Abstract is missing.
- Security and Privacy in the IoTElisa Bertino. 5
- Sensor Networks as the new Attack TargetNancy Cam-Winget. 7
- The Future of Information SecurityBart Preneel. 9
- An Anti-Phishing Kit Scheme for Secure Web TransactionsAbdul A. Orunsolu, Adesina Simon Sodiya. 15-24 [doi]
- Rest in Protection - A Kernel-level Approach to Mitigate RIP TamperingVincent Haupert, Tilo Müller. 25-37 [doi]
- Exploration of the Potential of Process Mining for Intrusion Detection in Smart MeteringGünther Eibl, Cornelia Ferner, Tobias Hildebrandt, Florian Stertz, Sebastian Burkhart, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Dominik Engel. 38-46 [doi]
- SELint: An SEAndroid Policy Analysis ToolElena Reshetova, Filippo Bonazzi, N. Asokan. 47-58 [doi]
- Gamification of Information Security Awareness and TrainingEyvind Garder B. Gjertsen, Erlend Andreas Gjære, Maria Bartnes, Waldo Rocha Flores. 59-70 [doi]
- Outsourcing Scheme of ABE Encryption Secure against Malicious AdversaryGo Ohtake, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Liang Feng Zhang. 71-82 [doi]
- User Feedback Analysis for Mobile Malware DetectionTal Hadad, Bronislav Sidik, Nir Ofek, Rami Puzis, Lior Rokach. 83-94 [doi]
- Attribute Permutation Steganography Detection using Attribute Position Changes CountIman Sedeeq, Frans Coenen, Alexei Lisitsa. 95-100 [doi]
- Towards an Understanding of the Misclassification Rates of Machine Learning-based Malware Detection SystemsNada Alruhaily, Behzad Bordbar, Tom Chothia. 101-112 [doi]
- SitAC - A System for Situation-aware Access Control - Controlling Access to Sensor DataMarc Hüffmeyer, Pascal Hirmer, Bernhard Mitschang, Ulf Schreier, Matthias Wieland. 113-125 [doi]
- Quantification of De-anonymization Risks in Social NetworksWei-Han Lee, Changchang Liu, Shouling Ji, Prateek Mittal, Ruby B. Lee. 126-135 [doi]
- A Methodology of Security Pattern Classification and of Attack-Defense Tree GenerationLoukmen Regainia, Sébastien Salva. 136-146 [doi]
- A Technique for Extraction and Analysis of Application Heap Objects within Android Runtime (ART)Alberto Magno Muniz Soares, Rafael Timóteo de Sousa Jr.. 147-156 [doi]
- CyTrONE: An Integrated Cybersecurity Training FrameworkRazvan Beuran, Cuong Pham, Dat Tang, Ken-ichi Chinen, Yasuo Tan, Yoichi Shinoda. 157-166 [doi]
- Analysis of Data Sharing AgreementsGianpiero Costantino, Fabio Martinelli, Ilaria Matteucci, Marinella Petrocchi. 167-178 [doi]
- Tracking Dependent Information FlowsZeineb Zhioua, Yves Roudier, Rabéa Ameur-Boulifa, Takoua Kechiche, Stuart Short. 179-189 [doi]
- On Usage Control in Relational Database Management Systems - Obligations and Their Enforcement in Joining DatasetsMortaza S. Bargh, Marco Vink, Sunil Choenni. 190-201 [doi]
- Distance-bounding IdentificationAhmad Ahmadi, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini. 202-212 [doi]
- From Situation Awareness to Action: An Information Security Management Toolkit for Socio-technical Security Retrospective and Prospective AnalysisJean-Louis Huynen, Gabriele Lenzini. 213-224 [doi]
- Improved Greedy Nonrandomness Detectors for Stream CiphersLinus Karlsson, Martin Hell, Paul Stankovski. 225-232 [doi]
- A Design of Secure and ReliableWireless Transmission Channel for Implantable Medical DevicesLake Bu, Mark G. Karpovsky. 233-242 [doi]
- System for Executing Encrypted Java ProgramsMichael Kiperberg, Amit Resh, Asaf Algawi, Nezer Jacob Zaidenberg. 245-252 [doi]
- Characterization of Tor Traffic using Time based FeaturesArash Habibi Lashkari, Gerard Draper-Gil, Mohammad Saiful Islam Mamun, Ali A. Ghorbani. 253-262 [doi]
