason-Based LogicJaap Hage. 11-20 [doi]
- Hart s Critics on Defeasible Concepts and AscriptivismRonald Prescott Loui. 21-30 [doi]
- Doing Things with FactorsVincent Aleven, Kevin D. Ashley. 31-41 [doi]
- Understanding Precedents in a Temporal Context of Evolving Legal DoctrineDonald H. Berman, Carole D. Hafner. 42-51 [doi]
- A Hybrid CBR-IR Approach to Legal Information RetrievalEdwina L. Rissland, Jody J. Daniels. 52-61 [doi]
- A Constraint-Driven System for Contract AssemblyAspassia Daskalopulu, Marek J. Sergot. 62-70 [doi]
- PLAID: Proactive Legal AssistanceTrevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Geof Staniford. 81-88 [doi]
- Decision Support for Sentencing in a Common Law JurisdictionNeil Hutton, A. Patterson, Cyrus Tata. 89-95 [doi]
- Making Way for Intelligence in Case SpacePhilip Greenspun, Marc Lauritsen. 96-103 [doi]
- Automated Legislative Drafting: Generating Paraphrases of LegislationRadboud Winkels, Nienke den Haan. 112-118 [doi]
- Information Filtering: The Computation of Similarities in Large Corpora of Legal TextsErich Schweighofer, Werner Winiwarter, Dieter Merkl. 119-126 [doi]
- Detecting Change in Legal ConceptsEdwina L. Rissland, M. Timur Friedman. 127-136 [doi]
- A Computational Framework for Dialectical ReasoningPierre St-Vincent, Daniel Poulin, Paul Bratley. 137-145 [doi]
- DiaLaw: A Dialogical Framework for Modeling Legal ReasoningArno R. Lodder, Aimée Herczog. 146-155 [doi]
- Burden of Proof in Legal ArgumentationArthur M. Farley, Kathleen Freeman. 156-164 [doi]
- From Logic to Dialectics in Legal ArgumentHenry Prakken. 165-174 [doi]
- Using Genetic Algorithms to Inductively Reason with Cases in the Legal DomainAnandeep Pannu. 175-184 [doi]
- The Split-Up System: Integrating Neural Networks and Rule-Based Reasoning in the Legal DomainJohn Zeleznikow, Andrew Stranieri. 185-194 [doi]
- Just Decisions Using Multiple Criteria Or: Who Gets the Porsche? An Application of Ronald R. Yager s Fuzzy Logic MethodLothar Philipps. 195-200 [doi]
- Solving Normative Conflicts by Merging RolesLaurence Cholvy, Frédéric Cuppens. 201-209 [doi]
- Obligations Directed from Bearers to CounterpartsHenning Herrestad, Christen Krogh. 210-218 [doi]
- Better Language, Better Thought, Better Communication: The A-Hohfeld Language for Legal AnalysisLayman E. Allen, Charles S. Saxon. 219-228 [doi]
- Intelligent Computer Systems for Criminal SentencingUri J. Schild. 229-238 [doi]
- Case Reconstruction Before AssessmentHenk de Bruijn, Radboud Winkels. 239-245 [doi]
- A Hybrid Knowledge Representation Approach to Reusability of Legal Knowledge BasesUlrich Reimer, Andreas Margelisch. 246-255 [doi]
- The Systematization of Legal Meta-InferenceHajime Yoshino. 266-275 [doi]
- An Implementation of Eisner v. MacomberL. Thorne McCarty. 276-286 [doi]
- New HELIC-II: A Software Tool for Legal EeasoningKatsumi Nitta, Masato Shibasaki, Tsuyoshi Sakata, Takahiro Yamaji, Wang Xianchang, Hiroshi Ohsaki, Satoshi Tojo, Iwao Kokubo, T. Anu Suzuki. 287-296 [doi]
- Automatically Processing Amendments to LegislationTimothy Arnold-Moore. 297-306 [doi]
- ON-LINE: An Architecture for Modelling Legal InformationAndré Valente, Joost Breuker. 307-315 [doi]
- Context Sensitive Case Comparisons in Practical Ethics: Reasoning About ReasonsBruce M. McLaren, Kevin D. Ashley. 316-325 [doi]