Abstract is missing.
- Ushering in a New Era of Algorithm DesignBernard Chazelle. 1 [doi]
- A proof-reading of Some Issues in CryptographyIvan Damgård. 2-11 [doi]
- Credentials-Based Authorization: Evaluation and ImplementationFred B. Schneider. 12-14 [doi]
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- Balanced Families of Perfect Hash Functions and Their ApplicationsNoga Alon, Shai Gutner. 435-446 [doi]
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- Complexity of the Cover PolynomialMarkus Bläser, Holger Dell. 801-812 [doi]
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- Bounded Depth Data TreesHenrik Björklund, Mikolaj Bojanczyk. 862-874 [doi]
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- On the Complexity of LtlModel-Checking of Recursive State MachinesSalvatore La Torre, Gennaro Parlato. 937-948 [doi]
- Paper Retraction: On the Hardness of Embeddings Between Two Finite MetricsMatthew Cary, Atri Rudra, Ashish Sabharwal. 949 [doi]