- White-box Implementation of Stream CipherKazuhide Fukushima, Seira Hidano, Shinsaku Kiyomoto. 263-269 [doi]
- Traffic Statistics of a High-Bandwidth Tor Exit NodeMichael Sonntag, René Mayrhofer. 270-277 [doi]
- There's Wally! Location Tracking in Android without PermissionsEfthimios Alepis, Constantinos Patsakis. 278-284 [doi]
- Hypervisor based Memory Introspection: Challenges, Problems and LimitationsAndrei Lutas, Daniel Ticle, Octavian Cret. 285-294 [doi]
- Macro Malware Detection using Machine Learning Techniques - A New ApproachSergio de los Santos, José Torres. 295-302 [doi]
- Batch-verifiable Secret Sharing with Unconditional PrivacyStephan Krenn, Thomas Lorünser, Christoph Striecks. 303-311 [doi]
- A Collaborative Tool for Modelling Multi-stage AttacksIan Herwono, Fadi Ali El-Moussa. 312-317 [doi]
- Assessing Information Security Risks using Pairwise WeightingHenrik Karlzén, Johan E. Bengtsson, Jonas Hallberg. 318-324 [doi]
- Towards Confidentiality-strengthened Personalized Genomic Medicine Embedding Homomorphic CryptographyKalpana Singh, Renaud Sirdey, François Artiguenave, David Cohen, Sergiu Carpov. 325-333 [doi]
- Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National Cyber Security CentersTimea Pahi, Maria Leitner, Florian Skopik. 334-345 [doi]
- Longkit - A Universal Framework for BIOS/UEFI Rootkits in System Management ModeJulian Rauchberger, Robert Luh, Sebastian Schrittwieser. 346-353 [doi]
- Privacy Preserving Transparent Mobile AuthenticationJulien Hatin, Estelle Cherrier, Jean-Jacques Schwartzmann, Christophe Rosenberger. 354-361 [doi]
- Non-interactive Privacy-preserving k-NN ClassifierHilder V. L. Pereira, Diego F. Aranha. 362-371 [doi]
- Network and Topology Models to Support IDS Event ProcessingJörg Kippe, Steffen Pfrang. 372-379 [doi]
- Enhancing Accuracy of Android Malware Detection using Intent InstrumentationShahrooz Pooryousef, Morteza Amini. 380-388 [doi]
- A Review of Risk Identification Approaches in the Telecommunication DomainAhmed Seid Yesuf. 389-396 [doi]
- Design of an Anomaly-based Threat Detection & Explication SystemRobert Luh, Sebastian Schrittwieser, Stefan Marschalek, Helge Janicke. 397-402 [doi]
- Fingerprint Class Recognition for Securing EMV TransactionBenoît Vibert, Jean-Marie Le Bars, Christophe Rosenberger, Christophe Charrier. 403-410 [doi]
- Towards Optimized Security-aware (O-Sec) VM Placement AlgorithmsMotlatsi i Isaac Thulo, Jan H. P. Eloff. 411-422 [doi]
- Privacy Preserving Data Classification using Inner-product Functional EncryptionDamien Ligier, Sergiu Carpov, Caroline Fontaine, Renaud Sirdey. 423-430 [doi]
- Why Snoopy Loves Online Services: An Analysis of (Lack of) Privacy in Online ServicesVittoria Cozza, Zisis Tsiatsikas, Mauro Conti, Georgios Kambourakis. 431-438 [doi]
- Real-time DSP Implementations of Voice Encryption AlgorithmsCristina-Loredana Duta, Laura Gheorghe, Nicolae Tapus. 439-446 [doi]
- Limited Use Cryptographic Tokens in Securing Ephemeral Cloud ServersGautam Kumar, Brent Lagesse. 447-454 [doi]
- Malware Detection based on Graph ClassificationKhanh-Huu-The Dam, Tayssir Touili. 455-463 [doi]
- Extending the Same Origin Policy with Origin AttributesTanvi Vyas, Andrea Marchesini, Christoph Kerschbaumer. 464-473 [doi]
- Platform-agnostic Low-intrusion Optical Data ExfiltrationArthur Costa Lopes, Diego F. Aranha. 474-480 [doi]
- Memory Forensics of Insecure Android Inter-app CommunicationsMark Vella, Rachel Cilia. 481-486 [doi]
- Machine Learning Meets iOS Malware: Identifying Malicious Applications on Apple EnvironmentAniello Cimitile, Fabio Martinelli, Francesco Mercaldo. 487-492 [doi]
