Abstract is missing.
- Enhancing Dependability Through Flexible Adaptation to Changing RequirementsMichel Wermelinger, Georgios Koutsoukos, Hugo Lourenço, Richard Avillez, João Gouveia, Luis Filipe Andrade, José Luiz Fiadeiro. 3-24 [doi]
- A Self-optimizing Run-Time Architecture for Configurable Dependability of ServicesMatthias Tichy, Holger Giese. 25-50 [doi]
- Achieving Critical System Survivability Through Software ArchitecturesJohn C. Knight, Elisabeth A. Strunk. 51-78 [doi]
- Reliability Support for the Model Driven ArchitectureGenaína Nunes Rodrigues, Graham Roberts, Wolfgang Emmerich. 79-98 [doi]
- Supporting Dependable Distributed Applications Through a Component-Oriented Middleware-Based Group ServiceKatia B. Saikoski, Geoff Coulson. 99-122 [doi]
- Architecting Distributed Control Applications Based on (Re-)Configurable MiddlewareGeert Deconinck, Vincenzo De Florio, Ronnie Belmans. 123-143 [doi]
- A Dependable Architecture for COTS-Based Software Systems Using Protective WrappersPaulo Asterio de Castro Guerra, Cecília M. F. Rubira, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Rogério de Lemos. 144-166 [doi]
- A Framework for Reconfiguration-Based Fault-Tolerance in Distributed SystemsStefano Porcarelli, Marco Castaldi, Felicita Di Giandomenico, Andrea Bondavalli, Paola Inverardi. 167-190 [doi]
- On Designing Dependable Services with Diverse Off-the-Shelf SQL ServersIlir Gashi, Peter T. Popov, Vladimir Stankovic, Lorenzo Strigini. 191-214 [doi]
- A Model and a Design Approach to Building QoS Adaptive SystemsPaul D. Ezhilchelvan, Santosh K. Shrivastava. 215-240 [doi]
- Quantifiable Software Architecture for Dependable Systems of SystemsSheldon X. Liang, Joseph Puett, Luqi. 241-265 [doi]
- Dependability Modeling of Self-healing Client-Server ApplicationsOlivia Das, C. Murray Woodside. 266-285 [doi]
- Multi-view Software Component Modeling for DependabilityRoshanak Roshandel, Nenad Medvidovic. 286-306 [doi]
- A Dependable Open Platform for Industrial Robotics - A Case StudyGoran Mustapic, Johan Andersson, Christer Norström, Anders Wall. 307-329 [doi]
- Model Driven Architecture - An Industry PerspectiveChris Raistrick, Tony Bloomfield. 330-359 [doi]