Abstract is missing.
- A Researcher's Digest of GQL (Invited Talk)Nadime Francis, Amélie Gheerbrant, Paolo Guagliardo, Leonid Libkin, Victor Marsault, Wim Martens, Filip Murlak, Liat Peterfreund, Alexandra Rogova, Domagoj Vrgoc. [doi]
- Finite-Cliquewidth Sets of Existential Rules: Toward a General Criterion for Decidable yet Highly Expressive QueryingThomas Feller 0001, Tim S. Lyon, Piotr Ostropolski-Nalewaja, Sebastian Rudolph. [doi]
- Work-Efficient Query Evaluation with PRAMsJens Keppeler, Thomas Schwentick, Christopher Spinrath. [doi]
- Uniform Reliability for Unbounded Homomorphism-Closed Graph QueriesAntoine Amarilli. [doi]
- The Complexity of the Shapley Value for Regular Path QueriesMajd Khalil, Benny Kimelfeld. [doi]
- Approximation and Semantic Tree-Width of Conjunctive Regular Path QueriesDiego Figueira, Rémi Morvan. [doi]
- Diversity of Answers to Conjunctive QueriesTimo Camillo Merkl, Reinhard Pichler, Sebastian Skritek. [doi]
- Enumerating Subgraphs of Constant Sizes in External MemoryShiyuan Deng, Francesco Silvestri 0001, Yufei Tao 0001. [doi]
- Probabilistic Query Evaluation with Bag SemanticsMartin Grohe, Peter Lindner 0001, Christoph Standke. [doi]
- Some Vignettes on Subgraph Counting Using Graph Orientations (Invited Talk)C. Seshadhri 0001. [doi]
- Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys and Conjunctive Queries with CountingAziz Amezian El Khalfioui, Jef Wijsen. [doi]
- Conjunctive Queries with Free Access Patterns Under UpdatesAhmet Kara 0002, Milos Nikolic 0001, Dan Olteanu, Haozhe Zhang. [doi]
- The Consistency of Probabilistic Databases with Independent CellsAmir Gilad, Aviram Imber, Benny Kimelfeld. [doi]
- Generalizing Greenwald-Khanna Streaming Quantile Summaries for Weighted InputsSepehr Assadi, Nirmit Joshi, Milind Prabhu, Vihan Shah. [doi]
- On Efficient Range-Summability of IID Random Variables in Two or Higher DimensionsJingfan Meng, Huayi Wang, Jun Xu 0014, Mitsunori Ogihara. [doi]
- Compact Data Structures Meet Databases (Invited Talk)Gonzalo Navarro. [doi]
- Size Bounds and Algorithms for Conjunctive Regular Path QueriesTamara Cucumides, Juan L. Reutter, Domagoj Vrgoc. [doi]
- A Simple Algorithm for Consistent Query Answering Under Primary KeysDiego Figueira, Anantha Padmanabha, Luc Segoufin, Cristina Sirangelo. [doi]
- Constant-Delay Enumeration for SLP-Compressed DocumentsMartin Muñoz, Cristian Riveros. [doi]
- Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization [doi]
- Space-Query Tradeoffs in Range Subgraph Counting and ListingShiyuan Deng, Shangqi Lu, Yufei Tao 0001. [doi]
- Degree Sequence Bound for Join Cardinality EstimationKyle Deeds, Dan Suciu, Magda Balazinska, Walter Cai. [doi]
- An Optimal Algorithm for Sliding Window Order StatisticsPavel Raykov. [doi]
- Absolute Expressiveness of Subgraph-Based Centrality MeasuresAndreas Pieris, Jorge Salas. [doi]
- How Do Centrality Measures Choose the Root of Trees?Cristian Riveros, Jorge Salas, Oskar Skibski. [doi]