- On the Security of Safety-critical Embedded Systems: Who Watches the Watchers? Who Reprograms the Watchers?Carlos Moreno, Sebastian Fischmeister. 493-498 [doi]
- Distributed Protocols at the Rescue for Trustworthy Online VotingRobert Riemann, Stéphane Grumbach. 499-505 [doi]
- Enhanced Identification of Sensitive User Inputs in Mobile ApplicationsMashael Aldayel, Mohammad Alhussain. 506-515 [doi]
- A Formal Model of Web Security Showing Malicious Cross Origin Requests and Its Mitigation using CORPKrishna Chaitanya Telikicherla, Akash Agrawall, Venkatesh Choppella. 516-523 [doi]
- Brute Force Cryptanalysis of MIFARE Classic Cards on GPUCihangir Tezcan. 524-528 [doi]
- Cyber-interdependency in Smart Energy SystemsRazgar Ebrahimy, Zoya Pourmirza. 529-537 [doi]
- Health Information Exchange and Related IT-security Practices in European HospitalsSylvestre Uwizeyemungu, Placide Poba-Nzaou. 538-545 [doi]
- Security Issues with BACnet Value HandlingMatthew Peacock, Michael N. Johnstone, Craig Valli. 546-552 [doi]
- Secure APIs for Applications in Microkernel-based SystemsMohammad Hamad, Vassilis Prevelakis. 553-558 [doi]
- Stealth Address and Key Management Techniques in Blockchain SystemsNicolas T. Courtois, Rebekah Mercer. 559-566 [doi]
- Improving the Automatic Identification of Malicious Android Apps in Unofficial Stores through Logo AnalysisL. Vollero, D. Biondo, R. Setola, Gianluca Bocci, Rocco Mammoliti, A. Toma. 567-572 [doi]
- Identity Deception Detection on Social Media PlatformsEstée van der Walt, Jan H. P. Eloff. 573-578 [doi]
- Breaking a Hitag2 Protocol with Low Cost TechnologyV. Gayoso Martínez, Luis Hernández Encinas, Agustín Martín Muñoz, J. Zhang. 579-584 [doi]
- Towards a Privacy Scorecard - Initial Design Exemplified on an Intelligent Transport Systems ServiceAida Omerovic, Marit Kjøsnes Natvig, Isabelle C. R. Tardy. 585-593 [doi]
- Hacking of the AES with Boolean FunctionsMichel Dubois, Eric Filiol. 599-609 [doi]
- Glassbox: Dynamic Analysis Platform for Malware Android Applications on Real DevicesPaul Irolla, Eric Filiol. 610-621 [doi]
- Mathematical Backdoors in Symmetric Encryption Systems - Proposal for a Backdoored AES-like Block CipherArnaud Bannier, Eric Filiol. 622-631 [doi]
- Sequitur-based Inference and Analysis Framework for Malicious System BehaviorRobert Luh, Gregor Schramm, Markus Wagner 0008, Sebastian Schrittwieser. 632-643 [doi]
- Localization and Inhibition of Malicious Behaviors through a Model Checking based MethodologyMario Giovanni C. A. Cimino, Gigliola Vaglini. 644-652
- Static and Dynamic Analysis of Android MalwareAnkita Kapratwar, Fabio Di Troia, Mark Stamp. 653-662 [doi]
- "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who is the Fairest One of All?" - Machine Learning versus Model Checking: A Comparison between Two Static Techniques for Malware Family IdentificationVittoria Nardone, Corrado Aaron Visaggio. 663-672 [doi]
- Identifying Mobile Repackaged Applications through Formal MethodsFabio Martinelli, Francesco Mercaldo, Vittoria Nardone, Antonella Santone, Corrado Aaron Visaggio. 673-682 [doi]
- On the Detection of Replay Attacks in Industrial Automation Networks Operated with Profinet IOSteffen Pfrang, David Meier. 683-693 [doi]
- Internal Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection through Host ClusteringW. J. B. Beukema, T. Attema, H. A. Schotanus. 694-703 [doi]
- Verifying Data Secure Flow in AUTOSAR Models by Static AnalysisCinzia Bernardeschi, Marco Di Natale, Gianluca Dini, Maurizio Palmieri. 704-713 [doi]
- Extracting Android Malicious BehaviorsKhanh-Huu-The Dam, Tayssir Touili. 714-723 [doi]